Beasts of Beyond
it never mattered | removing stryker's head - Printable Version

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it never mattered | removing stryker's head - rhosmari - 07-05-2022

How long has this dispicable thing hung here? Tales of a legacy long forgotten, names that no longer graced the tongue. It was unnecessary now and so he would make due with disposing of it entirely. He has been sitting here and staring at this remnant for a good while. The head itself was more bone than anything, flesh having withered away or dried up against the pale structure. Not it just stood grinning like the welcome of Death itself. Perhaps it scared some but he did not need to parade around a head for that. So he easily moves to knock it down. Water twisting and curling to toss it against the ground. It breaks into two pieces, jaw separating before the ocean rises up like a being itself and swallows it, dragging it down to the Depths.

An eerie silence follows then before the watery maned wolf merely sighs. "May you finally find your peace in the tides. Though you wrecked havoc at least in Death, in the Depths you may be whole." Bubbles simmer where the skull disappeared into the ocean and the leader says nothing else as he watches the waves press against the sands.

Re: it never mattered | removing stryker's head - Scyllios - 07-05-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── The maned wolf was not around during Stryker's tyranny. Ve were far from this island, probably. Far from the strife, probably living a good life or something. Or ve weren't even born at the time, which was probably for the best. Either way, as they walked toward the gate, their eyes spotted Ciabhan, staring out into the waters. For a moment vey are confused, but then ve catch a glimpse of the skull. A brow raised, they walked up to the new Captain.

Ve tap on the floor to get his attention, then simply tilt vis head, attempting to get an answer for the unasked question ve had.