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once hunted | typhoon leader - Printable Version

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once hunted | typhoon leader - rhosmari - 07-02-2022

The desert dwellers. Much like those that dwell within the swamps he doesn't have much of an opinion on them. He knows their history and what they attempt to do and for that he supposes they have some intimidation. At least for others, not for him. During his youth he had always been terrified. Always trying to find his place but those days were over. The elemental canine steps onto the shifting sands with a goal in mind. A familiarizing visit of what these lands are worth and those whom live within them. His liquid like hide shifts and glows like the waves of an ocean, leaving behind wet pawsteps on the sand. As he travels he wonders if someone will find him first before he gets to their jungle. Perhaps.

Regardless he sees it with white orbs, the leafy green that tells of where the residences live. Pausing he slowly settles himself since he doesn't wish to go any further before he takes a shallow breath of the hot air. "Pittians, I see audience with your leader, Olalla. I have information to give as well as some talks that pertain to the shifting of the tides. I am the Typhoon's new Captain."

Re: once hunted | typhoon leader - Olalla - 07-05-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla's brow hung upon his face in a regal expression, towering over the liquid being with a tired, frustrated look; having been interrupted in the long process of building another coop. The beast would be lying if he said he didn't puff himself up to look bigger, but it made him feel better about himself. Bigger was better in his mind, although that wasn't always the case.

"The tides always seem to be shifting in The Typhoon," he mocked as he shook himself free of sand. "Isn't that what tides do." Olalla looked at the watery creature with a raised brow. "You wanted an audience, you have one. " The beast lowered his face to stare down the liquid being, his ears pinning. "Speak," Olalla dictated with a low rumble, his long lower canines clicking against his upper fangs.

Re: once hunted | typhoon leader - bai shi - 07-05-2022

Re: once hunted | typhoon leader - rhosmari - 07-05-2022

The watery being tilts hos head slightly as he regards the massive creature before him. Unperturbed he merely sighs almost like he is dealing with children and the mockery is not lost on him. Not an ounce of wavering he does here as he has never been intimidates by the size of another creature. Just like his mother whom rested in the Depths now, she had killed monstrous things. For him he merely flicked his tail as he gave a all frown. "I've come here with respect towards you, Olalla. So I would hope for the same." That being said he supposes that he also needs to correct them on this matter of their leadership as the Typhoon has had the same captain for a while now. "On the contrary. Morrison has led us for a long time and has now sought to retire his throne. Given this information I look towards new avenues and ways to better the Typhoon as a whole."

There is a pause then as he looks from one great beast to the other before he allows a small measure of amusement to vaguely cross his features. "I know the Pitt's history all too well. My mother used to deal with this place..often enough. Regardless to that I was hoping to be updated on our stance with one another. Neutrality fits my needs currently but if you wish we could progress towards something else."

Re: once hunted | typhoon leader - Olalla - 08-24-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
The behemoth snorted, flicking an ear as the large dragon approached. "Your given all the respect your owed, Ciabhan." He eyed the flowing creature, his expression changing a bit to a less dramatic one.

"Bahahah!" Olalla erupting into a barky, loud fit of laughter before simmering down into a snicker. "Ah yes, our history. Its always our history this and our history that and, nooo you killed my father 50 years ago, its never the now. Such a pitty," the male mocked, fully aware of his joke. The beast huffed, taking note of the name Morrison while casting a glance toward Bai Shi.

"We remain neutral towards The Typhoon unless you would like to speak further about an alliance," Olalla stated as he flicked his tail, wondering what his Councilman of Relations was doing at the moment considering this was a relations ordeal. However, he did appreciate that Bai Shi decided to show up even if this was out of this jurisdiction.

Re: once hunted | typhoon leader - Kold - 08-31-2022


Kold let out a low snort as she approached, catching what Olalla had said about history. Wolf-Rottie body sat down next to the goliath that was her leader, feeling no less powerful than either him or Bai Shi considering her arsenal of abilities. But she kept silent, studying the new Captain with mild distain. It did seem that leaders there in The Typhoon didn't stay for long, but neither did the Ardents of The Pitt. The thought made her sneer and look away.

"Sounds like a plan, then." She spoke gently, shifting her wings slightly.