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LIFE'S JUST A PACE-CAR ON DEATH ; open, memorial invite - Printable Version

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LIFE'S JUST A PACE-CAR ON DEATH ; open, memorial invite - Suiteheart - 05-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The cools winds of the tundra that greeted her felt like home. Suiteheart inhaled slowly, allowing herself to feel as though she were back home, in her old Clan. Things had been so simple then. Now, everything was complicated. It hurt. She felt a tugged on her chest, and when her eyes refocused on what was in front of her, she realized the invisible pull was curtesy of her wife, Margaery, who now stood in front of her.

Suiteheart caught up with Margaery and the pair came to rest at the border. Suite didn't want to speak; she only wanted to drink in the feelings of familiarity from this region, but she knew she had a job. "Suiteheart and Margaery of the Ascendants," the alabaster femme greeted in a tired voice. She was exhausted from running around all day, but she knew this needed to be done. "If you all aren't aware, our leader, Starrynight, is dead. We're hosting a memorial for him." Her eyes rested on Margaery, watching as the chocolate point offered the Snowbounders a map so that they may find their way to the memorial site. [color=#99182C][b]"If there are any questions, we'd be happy to answer them.

Re: LIFE'S JUST A PACE-CAR ON DEATH ; open, memorial invite - Margaery - 05-30-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
It was strange how much this place reminded her of home.

There was a distinct chill in the air that reminded her so acutely of a time long ago that she had to fight up the rise of bittersweet memories in favor of remembering why she was here. Perhaps later, when times weren't nearly as rough, she could return and breathe in the cold, permitting it to transport her back to the first home she'd ever known. For now, she had to focus on Suiteheart and Starrynight.

She was aware of Suiteheart's own desire to reminiscence, pressing against her idly as if the simple action would keep the both of them grounded. An ear would flick as her wife began to speak and Margaery bobbed her head along in silent agreement to her words. For now, she had resigned to allowing the Cosmic General the stage. She'd pitch in with answers of her own were these Snowbounders to provide her with inquiries.

Re: LIFE'S JUST A PACE-CAR ON DEATH ; open, memorial invite - jacob w.c. - 05-30-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had only met Starrynight on a handful of occasions but the man had seemed nice. Maybe even one he could trust in a time of need but he hadn't been sure. His Babbo would have seemed nice to any outside too, after all. And he was, to some people. He'd always treated Jacob as his dear son and some of his closest associates as friends but he had been a cruel man. A man that'd grasped for power and reached it and then abused it. Of course, he wasn't as cruel as he could've been. At first, Jacob believed his actions could've been borne from necessity, but by the time Jacob had left he was just grasping for more power and influence. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have given up Jacob to pursue it. Maybe that wasn't a fair assumption. He was sure it was harder to leave when you weren't terrified of it. He would've given anything for someone who could step up in his place and he could return and fit comfortably in his role of 'doctor' and that alone. That was all he'd ever wanted to be. In fact, he'd actively avoided all positions that gave him any sort of advantage throughout his life. Now that he had it, he just wanted to get rid of it. Vito, on the other hand, was very different from his son. He flourished in conflict and rose above it all, clawing his way to a golden throne in the city. Jacob wanted no part of it. It was always difficult to tell if someone was being kind because it suited their situation, because their station demanded it, or because they genuinely wanted to help. So, for that reason, he had never passed complete judgement on Starrynight. He had wanted to get to know him better before making his own assumptions regarding the other.

He caught the vaguely familiar scent of the Ascendents and slowly made his way to the border. His leg had been giving him more trouble lately and he couldn't help the dragging motion it now made in the snow. He winced slightly before settling down before the pair, listening as the first woman introduced her business. Immediately, the look of light curiosity faded and took on a much darker tone. While he hadn't known Starrynight, he had never hoped that this sort of thing would happen to him. There was a part of him that wanted to know more but he knew better than to ask. There would be time for details and facts and concerns when the man's grieving friends weren't before him. "I didn' know 'im well but 'e seemed like a good man. I'll be comin' 'round as soon as I can. I know we ain't allies or anythin' but if there's anyway Snowbound can help, ya' jus' lemme know. I'm so sorry for your loss," he spoke before pausing and then adding, "I suppose we 'aven't met, those this don' seem like a very good time for introduction. 'M Jacob. Like I said, if there's anythin' I- we- can do, ya' jus' stop by n' let me know." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: LIFE'S JUST A PACE-CAR ON DEATH ; open, memorial invite - Suiteheart - 05-31-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]After she had spoken her words, she had sat back, watching the snow. There were so many emotions running through her head, and each one pained her more than the last. As the flurries fell, she could see the silhouettes of her old friends in the distance. She saw their former leader. She saw her best friend. She saw her children. They were calling to her, telling her to come home. Tears pricked at her eyes for a brief second as she saw Jacob's outline in the far distance. Her heart told her it was Jacky. She moved slightly, as if to rush forward and greet who she believed to be her son, but Margaery's gentle touched kept her rooted. A shaky sigh escaped her, and she willed herself to be calm.

She had erased most emotions besides exhaustion and slight melancholy when Jacob actually arrived. She offered him a nod in greeting, and her eyes trailed his injured leg. "Are... Are you alright, man?" she ventured, softly. She knew they were neutrals, but she always believed in being kind to those who looked as though they were in need.

As he spoke, she felt a sad smile rise to greet her lips. Snowbound's Cheif was a good kid. He was kind. She had only just met him, but she knew she would love him if she had ventured to these lands instead of the Ascendants. "Thank you... It means more than you could know," the white feline meowed. As he introduced himself, she nodded. "Yes, I've heard a bit about you before, Jacob - all good things though, so don't worry. And thank you again for your offer. The Ascendants'll rest easy knowing you've got our backs."

Her gaze fell on her wife. [color=#99182C][b]"Margaery's got a map that leads to where we'll hold his services. It'll take you all there safely. I'll let our border patrols know you'll be on your way, so they can help you too, if anyone might need it."

Re: LIFE'S JUST A PACE-CAR ON DEATH ; open, memorial invite - melantha - 06-01-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]These people are strangers to her, as most people are. Not one to go out of her way to socialize, Melantha remains unfamiliar with a majority of individuals despite the overlapping interactions between several of the clans. Jacob is the friendly one. The approachable one. The level-headed one. On the contrary, Mel is suspicious and cold and not at all easy to get along with. She blames it on her upbringing. Although her early days were happy ones, with a loving family and a full belly all the time, it was quickly torn from her grasp. And then she was forced to survive in the wilds all on her own with very few life skills to support herself. Mel remembers the moment she lost it all quite vividly...

Corbett screams, treading the water with flailing limbs. He was never a strong swimmer. She doesn't know why he wandered too close to the swollen river, but he did. And now the powerful current is sweeping him away. Melantha dives in after him without a second thought. Rushing water burns her flesh, fills her longs with cold. Only adrenaline keeps her moving in spite of the freezing water beginning to slow her bodily functions. Her brother is sucked beneath the rapids, out of her line of vision for one moment, two, before he resurfaces with a spluttering cough. Mel's muscles burn. She can no longer feel her body. But she has to save him. Corbett needs her. With a last spurn of energy, she manages to grasp her younger sibling by the scruff, straining to drag him to the shore before they are both swept away. Relief floods her body as she watches Stella pull Corbett ashore. Now it's her turn to be saved. She's so tired. Just a little longer...

Melantha blinks, torn from the flashback with a jolt. It's been happening a lot more recently. She misses her home, her family. Snowound is a wonderful place, but the young female is homesick; lonely. She has many friends but no one she can talk to. No one knows who she is beyond what she shows to the world. Melantha keeps it that way on purpose, although sometimes she wishes someone would be brave enough to force her to let down her walls. Powerful muscles tense as the lithe wildcat rises to her paws. Jacob is heading somewhere, probably drawn to some unfamiliar presence at the border. She feels inclined to protect him, and is therefore drawn to accompany him.

Little more than a glorified bodyguard, the plain-faced creature stands silently beside the Chief. Pallid olive eyes sweep over the two strangers standing before them with subdued interest. A memorial service for their dead leader? At first, Melantha finds it hard to be sympathetic. These two women are strangers. Why should she care about their stupid leader or their sad feelings? They mean nothing to her. It's not because Melantha does not feel sadness or anything, but she is reluctant to become emotional for people she does not even know. It opens her up to weakness. Melantha prefers to remain objective about most things. But then she starts to imagine Jacob as Starrynight. How would she feel if she lost him? Perhaps the one person in the entire clan she feels compelled to love and protect? It would be terrible. Her heart aches at the mere thought of losing Jacob. Mel then rethinks her reaction to the news, and allows herself to display a bit more emotion than before upon her visage. "My condolences." It's genuine, if not a bit awkward. The cougar does not exactly partake in the whole...empathy/sympathy thing.

She shifts her weight. "My name is Melantha," introduces the girl in a stiff voice. She's trying to be friendly but it's uncomfortable and weird. "We will be sure to attend." The whole thing sounds awkward; extremely bad movie dialogue. But she's trying. She really is. And that's the most that she can do.