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The broad road before us // open+pasta - Printable Version

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The broad road before us // open+pasta - jacob w.c. - 03-18-2018

Jacob decided not soon after joining that he knew the perfect way to get to know everyone. He couldn't sleep (something that wasn't exactly a unique occurrence for the boy) and he stayed up making pasta and sauce and bread. It was a truly wonderful experience. Of course, Jersey was staying with him but his big brother didn't seem to stir the whole time. It was perfect. He knew eventually he'd have to deal with him and fend him off from eating too much of the pasta before he shared it with everyone considering it'd take him a few hours to make all the past and bread and sauce he'd need. Thankfully, he'd thought to bring all the ingredients with him so he didn't have that to worry about. He wasn't sure how long Jersey would sleep but he figured he had awhile given that the man usually slept well into the afternoon.

Once he finished all the noodles and sauce he intended to make, he placed it in some bowls (he'd brought a great deal of tableware with him considering his love of all things related to food) and then placed those bowls on a tray before carefully lifting it up and beginning to walk outside. After all the hours of preparation to make the perfect bread and sauce, he was ready to meet a few people and serve the beautiful creation. "If anyone wants some pasta, they can come n' get some!" the husky called with a wide smile, his tail waving back and forth in a nearly lazy fashion behind him. He hoped they'd like it. He'd tried to make some pesto bread rather than garlic bread, which he knew was a little risky, but he was sure they'd enjoy it.

Re: The broad road before us // open+pasta - JERSEYBOY - 03-21-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 45%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]If there was a title for "Pasta King", then there had might as well be a tie between Jacob and Jerseyboy. They were both Italians, though Jerseyboy considered himself the one that had introduced small Jakey into the fascinating world of carbs and the staple of Italian cuisine. After all, he had been the one to practically raise him (aside from that Harrison guy).

The male couldn't call a place home unless he was greeted with the aroma of Jacob's cooking. He had to admit- the kid had gotten pretty good at whipping up some dishes. Hell, Jacob even cooked for him most of the time, considering that he was too much of a lazy chooch most of the time. While Jerseyboy couldn't say that he considered Snowboud home sweet home, his little brother's cooking made him feel like he was in his comfort zone. The tuxedo tom waltzed up to the husky and fixed his gaze onto the tray of dishes. "Don't mind if I do." He said with a small smirk before swiping a piece of bread for himself and biting into it. Jerseyboy chewed, nodding his head and humming, "Aww yeah, this is good shit. This pesto?"