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DELGADO :: storage - Printable Version

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DELGADO :: storage - The Tombs - 07-29-2022

gettin' baptized with holy water and 'shine :: d. byrne.

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Re: DELGADO :: storage - The Tombs - 07-29-2022

❝ strange canyon road ❞


Name: Delgado Quinn Byrne
  — Nicknames/Aliases: Del (vastly prefers this name)

Gender: male
  — Sex: male
  — Pronouns: he/him

Age: 5 years
  — Birth Date: July 31, 2017
  — Creation Date: July 31, 2022

Rank: Cowpoke of Ghastly Ranch
  — Former Allegiances: loner

Titles: none
  — Former Titles: none

Romantic and Sexual Orientation: homosexual (closeted)
  — Status: single
  — Previous Relationships: Leo (NPC)
  — Crushes: none
  — Monogamous/Polygamous: monogamous

Known Languages: English (fluent), Portuguese (learning)



Alignment: true neutal

Mental Health: 70/100

Positive Traits: hardworking. honest. protective. reliable.
Neutral Traits: reserved. tough. stern. determined.
Negative Traits: bitter. unfriendly. hostile. opinionated.

Disorders: unknown
  — Quirks/Habits: unknown
  — Addictions: unknown

Likes: the night, isolation, strong individuals

Dislikes: weak individuals, large crowds, lying

Strengths: dependability, ambition
  — Talents: singing, playing guitar

Weaknesses: anger, judgment
  — Phobias: heights

Fears: disrupting a peaceful way of life

Aspirations: happiness

Del Byrne, the resident man of scorn and bitterness, more commonly known as a "bully". He does not describe himself as a friendly or open-minded person, nor does he ever wish to act as such. Introverted and reserved to a fault, he would much rather live in complete isolation than interact with people he dislikes or has no care for, though recently the burden of loneliness has been catching up to him. He's quite opinionated and ensures that his comments are heard, good or bad; this, however, is a sheer indication of his brutal honesty, for he is a man of his word and does not take kindly to liars. Del is in favor of people he deems "strong", physical or otherwise, and will look down upon those who are weak or unwilling to work. He also has a strange distaste for romantic relationships of all sorts, believing that they are a distraction from one's duties (though perhaps this comes from a place of envy). In spite of his negative traits, it's impossible to deny his drive and ambition, for he is a skilled, determined worker and willing to protect those he cares about should they get on his good side.


Reference(s): here

Species: domestic canine
  — Breed: German shepherd

Physical Health: 90/100

Build: ectomorphic (though well-defined and with some muscle)
  — Height: 31 inches
  — Weight: 75 pounds

Exterior Type: long, thick fur
  — Color/Markings: traditional brown-and-tan, with redder coloring on chest and face

Eye Color: light blue

Scars/Marks/Tattoos: long scars across chest, close to neck
  — Mutations: none
  — Artificial Enhancements: none

Accent: American (Southern/Southwestern)
  — Manner of Speech: informal

Disorders: none
  — Permanent Injuries: none
  — Disabilities: farsightedness (has glasses)

Possessions and Accessories: brown cowboy hat, wire-rimmed reading glasses (will not wear around other people to not be perceived as weak)

Del is a presumably purebred German shepherd dog with the traditional black-and-tan markings of one, though the tan fur around his forelegs, chest, and face darkens to more of a red color. Though his long coat, towering height, and well-defined muscles make him look larger than he actually is, Del is quite slim, staying true to his birth name ("Delgado", meaning "slim" in Portuguese). He bears stunning light blue eyes that contradict the earthiness of the rest of his appearance. A set of scars rests upon his chest, close to his neck.


history and relations.
Parents: Maria (NPC) x Cillian (NPC)
  — Generation: 1
  — Siblings: none
  — Place of Origin: unknown

Children: none

Notable Relatives: none

Loyalty to Individuals vs. Groups: loyal to groups and individuals, not always leaders

Friends: none
  — Best Friend: none

Apprentice(s): none
  — Mentor: unknown

Rivals: none

Feared Individuals: none

History: (TW for mentions of homophobia) Delgado was born to a Portuguese mother and an Irish father in a shepherds' farm and was exposed to the ranching lifestyle early on alongside his colleagues. A small and shy boy, Del vastly preferred the arts to the rough ranch life, often lingering close to home to read all sorts of books as well as try his hand at learning his mother's native Portuguese. As he grew older, he was pressured to indulge in more "masculine" lifestyles, being bullied for his "soft" interests by others his age. He stuck to living as a herding dog, only succumbing to his guilty pleasures of art and literature when everyone else was resting.

In adolescence, he grew close to another juvenile herding dog, Leo, and the two often spent their days herding together; a talented musical performer, Leo would teach Del how to sing and even strum guitar, and Del would in turn teach Leo how to read and speak Portuguese. Leo had even helped Del to find corrective lenses when Del's eyesight began to fail, thus hindering his ability to read and see things that were close to him. It was clear that the two boys cared greatly for one another, and in time their friendship blossomed into romance. However, many others on the farm did not agree with the nature of their relationship, which led to Leo being chased off the farm entirely and Del being attacked by a group of other juveniles, which led to the scars on his chest. Del's father, Cillian, intervened to rescue him from the attack, but by then the damage had been done.

The experience hardened Delgado, altering his personality altogether. He became much more aggressive and highly irritable, and he refocused himself solely on farm work. He exchanged books for drink and playing guitar for sparring with the other dogs on the farm; in time he was practically unrecognizable. Years pass, and Del abandoned the farm for his own plot of land to tend to, which he found in Ghastly Ranch on the Island.


Physical Level: medium

Mental Level: hard

Battle Dynamics: hand-to-hand

Powers (mastery level x/5): none

Overall Skill Rating (x/10): 6/10
  — Strength: 6/10
  — Speed: 7/10
  — Agility: 7/10
  — Intelligence: 8/10
  — Endurance: 7/10
  — Perception: 5/10
  — Magical Ability: 0/10

Rules for maim/kill/capture: no maim/kill/capture
  — Rules for nonviolent/peaceful interactions: can be powerplayed

Social Difficulty: fairly difficult
  — Platonic Relationships: difficult at first, easy if you get on his good side
  — Romantic/Sexual Relationships: despises relationships, very difficult
  — Rivalries: easy if you go against his beliefs or annoy him


❝ strange look in your eyes ❞

Re: DELGADO :: storage - The Tombs - 07-29-2022


Re: DELGADO :: storage - The Tombs - 07-29-2022


Re: DELGADO :: storage - The Tombs - 07-29-2022


Re: DELGADO :: storage - The Tombs - 07-29-2022


Re: DELGADO :: storage - The Tombs - 07-29-2022


Re: DELGADO :: storage - The Tombs - 07-29-2022

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: white;"]IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT

bio — attack in #69a1d3