Beasts of Beyond
Come along little flower, there's a whole world to explore || missing - Printable Version

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Come along little flower, there's a whole world to explore || missing - Casphian - 07-06-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans masc — COTC — Wanderer — HOVER FOR TAGS
TW // mentions of kidnapping in the last two paragraphs!

It was late at night and once again the pup couldn't sleep. It was rather common for Solsken to be seen running around at night, usually just taking a late night stroll through the territory until he was finally tired and he would retire back to his little hole where he slept. And tonight was just another one of those nights. He had been awoken earlier by an atrocious amount of nightmares, ones that woke him with a scream and tears streaming down his cheeks. Once he had calmed down he slipped out of his little hole and took off in a random direction.

As he carried along the path, a soft yawn slipped past his muzzle, telling him that it was high time that he head bacck to bed for the remainder of the night. As the hellhound pup turned around their ear flicked to the side at the sound of a twig snapping. And unfamiliar scent slowly drifted across his path, drawing out a low growl as his heartrate picked up. He had never encountered any foreign beings on his nightly walks and thus had never even thought about the possibility of someone appearing during one of them.

Solsken shifted his head side to side, searching for where the sound came from but never once seeing the owner. Unbeknownst to him a pair of golden orbs watched the pup as he finally returned to walking. Out of nowhere the pup was tackled to the ground, the sound of mixed growls filtering through the night air and scaring off any birds that were resting in the trees above. Solsken raked his claws down the older canine's face, causing the other to cry out and roll off of the hellhound. He took this time to scramble back to his paws and dart off back towards the main camp.

But he didn't get very far. The canine lunged at him once more, tackling his back and pinning the pup to the ground. The size difference made it easy for the older male to bring a paw down over Solsken's head and knock him out cold. The second the canine knew Sol was out like a light he picked the pup up by the scruff and fled into the night, leaving nothing but a patch of fur and the scent of the pup.

Re: Come along little flower, there's a whole world to explore || missing - Byriath - 07-06-2022

Sleepless nights plagued both of them, it seemed. But Solsken was one a large beast as Byriath was. He hoped that he would be there in time. But as fate is never too kind, the great Xenosmilus was too late, and came across the scene after all had happened. Powerful paws stooped as he stared at the patch of fur. He tried to figure out what happened, but rage bubbled in his mind. Rage at the boldness of the intruder for taking the boy he thought of as a son, and rage at the boldness of the intruders themselves for going past the border.

They were taking advantage of Romulus being ill. Running into the territory with no idea of what lay within, because the borders had not been as enforced as they were before. Something had to be done. The guru snarled, and stared in the direction of the scent trail. "Something must be done." And he had to get his son back.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Come along little flower, there's a whole world to explore || missing - Romulus - 07-17-2022

[OOC: just gonna track this since rom being ill was mentioned. since he's returned, shall a search party be sent out?]

Re: Come along little flower, there's a whole world to explore || missing - Casphian - 07-18-2022

//A search party being sent out is fine with me!