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HOPELESS / o, lost - Printable Version

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HOPELESS / o, lost - Character Graveyard. - 05-29-2018

The young male had woken on the border of The Ascendants- lost, confused, and terrified. His mixed emotions could be seen in his blue eyes and all of his legs trembled, threatening to give out beneath him. The smell of blood filled the air from his left shoulder and he winced from the sharp pain, deciding to sit down on the border.

How strange. He couldn't recall anything from his past, aside from a tall, hooded figure with glowing yellow-eyes, yellow-eyes that sent shivers of fright down his spine and through all of his small body.
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Re: HOPELESS / o, lost - Suiteheart - 05-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Oh, Lord, here was another young, injured creature. The scent of blood wafted towards her easily on the fresh summer winds, and her metaphorical eyebrows immediately knit together in concern. Injuries of any kind were never good, she knew. She squinted, not quite sure where the hell she had picked up this "everyone deserved to be healed and well" attitude. It was how she faced her Clanmates, yes, but she scarcely ever offered this kind of help towards those outside of her family-like group. She wouldn't have offered to even heal the feline before her, but he was a mere child. Suite was a lot of things, but she did not turn away from children in need. Mother bear strikes again, she mused inwardly.

"Hello there," the Cosmic General greeted, voice gentle. "What's your name, kiddo? I'm Suiteheart." She took the bag of healing items from around her neck, setting it on the ground before digging through it. She produced a wad of cobwebs and comfrey. 'Where is Rad?' she thought, bitterly. [color=#99182C][b]"I can fix up your shoulder injury, if you'd like. And you can tell me about yourself while I work. How's that sound?"

Re: HOPELESS / o, lost - tristitia - 05-29-2018

THEY COULD BECOME FALSE MEMORIES ✧ Dwarf Star — The Ascendants — tags
Ah yes. The strange yellow eyes that glowed. Their aura was fiery, like a star, and commanding. But it seemed odd, as if the star had been shrouded by darkness.

And, she had been beat by the Cosmic General. She was already asking if he was okay. At first, she didn’t know who it was. Now, she knew... Suiteheart. That lovely puntastic name. She had treated herself, her own shoulder injury.

The cub skidded down, her eyes widening as she took in the striped domestic feline. He was... he was. Xion quickly threw her hood up, to hide her pained face. She suddenly had an awful headache, though something was coming back to her. [b]"Thanks... for helping him.. Miss Suiteheart... his name is... Ro...xas. It should be. Or Thirteen? I can’t... remember too well." Her staggered voice was partially due to pain, but also as she recalled somethings. Some bits and pieces.
© madi

Re: HOPELESS / o, lost - Character Graveyard. - 05-29-2018

The young male would shuffle his paws nervously as he noticed Suiteheart approaching. His blue-eyes landed on the stash she had around her neck and his nostrils picked up the smell of herbs. "My name is Thirteen." He would say to the Cosmic General, before he nodded his head at her offer. "Er, sounds good?"

Then another feline showed up. There was something odd about her. Something almost familiar. He found himself attempting to make eye contact with her when she threw her hood over her head. A somewhat worried expression had formed on his facial features and he asked. "Uh, are you all right?"
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Re: HOPELESS / o, lost - tristitia - 05-29-2018

THEY COULD BECOME FALSE MEMORIES ✧ Dwarf Star — The Ascendants — tags
He introduced himself by number, as well. How peculiar. Though, he did not seem to remember her. Oh well. They were odd creatures. Perhaps the memories would return in time. Or perhaps it was because she covered herself with her cloak. Upon hearing the question, she fumbled a bit. Right, right. "Yeah, just um... hit my head. Thinking is slow." She tried to justify it, offering a small smile beneath her hood. Her gaze flickered towards Suiteheart, waiting for her reaction.

//Mobile + rushed, sorry about shortness!
© madi

Re: HOPELESS / o, lost - Suiteheart - 05-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"Roxas. Thirteen," Suiteheart would breathe, committing the names to memory. Just like Xion, he seemed to have a numerical name. However, as the Cosmic General did not know Xion's true identity, she wondered if 'Fourteen,' was in a situation similar to this Roxas-Thirteen-guy. It would make sense, she thought. Pairs of similar backgrounds often ended up in the same place. Take Roy and Maes for instance.

Despite Xion having called him Roxas, he introduced himself as Thirteen. It was certainly curious, but who was she to comment on the names of others? Her name was an anomaly: 'Sweetheart,' was what others often told her she should have been called when they asked her to spell it. She flicked an ear at the thought as Thirteen said she could heal him.

Suiteheart cleaned his shoulder off a bit before chewing comfrey up. Once it was chewed into a simple poultice, she would rub it onto his wound. Next, she grabbed the cobwebs and began to wrap his shoulder. The job, overall, was sloppy. She was no Cleric. She was just someone who knew what was supposed to happen and was trying to replicate what she had seen. "It looks like shit, but it'll hold. The comfrey'll help with pain. Make sure you keep it clean. We wouldn't want an infection or anything, kiddo." She presented the young boy with a smile.

"So... Do you guys know each other?" she ventured, noting the odd tension between the pair. Her baby blue eyes were half-lidded as she began to pack up the unused portion of her supplies.

Re: HOPELESS / o, lost - BASTILLEPAW - 05-29-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
It hadn't escaped Bastille's notice that Rad had gone AWOL. They seemed to have an increase in injuries lately, and every time, he found Suite or Rin there trying to do damage control. They were going to need a new Cleric, and he focused on that instead of the group around him or any of the other dreadful concerns eating away at him lately. He found that focusing narrowly on one thing helped him to avoid his other problems, to escape the crushing misery in his gut. As he joined them, he simply watched for a moment, waiting to see what Fourteen and Thirteen said about their relationship. It seemed obvious that they must, but hey -- he didn't seem to recognize her.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — astral seraph — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: HOPELESS / o, lost - Character Graveyard. - 05-29-2018

Roxas would glance at Xion, the concerned look in his blue eyes growing as she mentioned that she had hit her head. He was somewhat worried about the female, even though he had no idea who she was.

He would eye warily in Suiteheart's direction, before relaxing as she brought the cobwebs and comfrey over to him, all of his body going limp as she tended to his wounds. "I'll make sure it doesn't get infected." Roxas would say to the Cosmic General, his blue eyes observing her at work. "I don't think we do." The striped-feline said, a blank stare towards Xion on his face. "Do you think I'm someone else you know?" He asked the female.

Then the young-male noticed Bastille approaching, but he decided not to say anything to him, unless he was spoken to.
tags :: updated 5/28:

Re: HOPELESS / o, lost - tristitia - 05-30-2018

THEY COULD BECOME FALSE MEMORIES ✧ Dwarf Star — The Ascendants — tags
Fourteen watched Suiteheart work. She was a kind person, and helped her with her own wounds. So, to have her help a best friend was great. Her blue eyes sparkled as she watched, and then heard Suiteheart’s question. "Yes, we do!"

She heard Bastille walk up. Xion turned, nodded towards him. She did not know that gut-wrenching feeling, but she supposed it helped him start helping the group.

Upon hearing Roxas’ words, the cub bit her tongue. Her eyes glazed over. She was hurt. How could he forget her? Was he out for a long time. A sneering voice played in the back of her head as she shut her eyes, Wow. You didn’t even have to disappear to be forgotten. She forced them open, looking at the striped cat. And she shook her head. "Thirteen, right? You’re number Thirteen? You, Number Eight, and I were put on missions together. We became best friends." Her voice held a bit of desperation.
© madi