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OH HOLD MY HAND MY DEAR I THINK I MIGHT WEEP ༻❁༺ wedding - Printable Version

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OH HOLD MY HAND MY DEAR I THINK I MIGHT WEEP ༻❁༺ wedding - jasper - 07-13-2022

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THEN I WANT YOU TO KNOW! -- saturn x byriath.
please wait for byriath and saturn to post first! //

it had been some time coming, this celebration. he'd not been around this territory for too long but even he couldn't deny the bond between the guru byriath and his fellow clanmate, saturn. he'd seen the looks that the guru had given to saturn, he'd seen the tenderness in how they interacted. it had been less of a surprise and more of an acknowledgement when he'd been approached by the couple in front of his house. there had been a quiet and building excitement he'd observed in the two, the kinsella lord recognizing the giddiness and only having been able to smile for them. he knew the feeling of love all too well, he'd been swayed and held by it only for it to leave him high and dry, but this day, this celebration, was to cement the everlasting love that the immortal and mortal had for each other. he couldn't wish them ill for being in love or for how strong it was.

this day was long awaited, he'd remembered hearing from saturn after their proposal to byr was a success, the giddiness he was so wary of filling the recovering fae as he'd expressed his pleasure and well wishes to the couple. the giddiness was almost a curse, driving him to get up much sooner than he truly should have, but there were too many things to do. he was happy to help them set up the celebration for their wedding, perhaps living a bit of his own dreams as he worked his paws to the bones to prepare for this beautiful celebration. it was not without it's charms, his pads sore from needle pricks, mending and adjusting what he could of what was brought to him by the soon to be newlyweds, setting up garlands and crowns of flowers, of mixtures of rose, tulip, carnation and apple blossoms. he didn't know how many hours he'd put into this project, but the night before the wedding was planned to be held would be spent buried in an entirety of the flowers plucked from gardens and traded for.

the invitations and good news had been spread around the entirety of the coalition, adding some cheer to the heaviness of the recent kidnapping and attack that he had been the victim of. the group needed the warmth and happiness that came with the official union of the couple. the dawn of the day of celebration began with the fae lifting his head from his work, petals and pollen sticking to his fur and paws as the sound of chittering birds filled his ears, the early morning sun warming his fur. looking about the house he called his own, he would smile in a mild excitement, heart fluttering in his chest with a new sense of hope. it was a time for new beginnings. it was a time ... a time for everything to start over, for the future. he could almost imagine the new life to come to the land they called home, for the new lovers to appear. this could only be good. it could only be greater than what it was.

taking a breath as he set down the last garland of tulips and roses that he had crafted, a sense of contentment spilling from him as he stood to his paws and slowly stepped from his home onto the small porch surrounding it, watching the brightening sky with delight. yawning and stretching, he would turn back indoors to collect the garlands and crowns, leaving them in baskets by the door of his home, tail slowly wagging as he picked up the decorations he'd helped to make for the happy couple's wedding. he still couldn't believe that he'd been asked to officiate the wedding, that had been a surprise, more so than their announcement of marriage. what did he know about weddings? he didn't know all that much, but he was skilled with flowers at the least among other things. he'd coached the couple through what he knew of weddings, reminiscent of his own to the one he didn't speak about. but this? this was a happy marriage.

heading off in the direction of the wedding that saturn had told him off, he smiled at the sight of the slowly awakening village, waving his tail in greeting to those that came up to him, agreed upon paws coming to help him set up the revenue to the meadow that the marriage would be carried out within. he was excited for the couple, and for the group to see the union between them. the unification of two individuals was always exciting, and he could feel it in the air, the joyous attitude that they somehow managed to keep as they all rushed about. he watched with satisfaction as he directed clanmates with the power of earth to grow two tall and beautiful birch trees that twined together to form a beautiful arch over an amethyst boulder at the edge of the meadow, where they had agreed to have their vows spoken. watching the flowing field of flowers, he smiled widely as he helped his clanmates begin to decorate the clearing with the decorations that he'd created with their aid. he knew that the wedding itself was to be held at dusk, but the preparations alone would take most of the day. he could only nod to those who departed to help both parts of the wedding party, directing others to work on the food that would be used to feed the celebrators that evening, directing others to search for drinks of the alcoholic kind and to create juices among other things.

the day passed in a blur, setting up the last of what he needed to have done before the ceremony of vows. by the time that the sun had begun it's descent towards the horizon, jasper spent the last few moments freeing some fireflies that had been captured in jars while having strung up the reset of their brethren amongst the flower garlands. the meadow was a beautiful sight, nearly heavenly in honesty, a perfect place for the couple to take their vows. headed back to town, jasper would take a deep breath, nodding to everyone he saw, spreading news of where to gather before coming to the frozen fountain that marked their home, shouting to the coalition, "come my friends! tonight is the long-awaited celebration of the union of our guru byriath and his dearly beloved partner saturn! come with me to a meadow of mythic beauty to celebrate their joyous marriage! join me in congratulating them!", he would howl before waiting for the wanderers to gather around him, leading the first to respond towards the meadow that had been set up for the wedding to be. he would have everyone settled by the time that saturn and byriath emerged to observe the wedding of the year, perhaps, of the century? he would sit himself at the amethyst boulder with a kind smile upon his face, looking to the cushion resting upon the boulder where two slender chains sat with rings held upon their coils. how beautiful this celebration truly would be ...

please wait for byriath and saturn to post first! //

[align=center] the wedding officiator! -- I CAN'T DO IT ALONE!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: OH HOLD MY HAND MY DEAR I THINK I MIGHT WEEP ༻❁༺ wedding - Casphian - 07-20-2022

Saturn Nightshade
Wanderer of COTC
penned by Finnick
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #3D82AB; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along- ꧂
    Gosh they couldn't believe that the day was finally here. Saturn was finally going to marry Byriath and they couldn't be any happier. After they had proposed to him they were so overcome with joy that they immediately set to work on planning things for the wedding. That's when they quickly realized they had no idea what they were doing and what they should be planning.

So they had asked Byriath about seeing if Jasper wouldn't mind helping and see if he would officiate the wedding as well. Luckily when the two lovers had shown up at Jasper's doorstep, asking if he would do it the other happily agreed. So much planning went into this special day and so many sleepless nights making sure everything was good to go and they there wouldn't be and unexpected disasters that day.

There was still so much left to do to finish getting ready for the wedding and it was only the night before. So many crowns needed to be made for each of the attendees and Saturn was trying so hard to stay awake during the process but it was no surprise that the snow leopard kept nodding off. Finally Jasper had come along and shooed them off to go sleep so he could finish up and with many thanks the leopard sleepily headed off to their home where Byriath would be. That night they surprisingly slept through the night and awoke early the next day.

Saturn was currently preparing for the wedding, trying to work their way into their wedding attire and honestly struggling a lot more than they should. Luckily Plexus was gracious enough to agree to help the blind snow leopard which Saturn didn't think they would ever be able to repay them back. "Why did I have to choose so many layers of clothes to put on?" they grumbled, half to himself and half to the other feline in the room.

꧁ - Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
code by teef

Re: OH HOLD MY HAND MY DEAR I THINK I MIGHT WEEP ༻❁༺ wedding - Byriath - 07-28-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Holy shit, Byriath was not ready for this. Don't get him wrong, he was fucking ecstatic about finally marrying Saturn, but he was not prepared for the wedding mentally. He was extremely thankful for Jasper's assistance in the entire event, and would definitely give the fae a hearty gift for everything the other had done. He'd never hosted or even was part of any wedding before now, but he knew he had to help somewhat.

What he did to help? He grew the flowers necessary, and helped make the flower wreathes that would decorate the venue. And he spent a few restless nights trying to mentally prepare himself. Helping himself stay calm would help others, no doubt about it.

The day of the wedding, Byriath was getting into his attire - compared to what Saturn had probably chose to wear, he could have been considered Underdressed. But the shiny purple cloak with the white shirt underneath, golden cuffs on his wrists and small golden necklace around his neck were more than enough for him. A hearty and yet weary sigh escaped his lips, and he tries to flatten down some of his mane. "Of all the days to have a bad hair day." He grumbled, looking to his helpers. "Isn't that something."
Coalition of The Condemned. -- Xenosmilus. -- Guru
credit @/teef

Re: OH HOLD MY HAND MY DEAR I THINK I MIGHT WEEP ༻❁༺ wedding - Plexus - 08-27-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus never thought he'd see, or even be allowed to help, such a happy occasion. Since befriending Saturn, and Byriath in the process, Lex had been much more open and found himself helping the snow leopard into their wedding attire. Having donned a bowtie that was a green to match his eyes, the Guru made quiet the picture with sniffles and eyes welling with joy for his friends (was he even allowed to call them friends?).

With an uncharacteristic chuckle, Plexus teased, "Cause you want to look your best for Byr...iath, it is your wedding." Stepping back to admire the outfit he helped Saturn put on, the male wiped his teary eyes with a paw and gave a gentle smile to the snow leopard, "Once the wedding is over, you'll never have to wear it again."

Re: OH HOLD MY HAND MY DEAR I THINK I MIGHT WEEP ༻❁༺ wedding - Romulus - 09-01-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
The kingpin had seen this day coming from a mile away, but it had approached so quickly. When Byriath asked him to be by his side, the lion had accepted with pleasure and tried his best to be supportive along the way, especially as a friend and a leader. After all, the couple deserved only the best. In preparation, the lion managed to pamper himself privately. His mane was brushed out with the assistance of another attendee, leaving his hair fluffier than usual. Along with this, Romulus took the time to polish his piercings carefully. Each was held out to the sun to observe the rays bounce off and gleam on their golden surface to check for blemishes. When satisfied, he hoisted himself up took a deep breath. Then he was on his way.

He arrived early per usual. Where he could lend a paw he did. In what felt like a quick breeze, final touches were met and he found himself with the rest of Byriath's helpers watching the groom carefully. With Byriath's disgruntled comment, he shook his head in disapproval. A paw reached out to pat the other's back and attempt to pull them in close to his side. Whether successful in his action or not, Romulus would point at the mirror. "It is what Saturn will be seeing for the rest of their life," he tried to reassure. "If you look your best or your worst, they will be by your side no matter the occasion." That is what he hoped at least.

The lion would lean away. "I can try to fix your hair if you wish, but no promises," came his response. Romulus was no stylist. He tried to look his best at meetings, but he had more bad fur days than he cared to admit sometimes.

Re: OH HOLD MY HAND MY DEAR I THINK I MIGHT WEEP ༻❁༺ wedding - Casphian - 09-07-2022

Saturn Nightshade
Wanderer of CPTC
penned by Finnick
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #3D82AB; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along- ꧂
    Saturn turned to face Plexus, a soft smile dancing on their muzzle. "I suppose you're right. I just hope it looks alright and they he likes it," they mused, anxious over their outfit. Since they weren't able to see it themself they had to leave everything in the paws of someone else. "You'd tell me if I looked stupid wouldn't you? Gosh I wish I could just see myself that would make this so much easier, but alas I cannot and there's no use fretting over it," they hummed. Saturn could hear the soft sniffles coming from Plexus and attempts to reach a paw out to wipe away a few of the tears. "Please don't cry my friend, you'll make me cry and then we both will be bawling and miss the wedding," the snow leopard teased with a small chuckle.

With that they turned towards where they assumed the door was, shifting anxiously side to side. "Is it time to go yet? Hngh time is going way too slow for my liking,"  they said, anxiety strumming through their tone. Saturn wanted nothing more than to hurry up and get down the aisle and to their lover.

꧁ - Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
code by teef