Beasts of Beyond
I FEEL IT IN MY BLOOD ᛏ RETRO INTR[O] - Printable Version

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I FEEL IT IN MY BLOOD ᛏ RETRO INTR[O] - jerisidie - 07-26-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
IM TAKING BACK THE DAY! -- wolf. delta - enclave.
There was nothing that hurt quite as much as knowing someone you loved would forever be just out of your grasp. This was the pain that the old grizzled beast put up with on the daily. It was what had haunted the greying man for all of his years since he'd stumbled across this damned land. The Beyond held nothing but pain for the wolf, nothing but the acknowledgement that his mates had just slipped from his grasp once again, leaving behind scents so faint even he couldn't pick them up. They left behind the aching wounds in his heart, to have seen them leave so long ago and to be so alone now.

The sound of his own breathing reflected off of the walls of the Lotus Cave, the newly appointed Delta slow to pad through it's expanse, away from the craziness of the camp and the anger the group showed towards its former Delta, Rylios. Weary would come the heavy breath that pushed from his lungs, looking down into the waters that reflected back at him his own appearance, more grizzled than he would have thought to see himself as. Closing his eyes as he allowed aching legs to fold, laying on the ground closest to the water, touching his nose to the water.

"Where can I find you now?" his voice would ask the relatively silent cave, tail tucked up against his side, hiding stomach scars behind its fluffy expanse. Scars criss crossed the old warrior's coat, a tribute to the strife he'd endured thus far. Resting where he laid, dunking his head below the water's surface as the memories returned to clamor in his mind. When would he find peace from this? From the torment of his small family and pack being ripped apart and driven away?

He would only lift his head when breathing became more important than drowning out sounds that were in his mind. Then, he would hear a sound and turn his dripping head in its direction with a low rumble towards it. Was there someone there or was he imagining things?

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #687C97. -- THAT YOU TRIED TO STEAL FROM ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: I FEEL IT IN MY BLOOD ᛏ RETRO INTR[O] - The Tombs - 07-26-2022

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"]GIMME DANGER LITTLE STRANGER
There was a certain bitterness that would always dwell in the wolf's icy heart, one that he believed was perhaps fueled by the consequences of his own actions. He had bore witness to and was the target of enough consistent strife for him to question the root of all this sin, and in time he began to realize that the compass pointed towards himself. After all, who was it that did so little to rescue his family, to keep his kin safe? And who was it that appointed a vengeful criminal as his own Delta, a member of the sacred Trias that he was to accept council from?

Was it all him after all?

The blizzard of thoughts swirling in his mind coupled with the restlessness in his paws caused Maximilian to promptly depart from the Firepit upon dismissing the Enclavians from their meeting. He needed to collect himself, ponder his next move after the announcement concerning Rylios. Was there anything to do moving forward aside from the norm? The Enclave was still in its infantile stage, a fresh name upon the Island; surely they would recover from this early blunder. If he reached out to the Coalition soon enough, perhaps the proper amends could be made in time. Get in touch wit' the right people, say the right things, and boom. Crystal. A deep huff erupted from him as he pushed into his cabin, searching for a single cigarette and his lighter to spark the flame that would grant him a few moments' worth of relief.

Burning stick of tobacco in tow, he ventured further off beyond the cabin compounds of the Enclave's hilltop camp, taking to the waters in typical Max Caputo fashion, his uneasy body gliding on the banks of the river that would soon open up into the great lake in the distance. His paws seemed to be set on the Lotus Cave, which he preferred over the Dock when he wasn't embarking upon one of his famous evening strolls. He stopped, however, shortly before the mouth of the waterside cave, taking note of the presence of another grizzled wolf with his head submerged in the cool, tranquil pools of water within the cave. Destarion.

The Alpha took a final, long drag of his cigarette before extinguishing it, blowing the toxic smoke in the opposite direction of the cave. Though he enjoyed a good smoke, even he had his standards when it came to the Lotus Cave, the most sacred landmark of the Enclave's entire territory. There was a certain powerful, perhaps spiritual energy that the cave exuded that he could not risk betraying all for one cigarette. The cave was like church to him, as it was to many. Who the fuck smokes during mass?

He waited at the rocky maw, watching his newly-appointed Delta in curious silence until the other wolf raised himself from the pool, water dripping onto the splashing, once-tranquil puddle. "Don't have to stick your whole head in for a drink, y'know," he mused in his deep Italian-American drawl, his voice and face expressionless as ever. His consistent dryness was perhaps his most remarkable feature. He tilted his head at the other while standing firmly at the cave's mouth, not entering unless Destarion would be comfortable with it. The Lotus Cave was an experience many preferred alone, and he would understand if the new Delta would've wanted to keep it that way. "Everythin' in order, Des'?"

bio — attack in #008040

Re: I FEEL IT IN MY BLOOD ᛏ RETRO INTR[O] - jerisidie - 07-26-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
IM TAKING BACK THE DAY! -- wolf. delta - enclave.
The sound of Max's words slowly reached him, the fading of another voice leaving him alone in the cave, the hopeful wag of his tail slowing, faced towards the depths of the cave before inhaling. Shaking his head, letting the cool water shake from his fur, orange and silver eyes closed momentarily as the scents only he could remember faded from his mind. Turning his head towards Max, the Delta would blink in his direction, registering his words. Clearing his throat, he would nod towards him, "Hm? Ain't a need for a drink right now, though one would be mighty nice. Everything's fine, no worries there. Just the ghosts of the past sticking around for longer than they should." he chuckled faintly. Tucking his limbs in close, "Feel free to come on in, Max. I'm just talking to the ghosts that are lingering.", he murmured softly.

Getting to his paws, the old beast would stretch with a yawn, limbs trembling as he stretched. Inhaling deeply before letting it out with a cough, looking back into the waters, "Thought I might find some solace from the ghosts here. Not sure if it helped or made it worse." He would grin before looking back to Max again, "Though I feel like I'm not the only one here trying to distract myself from things. You've done well while you've been in power, Max. Don't let the mistakes of one fool cloud your judgement, don't let his crimes stain your own heart for more than you need to. That's the least that you can do for yourself. As for the rest of us, we'll be alright. There's not much to be done now-a-days about any of this.", he would share his own mind with the Alpha, recognizing the weariness in the other man, recognizing all of what he knew he himself felt. There was always the feeling of 'what if' within, especially with times like this.

low muse prolly bc im sleepy asf lol //

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #687C97. -- THAT YOU TRIED TO STEAL FROM ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy