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theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - Printable Version

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theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - galexiux - 05-31-2018

c:\ Start_up_sequence...

c:\ Booting_up.exe


Reboot successful.

My world flicked to life at the drop of a hat. Ouch... Everything was suddenly so bright and saturated... Who the heck woke up like this?? I groaned, suddenly overwhelmed by the amount of light and color I could see. What the heck happened? I can't even remember. Well... This could be bad. This wasn't some sort of movie where the protagonist got amnesia. This was real life. I sighed, stretching my white paws on the dirt beneath me. I slowly stood up, a low throbbing pain shooting down my spine. My head was so heavy... What did I do last night? I slowly shook my head, trying to rid of the quiet whirls and whines I heard. What the heck was that, anyways? I sighed. Okay, White. Start with the basics.

Well. My name is Whitenoise.... W-whitenoise...... U-uh.... Aw damn it. I sigh, reaching up to massage my aching temples. I couldn't even remember my own last name! That was just sad. Well... Anyways. I'm fifteen years old and I'm a tuxedo cat. I'm lost in some weird flower feild somewhere next to a river. ...River...

... River, river, river...

What was it about rivers that put me on edge so much? I took a slow step towards the bank, tilting my head. I just couldn't put my paw on it, no matter how hard I tried. I could feel the rush of a current around me. Two of them. Both water and electricity. ... Electricity? Why electricity?  That was oddly specific. It all became clear to me when I saw my own reflection. I screamed, jumping back a few feet and instantly crying out in pain. I had a tv on my head. Well. Just a monitor anyways. ... What the hell? Was this some sort of sick joke? I can... sorta remember this for as long as I can remember. I could see dark hallways and I could hear screaming and saw blades. I groaned, reaching up to massage my head... screen?... screen. It was probably best not to think about it too much.

  I replaced the lost steps back over to the water's edge, reaching a paw up to rub at the surface of the glass. I must of short circuited when I went for a swim. Perhaps that's why I can't remember anything. Maybe... I was shocked to see the screen project a question mark at my confusion, and then an exclamation mark at my discovery. I couldn't help but feel a little tickled at my reflection, previous turmoil already forgotten. Ah!! It turned into a little smiling cat! Look! It's gray! I laughed a bit at the pictures my screen showed up at me. It must be connected to my thoughts then. How cute.

The question mark returned as I noticed small wires protruding from the box. My tail swished as I raised my neck to the best of my ability to get a better look. They're... connected to my neck: dug under my skin. ... Gross. I shiver, deciding to keep my paws away from those wires. They could be the only thing keeping me alive for all I know. My screen falls to a simple cloud screen saver as I fall to though.

I guess I should find out where I am. Meet the locals and stuff. One thing I do remember is how territorial locals are in this area. I hum, peering around. This place was strange. It was large and open like there was no one here for a thousand miles yet there was a giant observatory off in the distance. I'm not good at looking right now (was my camera covered in dust?), but I can see it's well maintenance for, probably, such an old building. It can't be abandoned, could it? Maybe it was a light of hope. I took a few steps forward, whining silently at my aching back. Why does everything hurt so much?? A few steps turned into a few dozen. A few dozen into a few hundred. I must have been at least a 30 minute walk away from the observatory. I hope I wasn't passing any sort of barrier. That crazy man decided to give me cyber advanced senses of all kind but forgot smell. I guess it would be a bit weird if I could smell, though.

I hummed. Perhaps... I-i should just stop. I don't wanna get in trouble, after all. The last thing I want right now is to get yelled at by a bunch of strangers. My ears pin back at the thought (oh hey! I still have control over my ears! Sweet!!). I sigh, turning my face down to the dirt. I paw at it for a few moments before turning up. Hello? I call out, my voice rough and scratchy. It sounded like I was speaking through some sort of old radio. How gross! Even if someone could hear me they probably couldn't even understand what I was saying! Hellooo! I repeated, hoping someone was around. I grew nervous, my tail swishing. What if they were mad? I was always told stories as a kit how upset clan cats could get (I had a childhood?). Perhaps... they were feeling generous today? I honestly had no idea what I was doing, where I am or frankly who I was. Is anyone there?? I called. I could hear the sound of rain out of my speakers. Quiet thunderclaps filled my ears. Oh. My screen must be raining. I was feeling a bit nervous I suppose. ... Okay maybe a little nervous. .. Maybe a lot nervous. Please let these cats be nice. Or dogs. Or heck! I'll take a nice parakeet! I just don't want any trouble. My shouders bunched up, a quiet whine escaping my throat. My tail thudded quietly against the ground. I truly was a nervous wreck when it came to people. I always was.  Just... no trouble... Please.

// I'll let you decide whether they ended up behind the border or not c:
I'm cool either way tbh. Glad to be here and I hope I get to know you all well. ♥


Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - Margaery - 05-31-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery had come to the conclusion that Suiteheart's border markers either worked or they didn't. It was true that a great deal of joiners had resorted to waiting upon their borders until someone showed up in the wake of their construction but there still were a few individuals that either got confused and passed them or disregarded them completely. As she heard the voice - a strange, radio like voice - she wondered which category they fell into. Trespassers of any sort really weren't taken kindly by the Starstruck Guardian until they proved that they were peaceful. There were too many Ascendants that she cared deeply for here... she didn't think she would ever feel comfortable knowing that a trespasser could come along and sink a knife into their chests like Raven had to Roy just a few short weeks ago.

On the bright side, the one who's voice she heard didn't appear to sound troublesome. In fact, it possessed a certain questioning curiosity that brought Margaery from the flowers that she was attending to and towards the source. As she halted before Whitenose, white roses would bud and blossom at her paws, a quizzical look of her own embracing her chocolate features. She had seen many things in her lifetime - monsters, demons, even poor Bobblehead who had visited them once before - but never any creature with a television monitor as a head. Margaery contemplated briefly the implications of such before permitting an almost forced smile to bloom upon her face.

[color=#b14767]"Name and business? This is the Ascendants territory," She supplied quietly, her darkening gaze never once leaving that screen. Its screen appeared to be raining, much to the intrigue of the pregnant fae, and she was half tempted to ask them about it. Perhaps that would be rude though and Margaery, already aware of the fact that her moodiness and general, well, rudeness was exemplified greatly by her pregnancy, instead opted to share her name.

[color=#b14767]"I'm Margaery Mikaelson, by the way."

(welcome!! we're happy to have you!!)

Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-31-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
This was certainly a interested sight. First an animal with a ball around their head, now a tuxedo cat with a television screen over their head. Curiosity and pity could been seen in her eyes as she had approached but she had decided to not make direct eye contact, so her pity wouldn't show.

"Lunafreya, but Luna is ok." She introduced herself before falling silent and watching for the stranger's answer to Margaery's question.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - galexiux - 05-31-2018

  I screamed out in shock as the two ladies were suddenly in front of me. I fell back, hissing as my screen crackled and sparked with static. It wasn't too happy about being thrown on the ground either. I slowly stood up, rapping at the side of the box a handful of times to get the static to clear. I slowly shook my head, whines of protest escaping my speakers. I was so focused in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice the two showing up. Now I felt bad...

  Ignoring the sound of rain and thunder emitted from my own speakers, my voice called out. U-uh.. I hummed nervously, My name is Whitenoise. You can call me White. I slowly observe the area around him. Where am I? H-how did I get here? You guys are clan cats right? Y-you're not going to hurt me right? My ears pin back, an extra question mark appearing on my screen with each question. My ears were ringing. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, yet my blood ran cold. It was almost as if it wasn't blood running  through my veins. But... that was impossible. I was still just a cat, after all. White was my birthname alone. But... he added noise to the end. Some sort of sick technology joke.



  I shivered. The sound of blood hitting the floor. The sound of mechanical whirls and screams of pain. I don't want to think about that. I don't wanna remember. Please dont make me remember...


Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - Suiteheart - 05-31-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]As she viewed the scene from a few yards off, Suiteheart briefly wondered if there would ever be an end to these odd joiners. First and foremost was Bobblehead. That strange serval had somehow gotten his head stuck into of a metal ball. Next had been Pitou. She was some insect/feline crossbred. And now was Whitenoise.

Suiteheart didn't want to stop and curse herself for realizing her border markers hadn't worked. This creature had simply strolled passed, not caring about the obviously marked signs. She flicked an ear as she realized she was, indeed, thinking about it. Hm. She tried not to be too upset, for she had only done it to sooth the terrible thoughts in her mind. It had worked in that moment. Now, she had other things to worry about like her pregnant wife or the fact that Maes was dead too. She frowned deeply, heavily. Deciding it was best not to dwell on these terrible thoughts, she exited her hiding place, joining Margaery and Lunafreya as Whitenoise began to speak.

"Like Margaery said, this is the Ascendants territory. You're in our Flower Fields," she explained, falling in beside her wife. "And yeah. Clan cats. We won't hurt you unless you give reason." Her tone was matter-of-fact, but it was not unwelcoming. In fact, she offered him a smile as if to banish his worries. [color=#99182C][b]"I'm Suiteheart.

"So, Whitnoise. You just passing through, or are you joining?"

Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - Margaery - 06-01-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Their scream was enough to send Margaery rearing back, alarm present within her gaze as she attempted to make sense of what had just occurred. Were they that easily frightened? Or did she and Luna underestimate how frightening they actually looked? Seeing as the latter seemed implausible, she settled on believing the former, a frown twisting her chocolate hued lips as she further contemplated this situation. The sound of rain and thunder was a bit... unsettling, but she managed to ignore it anyways, instead tuning into the hum of their voice.

She had been ready to respond when Suiteheart arrived and beat her to it, causing a faux look of disappointment to temporarily embrace her features. Margaery merely bobbed her head along with her wife's words, though she didn't hide her shock about once more being considered a clan cat. It had been a while since she had even thought of that... being a part of a clan. The Ascendants was more of a group if anything else to the girl, even a family, by some stretch of the imagination. [color=#b14767]"You're more than welcome to stay here if you'd like," She offered finally, dismissing her thoughts to finally try out a smile in their direction, [color=#b14767]"We live in that Observatory you probably see in the distance."

Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - BASTILLEPAW - 06-01-2018

Early on, when it had mostly just been Starry and Bast, they'd encountered an odd creature somewhat like this one. She had a satellite on her head, however, and he supposed that made a difference. So, Bastille didn't look too bothered as he joined them, pale stare flickering over the computer monitor with little interest. He felt neither shock nor intrigue, but then again, he didn't feel much of anything these days unless it was in the extremes. "We can place you in either the main Observatory or the bunker," he added, looking fairly bored as he kept his distance from Margy -- for one thing, he didn't want to tempt Pollie, and for another, he knew she'd be the most likely to smell the faint traces of alcohol on him. A pause. "I'm Bast."

Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - Warringkingdoms - 06-01-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The Ascendants seemed to attract a lot of lost travelers, but this one was the most unusual as of yet. How an otherwise-normal feline had gotten a television screen attached to their head was anyone’s guess, let alone how that screen worked or how the feline was still able to talk and breathe. Still, it would probably be improper to ask about that now, when the stranger was confused and frightened enough already. Rin had discovered that she was a lot of things, but she was fairly certain that a mad scientist was not one of them.

  As she approached, she settled on simply saying, ”Pleased to meet you. I’m Warringkingdoms, but you can call me Rin.” Saying anything more would risk overloading White with too much information, and he had already been through quite a lot.

  /tired ish-post
  /but welcome, yo ^^

Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - galexiux - 06-03-2018

  I took a step back, a sweat breaking down my back. There were so many people. Where did they all come from? They wanted to hurt me, didn't they? They were circling me. One by one, they formed a barrier. They were sitting side by side. Plotting. Scheming. Dangerous. Vicious. I took another step back, my screen slowly fading to static. My breathing accelerated. My heart was caught in my throat.

  Somebody! Help me!

  ... But no one answered. I was alone. I took a deep breath, forcing my fear side. I shakily raised a paw, rasping at the side of the plastic, causing the static to fade back to one of my idle animations (a cute sunset). I-i... I whined, unable to find my voice. I felt like i was choking. Something was caught around my throat. I coughed, reaching up and clawing at the various wires poked in and threaded through me. My ears pinned back. J-join... Please. I inhaled sharply, my screen changing to show a rapid heart beat. I-i get.... I inhaled, S-sensory overload...


Re: theme of a really cool bird [...] joining - Suiteheart - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart watched as the sunset appeared on the screen Whitenoise wore. A curious look plastered itself on her features, but that expression morphed into a look of concern as the sunset was replaced by a fast-beating heart. That... didn't seem good. She watched, wide-eyed and in shock, as the creature began to freak out. "Whoa, hey, hey, it's alright," she said, breaking rank and stepping slowly forward. The poor kid was already overwhelmed, so she saw no need to sprint forward and make it worse.

"You're free to join, kiddo. No worries, alright?" She gave him a soft, friendly smile. "Sorry we all freaked you out, Whitenoise. We just love new faces, which is why we all turn out if we can."