Beasts of Beyond
AND IT PAINS ME JUST TO HEAR YOU SAY IT // Open to all - Printable Version

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AND IT PAINS ME JUST TO HEAR YOU SAY IT // Open to all - Ares - 08-04-2022

The empty plains, blades of grass highlighted by the midday sun, shifted around as the large raptor moved, wings folded in and arms tucked to her body. With a shake of her head she snorted and stopped, eyeing the sky above, staring at the growing storm to her assumed north. The mountain ranges beneath the storm cloud appear smaller, or at least shadowed by the storm, perhaps shadowed in fear.

Fear. Fear is what drove Ares from Tanglewood. Fear for the safety of her friends, her family. Fear for Dion's safety, Aesior's, Cory's, all of their safety while she resided in the swamp. Even after all those years, she still couldn't control herself, control the anger that made her so unholy. So unworthy of the company of others. She stopped. Wings twitched and she looked around. Sunlight glinted off her ram horns and she rumbled.

Lips peeling back in a mild snarl, the beast let out a low screech, a warning to anyone around her. To stay away.

Re: AND IT PAINS ME JUST TO HEAR YOU SAY IT // Open to all - Wrathmange - 08-05-2022

[glow=#212330,4,1000]If I had a heart I could love you...[/glow]
Despite her best efforts, the thin, lupine stranger whose conviction rarely wavered could not pull herself together so easily as before. Everything had been taken from her, and though her vigil had gone very well, it had not changed the way she felt; it had not changed anything at all. Her heart still ached, her thoughts still invaded. Wrathmange was a wreck. And, despite the best efforts of those she had met, beneath the surface she was yet inconsolable. Enough time had not passed, and yet the path she walked - which she still could not see - stretched timelessly onward. [glow=white,2,100]"Where does this new path lead? Oh great One, the uncertainty sets such trepidation in my heart,"[/glow] the wolf said, having lifted her face to the bright, silent heavens. As sunlight warmed the white furry cape on her back, she closed her eyes and drew in long, deep breaths. The plains were still today, for the most part, though given the storm she had seen brewing far up ahead, she figured they may not be for long. Thus far, her exploration across this land had been relatively smooth, even - dare she say - pleasant. However, despite the pleasantries and the conversations, Wrathmange could not help but hesitate.

No land is without its monsters, she thought. Perhaps I am one... At this thought, she shook her head defiantly and proceeded again through the grasses. Not two steps further, she heard a snarl, like nothing which had ever touched her ears before. Was it The One? What? Of course not-- but... Well-- Once again, despite her best efforts to ignore her thoughts, she found herself compelled. Curiosity, it was always said, is a rewarding venture... But only to an extent. Would she overextend in her curiosity today? Slowly, carefully now, she prowled toward the sound and scent of another. True, she had smelled them faintly before, but now her senses were more attuned to what could be described as a very distinct scent, now she was more aware of her surroundings. Ears pricked and body low, the ashy grey beast stalked quietly over, and paused perhaps 50 paces away. [glow=white,2,100]"Are you The One?"[/glow] As soon as she said it, she regretted it. How stupid to assume, and even if this creature was the deity she devoted her entire existence to, what kind of first impression would that be!? Her initial eagerness waned into nervousness. What if she had just made an incredible fool of herself in front of The One? Wrathmange chastised herself silently, and made a mental note about doing penance later. In order to keep her grave shallow, she remained silent until gaining a response.

[glow=white,2,100]"idle chatter"[/glow] | [member=16769]Ares[/member] | OOC
[glow=#212330,4,1000]More, give me more, give me more.[/glow]

Re: AND IT PAINS ME JUST TO HEAR YOU SAY IT // Open to all - Ares - 08-05-2022

Eyes turned to face the canine, feathers raising apprehensively before she relaxed. The beast squinted in confusion, "The One...?" she hissed, shaking out her feathers.

"No." she spoke, wings ruffling. "who is... The One?" the beast spoke through broken words, fire flickering between arm feathers. She took a deep breath to relax.

Re: AND IT PAINS ME JUST TO HEAR YOU SAY IT // Open to all - Wrathmange - 08-07-2022

[glow=#212330,4,1000]If I had a heart I could love you...[/glow]
Oh thank goodness! The relief she felt was visible down to the very tilt of her ears and the idle shuffling of her paws as she shifted her weight with a sigh.  Casting off her trepidation with a toss of her head and a good shake-off, Wrathmange prepared to give this strange creature the explanation of a lifetime. She was eager to spread the good word of The One to anyone who would listen.

[glow=white,2,100]"Oh, The One is the source of prosperity and plenty! Their six, all-seeing eyes peer upon us, and like suns, they burn away all pretense and facades to see the truth of our beings!"[/glow] Wrathmange grew more passionate by the minute. She stepped forward in earnest, ears perked, gaze unwavering, and with an enthusiasm that could power an entire village, continued to explain. [glow=white,2,100]"Every prey you catch, each full meal you receive, is by the work of The One; a blessing upon you who serve Them well and keep the balance. We all, in one way or another, serve The One in a peripheral manner..."[/glow] She considered for a moment the idea of The One looking out for those uninitiated beings who wander the world, pausing just long enough to glance over at the other beast whose whole demeanor screamed unease. Was that-- fire!? on their feathers? Oh, she definitely wanted to know who this strange creature before her. That meant, she would have to shut her mouth for a moment and let the other speak. Clearing her throat, she muttered something vaguely apologetic and sat back on her haunches with a gesture of her paw to indicate she was receptive to introductions or other such idle chatter.

[glow=white,2,100]"idle chatter"[/glow] | Tag | OOC
[glow=#212330,4,1000]More, give me more, give me more.[/glow]

Re: AND IT PAINS ME JUST TO HEAR YOU SAY IT // Open to all - Ares - 08-07-2022

The beast recoiled in surprise at Wrathmange's enthusiasm, a silent look of panic on her face. Was she not scared? It seemed to be the case, since the wolf started going off about this 'The One' for quite a while. The mentions of any sort of god made her squirm, and Ares quickly looked away, then looked back. "Ah.." She shook herself and the fires extinguished.

Seeing the other become silence and gesture to Ares made her relax slightly, but she still eyed Wrathmange constantly. "Uh- yes.. I'm Ares." She paced idly, realizing she was very much not good at small talk. "What's your.. uhm.. What's your name?" And she wanted to kick herself in the jaw for being so unsocialble. Come on, she was about three years old now, even being dead didn't mean she shouldn't know how to speak to others.

Re: AND IT PAINS ME JUST TO HEAR YOU SAY IT // Open to all - Wrathmange - 08-11-2022

[glow=#212330,4,1000]If I had a heart I could love you...[/glow]
As an avid apostle of The One, Mange could talk about Them for a good long while. As an intelligent and calculating beast, she could take a hint about such enthusiasm being mostly unwanted. While it hurt a little that one may not want to hear about her deity, she could get past the weak pang of offense easily for the sake of a pleasant conversation or a potential new friendship. The strange creature asked her name. [glow=white,2,100]"Ah, they call me Wrathmange. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ares,"[/glow] the she-wolf replied warmly, trying Ares's name out on her tongue. She liked it; it tasted like power and beauty, and felt like an imminent storm - much like the one gracing the mountains.

They had only just met, so Wrathmange refrained from pushing too much more about The One, but she did hazard one last mention of Them in passing as she tilted her head. [glow=white,2,100]"Perhaps it was fate that I meet you, a mighty beast worthy of the gaze of The One. What brings you out here, then?"[/glow] Mange asked, glancing over at the mountains then back at Ares. She stood quietly and without hesitation began to slowly circle her new acquaintance, suffused with curiosity; she made sure to keep her body loose and her gaze soft, her movements fluid but not predatory. Hopefully, the bit of fear she smelled upon Ares would wane with familiarity. Her own relative unfamiliarity with this world seemed a bit daunting at times, and in the quiet hours of the day, she could hear her thoughts too well. But a social woman was she, and being so, she was inclined more to make friends than to retreat into herself or into the far and untouched reaches of the land.

[glow=white,2,100]"idle chatter"[/glow] | Tag | OOC
[glow=#212330,4,1000]More, give me more, give me more.[/glow]