Beasts of Beyond
4 AM IN THE MORNING ᛥ [BOA] return & overthrow - Printable Version

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4 AM IN THE MORNING ᛥ [BOA] return & overthrow - avanti - 07-26-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
I CAN'T FILL THE VOID INSIDE! -- maned wolf. band of arrick.
she had thought she was impervious, that nothing could harm her, take her down, or kill her. her faith in that had been shaken in the last two years, when things had gone wrong, and she'd lost everything that she'd held dear to her heart. she'd lost her dearest husband, the man she'd called her mate, and her only daughter, her daughter. as it was, the pieces were slowly coming together to prove that the loss of both had not been an accident, that it had in fact, been set up. yet it had been done oh so carefully.

taking a deep breath as she stretched her neck, head tipped towards the sky that she had seen so many times, that she'd even died watching. not that anybody gave a shit about that. it had been a year or so since her brother had risen up and slaughtered her, taking her head and tossing her body from Jormungandr's Throat, to the cold waves below. there was a fury un-ending within her breast, a rightful fury, filled with pain. she'd thought her soul had sailed to Valhalla, but she had not seen the souls she thought that she would have. it had been then that she'd been forced to accept that even as a valkyrie, not even she could rest in the afterlife of the gods. it had been some form of hell, waiting and waiting until she finally had the strength to return to the world of the Beyond, to return to slay the betrayer. to kill the traitor.

the violent crashing of thunder filled the air in a furious cacophony as her form stood atop the cliff, lips drawn back in a silent snarl, staring down at the frozen form of her brother cowering at her paws. his pelt was slicked back by rain, the fury that she felt untameable. this within itself, was a return of her vengeance, her fury played out in black and white stained by red, his blood dripping from her teeth, tail raised and bristling as she snarled down at felix, his eyes filled with fear as they stared back into her own red ones. hearing him whimper and feeling the pressing of his paws at her chest, she was reminded of their childhood, of every time that she'd pin him, how he'd complain about it until she felt guilty enough to get off of him; before he would pounce on her and brag about it for days. what had happened to them? what had caused him to do everything he'd done? what had caused him to take her mate from her? tears streamed down the woman's face, fur ruffled and each strand on end.

fury and pain raged in a brilliant storm inside of her, overwhelming everything that she knew, every ounce of control she had. "You are no leader of men, brother. You are no leader at all. They have all suffered under you. There's already enough evidence to damn you. You have taken too much from them, and me.", her lips were drawn back in a snarl as she stared down at him, "You no longer receive protection under the Silmahria name, and any of your descendants will share your fate. You are a traitor to the Sihlmahria Clan, and The Band of Arrick. I will be re-taking my position as Drotten, and I will be stripping you of your rank and rights. You will be reduced to the rank of Thrall, and you will be held as a prisoner until I call a meeting to discuss your fate. Thanks to you, I have much to do ...", she struggled to keep her composure as she cast her glance to the different faces gathered around, showing her teeth at those who had been her followers before she'd been killed in a cowardly way, "Any of you got a problem with that? If so, I recommend we deal with it now!"

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #916A6B. -- MYSELF WITHOUT A SOUL !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: 4 AM IN THE MORNING ᛥ [BOA] return & overthrow - SirDio - 07-26-2022

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: white;"]ASTERI - DID YOU GET ENOUGH LOVE?
Among the faces of those who had witnessed the incident was an elderly she-wolf, her black and star spotted face a mixture of both shock and anger. Toward the end of Alithis, Asteri had fled the scene, lived alone until two years ago, when she bit the bullet and joined The Band of Arrick. Avanti was still the Drotten when she was there, and when Asteri heard that Felix had usurped her, the woman fought long and hard against that belief. And now, rain drenching all of them, the circling npcs hushing words after Avanti's announcement, Asteri stepped up.

Her voice, gentle and soft, rose above the noise of rain. "We all thought you were dead, Avanti." Asteri never stopped believing. Just like she would never stop believing that the great dragon she knew had long since forgotten her, or even started to dislike her for abandoning them and their group. Her gentle paws stepped up next to the maned wolf, and her eyes glistened. "Your foolish brother made us suffer. Your punishment for him is... adequate, for now."

Sighing, she attempted to rest her tail on the other's hip. "Don't turn your aggression to us." She turned her gaze to the others, then back to Felix. For a split second, her lips turned into a snarl, but she stopped and looked back to her Drotten. To Avanti. Pleading for her to calm down with silence and gentle eyes.

Re: 4 AM IN THE MORNING ᛥ [BOA] return & overthrow - Cobra - 08-05-2022

First we gonna rock, then we gonna roll -

the woman spoke and he came in time to see the two together. eyes on the former leader and his new leader. studying them both before tilting his head. eyes falling back on avanti and tail wagging.

don't say it.

you know he is going to.

that was hot. he stated without much thought. as he rarely ever had a thought in the world.


Re: 4 AM IN THE MORNING ᛥ [BOA] return & overthrow - GODBRAND B. - 08-05-2022

The thin wolf stepped forward, red mane sodden with water and his yellow eyes staring at Felix. A deep snarl resonated from his pearly teeth, standing next to Wade despite the other's comment. "That fuckin' parasite is finally gettin' what he deserves, and we have no room for weakness." The vampire snapped his teeth, taking a second to glare at Asteri before he looked back to Felix. Large bat-like ears swiveled on his skull, and then he dropped the snarl and turned to look at Wade. "Way to be subtle, Wade. Good fuckin' job." He grinned aggressively, though amusement shimmered in his yellow eyes.


Re: 4 AM IN THE MORNING ᛥ [BOA] return & overthrow - Cobra - 08-11-2022

Valhalla calling me -

yekaterina made her way over to settle near wade. eyes on the strange lady that was taking over her home. no one argued and she opted out of doing so herself. looking to her dad instead. he thought it was hot? the cub was lost for words, but she let it go and looked away. simply waiting for something that required her attention.


Re: 4 AM IN THE MORNING ᛥ [BOA] return & overthrow - Linus - 08-20-2022

© vixem.
I wish you can see the wicked truth.

    Now linus was familiar with the whole premise of siblings tearing themselves apart. The winged feline quietly made his way over towards this.  It was an overthrow on a surface, but it ran even deeper than that. He knew that Felix still remained a threat so long the other maned wolf remained to stay alive. But that was none of his business.  Narrowing his gaze towards Avanti, and those who got quick with the change of command. "And what do you propose are you going to do with vanquished? Banish him, or kill him." He spoke calmly and evenly, a neat swish of his tail, it was a honest question.