Beasts of Beyond
Combustible Hearts - Printable Version

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Combustible Hearts - Wolfberry - 07-28-2022

[img style="width:300px"][/img]
[table style="width:500px;"]
[td]Here we have a beast in her prime; an ashen creature touched by paleness of a bruised white rose. In her eyes there blazes a fervor undying, a devotion unwavering; in her step there flows a purpose unerring. [TBC][/td]
  • Enthusiastic
  • Fanatical
  • Intelligent
  • Direct
  • Masochistic
  • Zealous
[td]Wrathmange is an intelligent creature with very clear ambitions and an innate pension for manipulation whether she's trying to be misleading or not. In her mind, everything she says is truth, and if someone needs a little more persuasion, well... Anything can be justified. She is touched in the head but doesn't let that stop her. Where she lacks in stability, she makes up for in vigor, harnessing her fanaticism and channeling it toward doing what she thinks is good. She is dedicated to those she cares about. Every ounce of fanaticism is matched by a fierce intelligence; every moment of cruelty is balanced by a softness and an appreciation for certain beauties of life.

She's resilient and masochistic, able to endure great pain while enjoying it to a degree as well. While many of those who do what she does would agree this masochism would be advantageous, Wrathmange has never felt fully aligned with this sentiment and harbors a deep self-loathing because of her unusual nature. To make matters worse, she cannot fathom being the spawn of such a cruel, evil being as Warling, and wrestles with the idea that she, too, is simply born to be vile and undesirable. [/td]
  • Bears
  • Flowers
  • Skulls
  • Mountains
  • Arrogance
  • Heat
  • Sanctimony
  • Warling
[glow=white,2,100]#212330 (glow= white, 2, 100)[/glow]

Re: Combustible Hearts - Wrathmange - 08-05-2022

[glow=#212330,4,1000]If I had a heart I could love you...[/glow]
Come here, to the precipice of damnation as we count your sins and weigh your faith. Bring forth the penitence you've suffered beneath the strain of your piety. The words you have spoken mean little, without. Only the truly devoted shall we suffer passage unto the Great Feast, where at the forefront of the pack there shall be The One.

[glow=white,2,100]"idle chatter"[/glow] | Tag | OOC
[glow=#212330,4,1000]More, give me more, give me more.[/glow]


Re: Combustible Hearts - Wolfberry - 09-04-2022

[img style="width:300px"]http://IMAGE HERE[/img]
Mara Deighe
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[td]A tenacious beast with very few reservations, orange-ochre eyes of which only one works well, and a spirit that could move a mountain. Maybe a small mountain... But it still counts. [TBC][/td]
  • Energetic
  • Loyal
  • Intelligent
  • Unfiltered
  • Tenacious
  • Ambitious
[td]Without a doubt, the first thing anyone could say who has but merely interacted once with Mara is that she is brash. She's rough around the edges and a bit uncouth, but she doesn't care what everyone else thinks. These are just labels that "proper" society likes to pin to her ass like a donkey. Mara is no donkey, though she can be just as stubborn. While hard-headed and independent, she's quite open to friendship; and once she makes a friend, they are her friend for life... Unless they commit some act of betrayal. Of the many, oppressive, arbitrary rules of engagement, those which warn against betrayal are the most dear to her heart. She's a feisty young sort, but very much knows what she's doing; just as quickly did she make you a friend, she will drop you off the tallest mast with nay but a stab in the eye and several cannon balls strapped to your ankles and neck.

  • Water
  • Fire
  • Yelling
  • Fun
  • Boredom
  • Abuse
  • Bugs
  • Needless Cruelty

Re: Combustible Hearts - Mara-Deighe - 09-08-2022

i see what's m i n e
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Never let it be said you were not forewarned, good sir; you are the sole survivor, after all. The last man standing, as it were. Do you not find that amusing? Does the irony not inspire humor? Of course it does! Of course! you're simply too broken to understand. Where has all that mirth gone, in the final, flickering moments of your pathetic life? When your last shred of willpower abandons you, when your last aching muscle gives out, when your last inkling of hope dissipates with the last labored breath you take, the last laugh will be mine. Look me in the eyes, miserable coward, and grant me the terrible mirth your false bravery granted you in the darkest moments of our shared history. I have eliminated the source of your courage and thrust justice - hot, forceful, interminable - unto those who graciously did such to me. Now the pupil has surpassed the mentor, how cruel and merciless he was. Let this be the final lesson as I rend your flesh and crush your soul. I shall show you the mercy you never once showed me that day, and you will thank me for it.
[size=10]"shout" | Tag | OOC
