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STARRY, STARRY NIGHT / open - Printable Version

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STARRY, STARRY NIGHT / open - Amren - 05-30-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
Night had just barely fallen when Amren Archeron decided to abandon her tiny house and prowl the streets that lined the docks. She was practically glowing in the faint evening light, her smoky silver eyes gleaming with some unidentifiable emotion as she continued along, not particularly in search of anything but a way to occupy her time. Most of the merchants had begun to pack up for the day though, taking their wares and stashing them away in locked chests or bags which they intended to bring home with them. She hadn't exactly come out to buy anything, now that she thought about it, but purchasing a new diamond would certainly have been a way to kill time.

It was no matter though, not when the scent of freshly cooked food caught her attention and brought her to a more populated place. Rolling her eyes, she would begin to elbow her way towards the source, withdrawing her wallet in an attempt to appease this weak mortal form before a tiny, almost inaudible bark caught her attention. Her gaze would immediately be drawn to an alley way where a trembling form rested, it's violet eyes the only thing she could make out in the gloom.

She had seen those eyes before...


Immediately, thoughts of entertaining her hunger were forgotten as she slowly approached it, grateful that the thing did not shy away from her rather intimidating presence. It was but a puppy - a little black lab - and surprisingly enough, the ancient spitfire that was Amren could only smile at it. [b][color=#414a4c]"Rhysand," She extended lightly, patting the top of its head, [color=#414a4c]"You're mine now, boy." And then, she scooped it up in her arms and began her fast-paced walk home.

Re: STARRY, STARRY NIGHT / open - ♕leopold♕ - 05-30-2018

Another walk with Peanut, another few hours of following the pom pom wherever she went. Leo wondered why he still had stomach chub when he walked so much with his lovely pomeranian. Shouldn't it have burned off by now? The blueblood sighed to himself as he walked along behind his pooch, pausing when she paused, speeding up when she did. And then the little ball of fluff ran off and the supposed-to-be prince was forced to run after her, scuffing up his shoes and messing up his clothes.

The man ran around a corner after her and paused, seeing.. A tiny woman?? This was what Peanut had been so interested in?? The little dog jumped up against Amren's legs, yapping loudly as she seemingly danced around her. Leopold ran a hand through his hair and straightened his clothes as he tried to walk calmly over, icy eyes squinting to see whatever the lady was carrying.

"Is that a puppy??" His voice squeaked as he gave up all attempts at appearing like the well poised prince he was supposed to be. Leo rushed forward to look closer at the dog, lifting his own dog into his arms in the movement. "Can I pet it? What's it's name? How long have you had it? What breed is it?" This would've been the only situation that Leo would actually ask permission to do something in, free hand hovering over the puppy as he awaited Amren's go ahead to pet the little thing. The man was even slightly slouched, too excited and happy about the dog to care about his current appearance. "Ohh, please please please let me pet it ma'am!"


Re: STARRY, STARRY NIGHT / open - CAIN - 05-31-2018

[Image: Cads1fI.png]
Cain had a dog, once -- a small German Shepard named Anubis, who he raised from a pup and later lost to cruel soldiers. He had been fond of the dog then, taking to him instantly with a shared sense of loyalty, and losing Ani had been one of the first times he felt something surge in his soul: something dark and chaotic and cruel. He tended to look back on how he had changed so much and looked to that moment and remembered the sickening realization that good guys rarely won or were happy. Losing Ani had not, however, ruined all dogs for him -- he fed strays when he saw them and let them sleep in the lower portion of the Command Center, and still felt a flicker of affection when he encountered new dogs.

So, it was with open amusement that he stopped beside Leo and Amren, eyeing the puppy she had claimed for herself. She really didn't strike him as the sort to drop everything to dote on a small, cute animal, but hey -- she surprised him all the time. "He's pretty," he greeted, falling into step beside the short girl as he studied the little lab with interest. Strange eyes on that one, but this was radiation territory, so it wasn't unexpected. He grinned lopsidedly and teased, "I didn't know you had it in you to care for anyone else, Reni."
[Image: Yc7IJWv.png]

Re: STARRY, STARRY NIGHT / open - Amren - 06-07-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
Had this Leopold individual not been accompanied by a canine, Amren might have scoffed at him and pulled Rhysand away, not wanting to bother. But Peanut, in all of her fluffy glory, absolutely managed to captivate the woman and she found herself agreeing to his request to pet Rhys on one condition: [b][color=#414a4c]"Let me pet your small, soft dog and you can give Rhys all the attention you want." The black lab was struggling in her arms now, soft yips escaping his lips as he eagerly stretched towards Leo. His tail wagged nonstop and even Amren, in all of her cold, harshness, had to suppress a tiny giggle. [color=#414a4c]"You're asking a lot of questions, boy," She prefaced her answer with, frowning momentarily, [color=#414a4c]"But this is Rhysand and I literally just found him in some back alley." She didn't know what breed her pup was and thus, refused to comment on the subject entirely, instead permitting her silver gaze to fall upon Cain.

[color=#414a4c]"You always have so much to say, don't you, Cain?" She half hissed, though there was a slight spark of amusement apparent within the sudden smile on her face and the twinkle in her eye. Not to mention the fact that, for once, she had referred to her commander by his actual name. [color=#414a4c]"And I know he's pretty, him and I share that trait. We're like two peas in a pod," Amren boasted easily, a simple shrug of her shoulders trailing her words. Was she vain? Yes. Did she care?

Of course not.

Re: STARRY, STARRY NIGHT / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-07-2018

OUR LOVE IS SIX FEET UNDER ✧ Sola — Citizen — Blackfall
Sola was terrified of all dogs. It didn't matter if they were big or small. She despised them, almost with every ounce of her being. The mutant-girl had flew over to Cain and the others, before she had seen the puppy in Amren's arms.

Her gaze had landed on Rhysand and she immediately lifted herself out of reach from the dog, despite him being in the older woman's arms.
© madi

Re: STARRY, STARRY NIGHT / open - ♕leopold♕ - 06-09-2018

Leo barely hesitated before he held Peanut out, the chunky dog not even moving; she lay in his hand like she was made to just hang there all day. "This is my wonderful, lovely Peanut. She doesn't like to be touched on her head." That was his permission and he immediately reached to pet the little lab, icy eyes looking up to Cain as he approached. The young man watched the exchange without saying a word (for once). Their interaction was strange to Leo but he supposed some people were just like that when they liked each other? It didn't really matter, he didn't care much.

Then, movement and Leo looked to Sola, watching as the girl stopped near them and then moved away. He didn't bother trying to talk to her, though. After all, he was Leo, not some nice guy who greeted everyone and helped them. The little puppy had more of his attention and so he continued to pet and love on it, just barely holding back the baby talk. He could do that to Peanut later at home.