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SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - Printable Version

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SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - Sylvest H. - 07-17-2022

[glow=#000,1,400]I HOPE IT STAYS DARK FOREVER, I HOPE THE WORST ISN'T OVER — 。+゚.[/glow]
The swamp wasn't... the best option for him to go. His eyes darted around, spotting spirits out of the corners of his vision. With a gentle sigh, he sniffed the air. Lorelei didn't talk about this place - but wanderers, traders, did. He knew his mentor didn't get out often, sometimes too stuck in her own world to pay attention to beyond the borders. And he almost fell into that habit. For about a month.

Before the next meeting, he wanted to make an impression on some neighboring groups. First was this swampy hellhole, next was hopefully better. But the silver fox sighed and sat down, tail resting on the basket of berries and medicinal herbs that grew in the Legion's territory. He just hoped they were accepting of the gifts. [glow=#b6cdcd,1,400]text[/glow]

Re: SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - tanglewoodian - 07-17-2022

the steady thump of shell on earth signaled the small turtles arrival. stopping before him, the kid would stretch his neck out to look up at the stranger. eyes studying the other and head tilting left and right. hello. name? business? he asked in that blunt fashion that showed he was not used to talking at all.

code by Reggan

Re: SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - Seven - 08-06-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]DREAM OF YOU
Cory's absence made Seven's presence all the more important, it seemed, as the medicinal reaper walked along a well-trodden path only to run into Vintara and someone new. Neither aura seemed tinted red, but the fox's presence alone was enough to cause her to speak. "Hello, you two." She started, turning her blind gaze to the fox. "Are you here to join, or are you here to set up some relations?"
SEVEN — Ref — played by Dio!

Re: SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - aesior - 08-07-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the sounds of two voices would reach him, one he had not heard before, and the other belonging to seven. it almost seemed a coincidence that they would be running into each other more often. he wasn't a stranger to cory's disappearance, he could only hope that their newest luminary, as he was told, was doing alright and looking after himself. breath stuttering in aesior's lungs as he fought off a sneeze, head down as he stumbled across the scene with the sound of his sneeze echoing.

rubbing at his nose with a paw, the tom inhaled as another sneeze ripped its way from him, earning a disgusted face from him. scent flowed over him at the same time, the foxy scent of sylvester causing his fur to rise on end. 'another fox? how many more must there be?', he couldn't help the thought as he raised his head finally, nose running as he tried to sniff. staring at sylvester, the tom was frozen in his tracks at the sight of the gray being, his fur half-raised, mindful only of vintara's closeness to the fox. he wanted to warn him of the danger of being close to a stranger but he was half frozen with a fear he hated. he had to rely on seven being the one to help vintara if shit hit the fan with this ... visitor.

use your anger. he's the enemy, a voice whispered in his ear, ears flattening as he began to pant, legs shaking. i don't want to die!, shrieked another, causing his fur to rise all the way as a silent hiss left the veiled tom. he couldn't escape the voices echoing in his ears, shaking as their voices filled his ears in a cacophony, nearly driving him to the ground with the pain it instilled in his head.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - Sylvest H. - 08-12-2022

[glow=#000,1,400]I HOPE IT STAYS DARK FOREVER, I HOPE THE WORST ISN'T OVER — 。+゚.[/glow]
Sylvester's thoughts were jostled by Vintara's arrival, and before he could straighten himself up, Seven had entered the scene. He hastily cleared his throat, standing up and awkwardly messed with his apparel. "Uh- yes, hi. I'm Sylvester and I've come from a small group called The Legion of The Stars." He started, then stopped as Aesior approached. Even with his veil, the fox couldn't help but think of what Lorelei had said about her old group mates. And he couldn't help but stare at the many souls that stood around him, invisible to the normal eye.

Clearing his throat again, he turned his anxious gaze back to Seven, the one who was more likely to deal out a good amount of damage to him. "Uh- Anyways, I brought over some of the native herbs from my group's land. I was hoping they could be of some use for the healer here. Maybe it could be the start of an alliance, or at least a neutrality." As he finished, he finally noticed how terrified Aesior was, and the fox couldn't help but feel guilty. Did he cause that?

Ears pressed flat against his skull, he lowered his head a bit. "I'm terribly sorry for scaring you.. And this may be a bad time to ask, but... Are you Aesior, by any chance? My mentor talked about you if that's the case." His voice was above a whisper, but still very quiet. He didn't want to risk anything bad happening.

Re: SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - aesior - 09-05-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the conversation went in one ear and out, fear trembling through his every nerve and muscle, paralyzing him where he was. slowly, the voices faded as he made himself count his heart beats in order to calm down, ears slowly swiveling as he came back to the world of the living, freed of the memories overwhelming him. sylvester's voice was so different from the man from his past, he didn't need to hide away within himself. he didn't need to be as scared as he was, though it wasn't something he could avoid. breathing hard as he struggled within himself and the instinct to flee. the topic of herbs came up, and despite the aloe bursting upon his shoulders, his ears stood up. new herbs?

standing up as he shivered, standing behind seven rather than come closer, ears angled forwards as he spoke of medicines and allegiances. would they be open to making ties with younger groups? looking to seven for her input, he would curl his tail slowly, silently swishing it from side to side as he stared at the fox, trying to move past the fear that made him look away after a second. noticing the change in his body language, he took a half step back, studying his face quickly as his own ears flattened against his head in anxious fear. inhaling as he heard his name, freezing up, shakily nodding. it made him wonder just who this mentor was that he spoke of.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - Seven - 09-05-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]DREAM OF YOU
Ah, so a new group was coming around. Seven blinked uselessly before nodding gently. "The herbs are much appreciated, and I'll have to talk with our leader about an alliance, but you seem good enough." She rumbled, swinging a huge paw over and feeling for the basket's handle before hooking it and pulling it toward her. Glancing to Aesior, and though hardly able to tell his expressions, his shaking movements were enough to spur concern.

"Who is this mentor you speak of?" she lowly asked, tilting her head gently.
SEVEN — Ref — played by Dio!

Re: SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - Sylvest H. - 09-05-2022

He let out a startled gasp as Seven dragged the bag toward her, noting her movements and coming to the conclusion that she couldn't see, then directed his gaze back to Aesior. He blinked in surprise at the plants on his shoulders, then smiled gently. "My mentor was Lorelei... she talked about her friends from another group often." a hint of sadness echoed in his voice, wishing that Lorelei were with him, to prove his words. [glow=#b6cdcd,1,400]text[/glow]

Re: SPACE SONG // LoTS Visit - aesior - 09-06-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Lorelei. He knew that name. Uncertainty flicking in his eyes, he would look at Sylvester with a bit more of an intent. He could tell something was different about this creature. Hesitantly, he would step a paw forward, ears rotating for signs of danger. Lorelei. I wonder how she is. he would blink and shake his head to clear his mind. Extending one claw, he would etch into the dirt slowly, words appearing, 'Was? Know her. Yes.', he would watch Seven draw the basket close to her form and would cautiously sniff in its general direction, picking up different herbal scents and relaxing in accordance. There was no threat there, herbs were generally safe. Lifting his head as his tail flicked side to side, ignoring the spirits vainly whispering in his ears. Was she still among them or did she walk the paths of the ghosts now?

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef