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[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Without a doubt, for the past few days Roy has been worried for Hughes. Ever since he came across that human transmutation circle, his worries skyrocketed. And when he received an explanation- his worries only got worse. Hughes thought they could get back to Amestris through the taboo. Despite the fact, that they are already dead, and that the dead(at least in Amestris) can't come back. Roy knew that it wouldn't be possible through the taboo, and he thought perhaps he convinced Hughes not to try it again. He thought his reaction to the whole ordeal convinced the black lab to stay away from it.

But little did Roy know, that he was completely wrong. Oh, he was dead wrong.

The melanistic bobcat was padding through the observatory, heading towards Hughes room. He wanted to check on Hughes, he hasn't seen the male in the past few days. His last conversation with the guy had been rough, perhaps this one could be better. As he padded up to the door to Hughes room, the male froze in place when the scent of blood hit his nostrils. In the past month or two, Roy has gotten used to his new, 'enhanced' senses- one mainly being his sense of smell. Roy was able to pick up scents more easily than he used to as a human, and can even identify who scents belong to. Without a doubt, this scent of blood belonged to Hughes, and he hates how fresh it is. Roy felt his heart beating in his chest, blood pumping in his ears as he stepped into the room.

Roy didn't even get into the room entirely to see his friend laying on the ground, with his hind legs missing and blood spilled on the ground. His friend was laying on a newly drawn transmutation circle, that he recognized to be a human transmutation circle. His eyes widened at the sight, Hughes attempted the taboo again, despite his efforts to push his friend away from it. And now, Hughes was dying on the ground, bleeding out. Before he moved from his spot, his gaze shifted to the center of the circle and then he saw an abomination of a creature. It was black, had red eyes, and it was dead- it didn't survive for long. It was laying in it's own puddle of blood, and Roy couldn't look at the abomination for long.

He tore his gaze away from it, rose his paw into the air, and snapped. Controlled flames made contact with the mess of a creature, instantly turning it to nothing but ash. After it was gone, Roy ran over to Hughes. "HUGHES!" He exclaimed as he reached forward to grab Maes, but when he grabbed him, the male was ice cold. That meant one thing, Hughes was dead. No, no no no- he can't be dead, not again! The male attempted to shake his friend awake, but the black lab was completely limp, eyes open wide that looked like they had been full of pain and despair.

Tears began to swell up in Roy's eyes, as he attempted to lift his friend's limp body close for a moment. This can't be happening, he could feel his heart racing in his chest as the sudden realization hit him hard. Hughes is gone. His best friend, that he already lost once before, was gone again. But this time, he was probably dead for good. He didn't want it to be true, but if this life had been Hughes second chance, then it's over. There probably isn't a third chance, and Roy is well aware that he can't bring Hughes back. Or he'll face a similar fate if he tries. "You idiot," The male muttered as tears ran down his cheeks, as he closed Hughes eyes for the last time, and laid the male on the ground.

Roy didn't move from his place, as he laid on the ground besides his dead friend, tears running down his cheeks, not caring if blood was currently staining his fur. This must be a living hell now, The male thought, trying to hold back a sob as he came to realize that he is truly alone here now. No Hughes. No Riza from his knowledge, he's here all by himself. Roy wasn't able to hold back the silent cries, eyes closing shut as more tears ran down his cheeks, continuing to lay beside his friend in mourning.

Re: EVERY SIN YOU CARVE IS EVER LASTING // O, HUGHES DEATH - Character Graveyard. - 05-30-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna knew what the pain of losing a close one felt like. She had lost her mother, and her brother had simply gotten up, left, and disappeared- probably never to be seen again. The female now considered all of The Ascendants her family and friends.

Luna had heard the loud shout from Maes' room and she hurried to the male's room. Her blue-eyes narrowed, she would speak. "Roy? Is everything alright? I heard you shout." The female would slowly let herself into the room and her narrowed gaze softened at the scene in front of her.

Roy, a deceased Maes and a odd-looking circle. Similar to the one she had made Roy clean up some time ago. First Starry, now Maes. She would step back and mutter. "Sorry for your loss."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯


[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Blood. That was the first thing her brain processed. The stench made her gag as it was so overwhelmingly strong. Suiteheart did not have time to be distracted by the smell. No, instead, her brain began to run a hundred miles an hour. She knew, deep in her heart of hearts, that someone had died. The crushing weight of that realization hit her like a ton of bricks, and for a few moments, she was glued into place. Her heart told her to run back, to get away, to not let herself be hurt again by another scene of utter loss, but her mind overpowered. It made her pick her feet up and run not away but towards the smell. She had to know who it was, she had to see what she could do, she had to -

The heart-wrenching scream reached her next. The absolute agony of the shout made her feel weak. It was Roy. It was about Maes. Oh, God. She felt a lump form in her throat, for she knew Maes was... gone. Her pace quickened, for she did not want to allow Roy to be alone in his grief. That was dangerous after all.

As she passed the threshold of Maes' room, she saw and heard Lunafreya speaking, trying to comfort a crying Roy. Suiteheart's mind was running rampant again as she took in the view of Maes Hughes' mutilated corpse. Blood pooled around him, almost covering the fact that his legs were missing. The blood was everywhere, and crimson was the only color she saw. It covered the floor, it soaked over the strange mark on the floor, and it painted Roy's dark fur. Roy was covered in the substance, weeping. It was like watching Bastille cry over Starrynight all over again. Her heart broke.

The white female softly brushed passed Lunafreya before coming to stand beside Roy. She hesitated at first, unsure of how he would react to contact at this moment, but she had to try something to console him. Suiteheart extended a paw, resting it on Roy's shoulder. She let a few tears fall, for what she was bearing witness to was too much for her fragile state of being. "Roy, I'm so sorry," she murmured, echoing Luna's words. "It's... It fucking sucks to lose a best friend, and if there's anything you need - anything at all - I'm here for you." The look in her eyes was completely sincere. Despite their differences, Suite cared heavily for the man before her. She hated this for him - for both of them. "You were a great friend to him, Roy. You did all you could. Please don't ever forget that," she ended, wiping away her stray tears with her free paw.


The rusty tang of blood was prominent, thick on his tongue as he headed down the halls towards Maes' room. For a moment, he felt a rush of sensation, of memory, found himself trapped in the same mindset as when he'd been running to Starry. The memory was fleeting, there and gone as he struggled to reign it in. He had to remind himself to shut it off, to stop caring, to put up his barriers. It helped that there was a steady buzz thrumming under the surface, just enough to dull his senses and silence his internal chaos.

As he came to a stop in the doorway, he felt a brief flare as he stared at the complete fucking mess of blood. He had no judgment for Roy, and understood the loss -- hell, he had actually liked Maes, and it was with a scowl that he realized the idiot had gone ahead tried his fucking circle shit again. He stayed back, out of the thick of things, and instead just said lowly, "May the Stars grant him safe passage."


[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
It was the smell of blood that ushered her forth from the shadows of her own room, causing her pace to quicken and quicken until she was practically sprinting down the halls, her gaze borderline black. Hungry... hungry... hungry, she was so terribly hung- Maes? This was Maes room. This was where the blood was coming from. Why? Why were there other people here? Why was Roy despairing? She had to fight tooth and nail to control herself, gradually coming back to reality only to be hit with a ton of bricks. Her feral mind had been subdued just long enough for her to realize that Maes was gone. Her friend was gone.

Claws escaped their sheathes as she took in the scene, her heart hammering in her chest as every one of her instincts screamed to put her personal feelings towards the man aside and feed. Feed for her children. Feed for herself. She held strong though, gray eyes emerging from the black only to fill with tears. [color=#b14767]"I'm..." She began in a quiet voice. A shaking voice. [color=#b14767]"I'm so sorry."  It was that damn circle again. She recognized it from last time, remembered Roy's distress and how, subsequently, he had been tasked with cleaning up the mess it left. She supposed Maes hadn't been willing to give up though and in that, committed the taboo that he had been warned about. Already, she missed him.

But she couldn't stay, not with the beast growing and tempting her to let go and further destroy his already bloodied body. It was taking every ounce of strength for her to just be standing there, practically trembling as she combated her inner darkness. In the end, she had to leave, turning on a heel and hurrying away as fast as possible hoping that Roy would understand. That everyone would understand.