Beasts of Beyond
Continuing on // O; Dual Alliance - Printable Version

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Continuing on // O; Dual Alliance - GAWAIN - 06-30-2022

we must away, ere break of day
His armor did little to defend him from the cold as he trudged on, still quite dented (though some of the major dents had been buffed out). He hummed quietly, a tune he would sing to the knights he led so bravely.

It was sad, how longing he was for the other knights. While he was relieved to know that Merlin was alive, his heart would not be at peace until he discovered where the others were.

He halted as the border scent grew strongest, his breath leaving through the vents in his helmet, as if steam had started to billow out of it. His jaws parted and he let out a call, low in an attempt to be peaceful.

Re: Continuing on // O; Dual Alliance - jerisidie - 07-01-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
Gawain wouldn't be alone for long, the hellhound wandering along when he'd heard the dark tiger's call, redirecting his path towards the border. breaking into a trot, wondering who was along their borders, his lantern swinging in his jaws, careful of any darkness coming along while out on his own.

licking his lips as he set the lantern down, coughing a few times with a heavy groan, out of breath and aching, "Hello stranger. W-What do you need? You're on the border of The Frostguard.". his voice was weak, thin. He was moving far too much for too recent of a recovery, but he had no choice. he had to be out and about, he had to stay leading.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy