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HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - Printable Version

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HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-29-2018

Gordon didn't know where her twin brother was, but she had to find a safe place to stay. She knew that if worse came to worse, he'd find her eventually. He would understand her trying to go off and find a safe place to hide from their father. Gordon made her way towards The Ascendant's border cautiously, as if she was worried for what came beyond the territory. Which... honestly wasn't a lie. She wasn't sure what these people were going to be like. She didn't know if they were just like her father, or if they were the exact opposite (which was what she was hoping for).

Gordon waited at the border, casting glancing behind her as if she was looking for something. Which was also a true statement; she was looking for her brother and for any sign that their father was near. But luckily, there were no signs of Caesar, but unfortunately, there were no signs of Billiam, either. But that didn't stop Gordon from still trying to look for him.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - Margaery - 05-29-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]"Name and business?"

Margaery's inquiry was delivered in a soft tone as she quickly made her way towards Gordon. Was it just her or did the girl her opposite seem as if she was anticipating the arrival of someone else? The frequent glances she appeared to cast over her shoulder alarmed the chocolate point mildly but she did not comment on it- it wasn't her place. Ignoring the tickle of the rose's that now brushed against her arms, the fae would urge a smile onto her features. [color=#b14767]"I'm Margaery, by the way."

Re: HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-29-2018

Gordon jumped slightly as Margaery spoke to her, and her tail puffed out in alarm. "O-oh, um... My-my name's Gordon Cipher." She squeaked out in reply, trying not to look at the other female in the eye for too long. "I-I, um... I was hoping to-to join."
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - Suiteheart - 05-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Hey, a joiner that hadn't crossed the border! Success. Perhaps her border markers were working. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but she didn't much care. She was just glad Gordon had the sense the remain behind the lines that were so clearly drawn. It made things so much simpler. "Welcome to the Ascendants then, Gordon," the ivory femme meowed as she came to stand beside Margaery, careful not to tread on her wife's roses.

Baby blue eyes peered curiously at Gordon. The girl seemed scared, uncertain. Everyone she knew had pasts that made them act out in odd ways, so she could not help but wonder if something that happened to this girl. It was rare that someone was born shy. At least, it was rare in her world. [color=#99182C][b]"My name's Suiteheart. If you have any questions about this place, I'd be happy to answer 'em. Need a tour or something? We can show you back to camp before then, if you do need one."

Re: HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-29-2018

Of course Gordon had a past, though she much rather not talk about it at all. It was too painful, too terrifying to want to go back to. She'd much rather just cling to somebody (preferably her brother) or some sort of mother or father figure. She didn't have anybody yet in The Ascendants, and Billiam wasn't around for her to press against. So Gordon probably did look almost lost, or wary, or scared, and that's because she was. What if he got caught? Caesar would kill him for sure and then run off to find her.

Gordon mentally shook the thought of that away from her and tried her best to smile up at Suiteheart. At least these guys definitely seemed like the opposite of her father. Maybe she could actually be happy here. Maybe she could finally relax after all these moons. "A tour would be great, if-if you wouldn't mind," Gordon stated softly, blinking gratefully at Suiteheart.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - ★ HAZEL - 05-29-2018

ooc ahh!! i remember Gordon from FF!! you might not remember me, but I was dreamiie : ))

Hazel was next over, the usual pep in her step lacking its luster. Things had been so tumultuous lately...all the different emotions and silent disagreements and recent, horrible events. People were different from when she first met them and things were changing and she didn't like it - but hey, it wasn't like she could do anything. So far, she was one of the youngest members of the clan; the child, the happy camper. She was supposed to be happy-go-lucky and carefree like she was that day on the border not so long ago. That day on the this one.

But her mentality had always exceeded her physical age. Some things that should be confusing seemed so obvious - like how Bastille practically ran from responsibility - while others were properly puzzling, like Suite and Margy's marital feuds. Now, between her newfound (or what she thought was newfound) friendship with Bastille gone awry due to something he saw between her and Margaery and grieving clan mates, Hazel found it harder and harder to balance the happiness she used to so easily find with loss. She could feel something inside her shift, like it had settled its weight onto the other foot. She didn't know what "it" was, but she wasn't very keen on finding out. Whatever it was, it was horribly uncomfortable and disorienting.

But she would keep a brave face, if that's what it took. Luna was sick. Margy was pregnant. Bastille was leader. Starry was dead. Rad was MIA and they needed a healer - badly. Now was not the time to have an existential crisis and dump it on everyone. She could deal. She could.

"A tour is a great idea." Hazel piped, a smile on her lips as she trotted over, offering a quick nod to Suite and Margy. "Camp is back that way - " she gestured with a sweep of her tail the direction from which she had come. " - and it's pretty hard to miss. It's the big building with the dome." The cocoa feline turned back to Gordon, vivid pools of gold blinking as she tilted her head. "Gordon, right? I'm Hazel. Nice to meet you." She greeted.
★ — hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-29-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
The pregnant wildcat had gone on a walk near the borders, slowly and warily, in case any of Tanglewood's members were around. It seemed it was just a joiner, who actually stayed at their borders. Looked like Suiteheart's border markings had worked out perfectly.

She would take a seat right next to Hazel, who she gave a nod of her head to before her attention switched to Gordon. The poor girl. She looked like she was having some anxiety. "Welcome to The Ascendants." She said, offering a sweet smile to the yellow-feline.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - BASTILLEPAW - 05-29-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
Bastille would love to avoid literally everyone for as long as possible, but he supposed he didn't get the fucking luxury. Instead, he skirted around Hazel and Margy as well as he could, refusing to let his gaze stray to them as he stopped beside Luna. His mentor had always been a calming influence for him before, and he brushed briefly against her side, apathetic stare locking on this newcomer instead. Be nice. Be nice, he reminded himself, before greeting vaguely, "Uh, welcome, I guess. 'm Bast." A pause, and he supplied awkwardly, "Bastille, actually." He needed to start giving people his actual name, but it felt forced and uncomfortable.

[ well well well would you look at who it is ]
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — astral seraph — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: HOPE OF MORNING // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-30-2018

//aaa dreamiie hey!!

Ack, there seemed to be people coming over here by the minute. Gordon watched as three other members came over, shrinking as much as she could. Gordon listened to Hazel, briefly casting a glance behind her as she mentioned the camp being in the big dome. Yeah, it really wasn't that hard to miss, huh? "Ah, it's-it's nice to meet you too." Gordon stammered out to Hazel, once again briefly looking up at the she-cat before her gaze went downwards towards her paws. When Lunafreya came over, Gordon glanced up at her and tried to smile again, before she quickly turned to Bastillepaw. "Thanks, guys." She squeaked out. They were really welcoming, despite her worries. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here after all; she just had to get used to everybody.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━