Beasts of Beyond
TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - Printable Version

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TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - Suiteheart - 05-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart knew the way to the Typhoon by heart now. She had traveled to this place more than a handful of times to converse with her daughter, Lilyspoise. She had, at one time, also traveled this way to deliver terrible news. Her usually bright baby blue eyes clouded, briefly. Her ears pinned backwards as she realized she was yet again delivering terrible news. She knew that rumors had already spread regarding Starrynight's untimely demise. Paws heavy with weariness brought her to the Typhoon's border.

The feline shared a quick glance with her traveling companion and wife before staring into the distance. "Suiteheart and Margaery of the Ascendants here," she began, voice lackluster. She bit her lip before continuing, "I'm sure most of you know, but our leader, Starrynight, is dead. Today, we're holding a memorial." Suite handed Margaery a hand-drawn map for Typhoon members to follow in order to read the memorial site; she could not find it in herself to offer it to those who would soon be arriving. Her wife was strong enough to though. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask 'em now."

Re: TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - Margaery - 05-30-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
The Typhoon would be provide to be an interesting encounter, she already knew. Her daughter lived here - no, thrived here - and they were not on the best of terms. For the sake of everything, she just hoped that all would remain civil. Suiteheart had been here since the incident and Lilyspoise had even fixed her bear of her wife, returning her to normal. That had to be some indication of a potential positive relationship, right?

Swallowing hard, the chocolate point would instead choose to fixate her attention on Suiteheart for the time being. Admittedly, Margaery was glad that she had offered to accompany her. Suite wouldn't have been able to do this alone. It wasn't like Margy was apathetic towards the situation either, just tired and not feeling as much as usual thanks to her rising and falling hormones and her pregnancy. Starrynight's death had devastated her but she had repressed it deep inside, just like she did everything else.

Taking the map, she would casually flick her tail and wait, choosing not to say anything.

Re: TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-01-2018

Wait, hadn't they cut ties with The Ascendants? Or... The Ascendants cut ties with them? Something like that. "Yeah, I've got a question actually." Caesar grunted as he came over, clearly disinterested in the situation. "Is it mandatory we go? Because, frankly, I doubt we give a shit since you, y'know, decided you weren't allies with us anymore." Was he being rude? Probably. Did he have the rights to deny an invitation? Probably not. Did he care? A little. If need be, he'd probably apologize, albeit half-assed.

Re: TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - Suiteheart - 06-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart had been hoping the first arrival would be Lilyspoise. She wanted the comfort her daughter brought by her mere presence, but of course, she wasn't so lucky. Baby blue eyes narrowed at Caesar as he spoke, and God, she so badly wished she wasn't at risk of causing a scene by tearing into him. His words caused a fire to light inside of her, but she knew better than to add fuel to the flame. She was trying to know better at least.

"Not mandatory, no. Besides, it's up to your leader, isn't it? Whether you go or not?" The Cosmic General's words were cool, just shy of being bone-chillingly cold. She flicked an ear, resisting the urge to let her claws out. God, why was everyone getting under her skin as of late? [color=#99182C][b]"Alliance or not, kiddo, word needed to be delivered. I don't give a shit if you go, sweetie, I'm just the messenger."

Re: TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - The Tombs - 06-02-2018

[div style="width: 360px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px; color: #383838;"]In all honestly, Iosef did not give one singular fuck about whoever slumped to the ground over at the Ascendants. He didn't care about the Ascendants in general, much less one specific person. But as the tiger inquisitively lumbered over, he could detect an air of sheer distraught coming from the messengers. They were impacted by this demise, hung over it. Then again, who wouldn't be stricken by a comrade's death? ...Okay, maybe he was an exception, but it tended to vary from person to person when it came to the cold crewmate.

His eyes briefly flickered over the lithe form of Caesar, and he made his greatest attempt to suppress his amused snort at the other's words. How...careless. Iosef had no care for this event either, but the most he could do was be courteous for the two arrivals. It was their loss, not his, and they were clearly suffering. Well...the talkative one was, at least. The other was quiet, almost apathetic, but for whatever reason he was unsure of. Likely tired. "My condolences for your loss. Captain Pincher will be with you in a moment," Iosef declared finally with a dip of his head to the two.
[glow=#0097a3,2,300]LOSERS WEEPERS[/glow] —

Re: TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-02-2018

"Fuck off, I'm not a kid." Caesar growled back in response, clearly offended by being called 'kiddo'. Although, what did he expect? It wasn't like he was possessing a body that corresponded with his spiritual age. And his mental age was like a kid, in all honesty. "Secondly, hell if I know. I assumed since I actually have a position here --" Albeit a stepping stone position. "-- I assumed I could have a say on this." He shrugged. Maybe he didn't. His ears flicked as Isoef came over and gave a stiff nod at the tiger's words. "Yeah. Should be." He grunted.

Re: TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - Margaery - 06-02-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]"Perhaps 'kiddo' is an acceptable nickname given you both are behaving like children," Murmured Margaery suddenly, breaking her silence in the wake of Caesar's response. She had been perfectly content staring at the flowers that blossomed lazily at her paws and had hoped that her input wouldn't have been necessary. Unfortunately, it appeared as if she had thought wrong. [color=#b14767]"Allies or not, we're still neutral and thus believed it acceptable to offer you an invitation to our leader's memorial. Forgive us for trying to commit a nicety in the wake of Starrynight's demise," She snapped, a frown twisting her lips.

Gone was the look of apathy that once danced upon her chocolate features- now, only a muted irritation could be detected by the gleam in her now-copper eyes. She could feel herself teetering dangerously close to the darkness inside of her and fought to fend it off, instead glancing at Iosef who at least had the sense to offer them some semblance of apology for their loss. [color=#b14767]"Thank you," She said lowly, her voice tight but lined with appreciation, [color=#b14767]"We don't mind waiting."

Re: TAKE THIS TO YOUR GRAVE ; o, memorial invite - purgatory - 06-02-2018