Beasts of Beyond
CALL TO ORDER | MEETING 7/1 - Printable Version

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CALL TO ORDER | MEETING 7/1 - rhosmari - 07-01-2022

As the sun began to make it's rise into the sky a figure sat looking out from one of the homes. His eyes of pure white shifted to look upon the skies and he allows a small sigh to leave his muzzle. Many thoughts are moving through his head as he thinks about his conversation that he had with Morrison just last night and he is neither worried nor scared of this new venture that has been presented to him. No he is...intrigued. He is able to now realize a few things for the group that his father once ruled over. For a moment the water along his body turns turbulent, shifting into gray rage as if a storm is flashing over before it settles into cool blues once again. He turns to the side before he pushes open the door and calls out with a loud enough voice so everyone can hear him. "All pirates that live and breathe on this island we call home gather at the beach for a meeting!" It will be enough he hopes and so he makes his way there as dawn bathes everything in orange and pinks.

There he waits and when there is enough of those staring at him in confusion he finally turns to look at them. The waves crash back and forth against the beach and he allows that to keep him calm. This he supposes his a symbol of a change, something new on the wind and he looks almost amused by it. He knows how he feels about several different issues and he has no reason to keep them hidden. Things will surely be different and because of that he focuses on what he wants for the Typhoon. Dipping his head he scans the growing crowd with his solid pearl orbs before he wraps his tail around himself. "I know you all must be confused so allow me to let you all know what is going on. Morrison has decided to retire. The old man needs his rest there is no doubt about that and in his place he has named me his successor." Rather that is a good thing or a bad one has yet to be determined but he is determined none the less to see this through and see where he can take this band of rogues. That also reminds him on several other things. "So as of today I am your Captain. I will be making some changes for the betterment of our home. We need a bit more...structure to this place anyway." His gaze lingers on nothing in particular as he things over what he is about to do.

"To begin with, the Typhoon as a group proclaims to be pirates. But we never really act in the benefit of ourselves. We don't act like pirates. As dangerous as we are reliable so I've decided that the Typhoon will be reassessing this as well as from today we don't have any allies. None. They are neutral until further notice. If we need them we can have talks but we need to learn to stand on our own. I'll be visiting all the groups in notification of this personally." He pauses there so that all of this can sink in. His tail slides against the ground, soaking the sand with water before he releases a deep breath he didn't realize he has been holding before he dips his head a little. "I'll be looking for a Quartermaster soon, a Soothsayer who will be taking over as head of the Necro Mambas, A Officer who will be taking over as head of the Grim Rays, and a Dealer who will be taking over as head of the Blackjack Rats." From there he finally blinks and lets all of that information sink in before he gives a small and almost amused smile on his muzzle.

"Now I open the floor up to my fellow pirates on what they wish to see, what do you want out of the Typhoon? Where do you wish for us to go? I'm sure you all have good ideas but keep in mind not all will be accepted."

Re: CALL TO ORDER | MEETING 7/1 - Scyllios - 07-01-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Sand stuck uncomfortably to vis tail as ve walked toward the call, just as confused as anyone else would be in the situation. Though as ve stared at the other maned wolf, and listened to his words, vis lips pulled into a frown. The fin on the back of vis neck flitters gently, but ve didn't say anything. Of course, ve couldn't, or more accurately, ve wouldn't.

No allies. Becoming 'pirates', neutral. Ve had nothing to say on this - though ve would make sure ve accompanied Ciabhan when he visited The Coalition. Spit on their grounds. But everything else he said had little effect on ver. Ve had no want to rise in the ranks just yet, let those who truly want to lead and hold a high position do so. Scyllios would be just fine.

At his last question, Scyllios shook vis head. Ve wanted to stay silent, both physically and mentally. Ve had nothing to add or suggest, so hopefully someone else did.

Re: CALL TO ORDER | MEETING 7/1 - Cobra - 07-07-2022

[div style="background-color: TRANSPARENT; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #ff0000; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]CLOSE MY EYES -
the male would bound in and sway on his feet. eyes flicking over the others about himself and letting his eyes fall on their new captain. strange. not bad strange. he had seen the old captain once. so, it was no surprise. the male would nod and sit. eyeing the other with a small smile on his maw.
