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WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - Printable Version

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WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - Margaery - 05-29-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]"Come see me if you'd like a weekly task!"

Margaery's voice was overly cheery as she situated herself in the center of the Observatory, her eyes, usually so bright, empty and distant despite her words. She felt terrible, both emotionally and physically, and wanted to do nothing more than sink her teeth into some unsuspecting victim and forget her problems for a bit as she fed. Her unborn children - the leeches as she so affectionately called them - were sapping her energy in every way and with that came bouts of irritability and unreasonable anger. It didn't help that she had upset Bastillepaw and had taken to both avoiding him and the Latin language entirely.

Hopefully doing this would provide to her a little bit of an escape. She could easily distract herself by thinking up clever things for her clanmates to do, some that could even provide her amusement. Sitting back, Margaery would angle her ears forward and wait patiently, ignoring the sudden wave of nausea that overwhelmed her lithe form.

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - ★ HAZEL - 05-30-2018

Hazel was...the first over? Wow, that was a first. The cocoa colored femme trotted over at Margy's call, eyes wandering up and down the chocolate point as if checking for injury. Ever since her announcement, Hazel had noticed the woman quicker to swing in mood and more tired than usual. She'd never encountered a queen expecting, and so far, it reminded her of someone descending into sickness.

"I'll take one, Margy." She piped up, offering a smile.
★ — hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - Character Graveyard. - 05-30-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
A few seconds after Hazel had shown up, Luna had followed close behind the young female. More weekly tasks, it appeared. The white-serval had decided to take a seat next to Hazel, offering a smile to her as she took a seat.

"I'll take one." Said the Starstruck Guardian with a soft voice.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - Suiteheart - 05-31-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Weekly tasks would be a good way to rid her mind of all this shit, Suiteheart thought as she padded forward. She had been angry the last few days. She was angry at the whole fucking world for continuously messing up everything good. The only breath of air she felt like she was getting was the fact that she and Margaery were expecting kittens (and Luna too, she was excited about that!), but even then, her wife wasn't exactly thrilled.

"I'll take a task, babe," the Cosmic General meowed as she strolled in behind Lunafreya. She offered the gathered trio a small, friendly smile before focusing baby blues upon Margaery.

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - Roy Mustang - 05-31-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy really didn't to make his way out here. He wanted to stay in his room, be away from contact for a few hours as he mourned for his friend. But he knew that mentally, it won't be good for him if he stays away from contact. Despite his grief stricken state, he has to force himself to go out there and continue on. He has to listen to some wise words that came from Edward Elric: "Stand up and walk. Keep moving forward. You've got two good legs. So get up and use them. You're strong enough to make your own path." He knew that those boys went through hell, and despite all of that, they moved forward. If they were able to keep moving forward after all of that, then he can too. This place might as well be considered a living hell, but he can't allow it to make his life crumble to pieces. Hughes wouldn't want him to wallow away in self pity, anyways.

The male made his way over, ears flattened to his skull as he looked over towards Margaery. Roy's eyes looked tired, they were red and swollen from grief. "I'll take one." The Flame Alchemist said, his confident, cocky tone replaced by a drained, broken tone.

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - BASTILLEPAW - 05-31-2018

It was easier to resist Pollie's murderous lurch in response to Margy's presence when he was operating with a low buzz and a regained sense of apathy. Since Starry's official memorial, something seemed to have shifted in the Seraph -- those fleeting flares of his souls had quieted somewhat, muted by his desperate attempts to shut himself off, to kill the budding emotions in his chest. To detach, to force himself to stop caring, to drown out the temptations and the caring with the idle burn of alcohol. He didn't even need much to quiet his raging thoughts for a few hours, and as he joined the others there wasn't so much as a flicker of reaction to their presences. Not even Hazel's proximity dragged a response out of him.

"I guess I'll take one," he drawled, his ice blue stare even on Margy, with no sign of those mismatched irises trying to make an appearance.

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - Warringkingdoms - 06-01-2018

  Come to think of it, Rin had never actually completed her previous weekly task- and to do so now seemed in poor taste, considering recent events. She would have to be more punctual with this one, she decided. There wasn't time to mope about, and having a specific objective to focus on would help her stay focused on being a productive member of society.

  Margaery, despite her tone of voice, was clearly drained. Rin couldn't blame her, especially given the strain of pregnancy, but she couldn't help but worry. Radeken may have been present now to care for both Margaery and Luna, but who knew if she might just up and disappear again? Shoving those thoughts to the back of her mind, Rin chimed in, "I'll take one as well."

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - Margaery - 06-01-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
A genuine smile lit up her features as her gaze fell upon Hazel. She had the perfect thing for the younger girl and hoped that she (and Arion, now that she thought about it) wouldn't mind. [color=#b14767]"Hazel, if you and Arion are feeling up to it, would you give the clan some tips on riding horses and tending to them? I think it'd be an interesting thing for us to learn," She offered with a quick nod of her head, thinking momentarily of the mare that her own mother once cared for. That creature had long since passed though... it'd do her no favors to dwell on it.

[color=#b14767]"Luna," She began, dismissing her thoughts and looking towards the Starstruck Guardian, [color=#b14767]"I'd like you to host a scavenger hunt. Find an acceptable prize to give the person who finds the most."

Suite came next and yet again another smile appeared upon her face. [color=#b14767]"It's been a long time since I've heard you play anything, mea vita. Would you perform for us?" She admittedly couldn't recall the last time that she had witness Suite playing... it was much needed and a welcome escape from Bastillepaw and the leeches.

Her attention settled upon Roy then and it took everything in her not to extend her condolences once more. She felt so bad for him - badder than she could put into words actually - and knew he needed something to divert his attention from his best friend's passing. [color=#b14767]"Roy, hold a paint war. Divide everyone into two groups and then go crazy," Margaery supplied, hoping that that would be enough to take his mind of Maes for even a little bit.

The faintest smell of alcohol brought her gaze to rest upon Bast, her weariness returning in that moment tenfold. He hated her. She knew that. She hated herself because he hated her. [color=#b14767]"Bastillepaw," She stopped, hesitating, worried that nothing she assigned him would be good enough, [color=#b14767]"Host a training session. We may be peaceful but we need to know how to fight."

She turned away from him quickly after that, finding that it was impossible to meet his stare without recollecting the murderous one she had been given a few days prior. Thankfully, she had Rin to look to. [color=#b14767]"Rin, I'd like you to set up a compliment booth of sorts. Have fun with it- you can charge as well if you'd like," She said lightly, once more hoping that the other female would be up to such. She was fairly exhausted by this point of time and sat back on her haunches, glad that, for the time being, she was done.

[color=#b14767]"If anyone would like a different task, just let me know."

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - ★ HAZEL - 06-02-2018

★  WHEN MY HEART IS MADE FROM GOLD AND FORGIVENESS SEEMS TOO BOLD lesson. A horse lesson. Hazel lit up, aura flaring with such light it was near blinding to those who could see it. "Of course!" The girl purred, hopping to her paws. Her knowledge of horses was similar to her knowledge of Latin: inexplicably thorough. She wasn't sure where she picked it up or under what circumstances (and there was a reason, mii promised she wasn't bullshitting this) she had gained it from, but it was so second nature she couldn't really find it in her to care.

Tail high, Hazel trotted off, calling for her colt even though she knew he wouldn't like playing student for everyone.
★ — hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: WANNA BE MISSED / weekly tasks - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-03-2018

"Could I have one?" Gordon asked as she made her way over, blinking up at Margaery.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━