Beasts of Beyond
TEACH ME THESE PAINS // Visitor (another one) - Printable Version

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TEACH ME THESE PAINS // Visitor (another one) - SAKURA R. LINGRÉ - 06-29-2022

Hm. How long had it been since they'd seen their brother? Not just Rowan, for they saw him often. But Bai Shi, who they'd only seen when the hellhound was a child alongside Rowan. Their paws dug into the warm sands, a pleased noise leaving them. They breathed in deeply, taking in the warm air that was so different to the frigid air of their home. They might stay a while, just for the heat.

Jaws opening, they let out a rather loud roar, a mix between a lion and a bear. as the roar echoed out, they scanned the horizon, tail swaying and chains clinking against each other. Maybe they'd pick up some new jewelry, piercings, such the like.

Re: TEACH ME THESE PAINS // Visitor (another one) - Night of No Stars - 07-02-2022

a loud roar would bring steady paws/ night was not one to often do this whole boarder patrol nonsense. yet, here he came. slowing as he spotted a hellhound? that was new to him. sure, he knew what they were, but one on the boarder was new for him. the vampire strolled over and shook out his mane.

"we hear you. what brings you to the pitt?" he inquired with a casual sweep of those eyes across the stranger. he had to wonder, right? that was completely fair.



Re: TEACH ME THESE PAINS // Visitor (another one) - bai shi - 07-05-2022

Re: TEACH ME THESE PAINS // Visitor (another one) - SAKURA R. LINGRÉ - 07-08-2022

The hellhound let out a harsh chuff, eying the lion who had arrived with a curious stare. Their lips curled into a flirtatious grin for a second, but it dropped as he asked the usual questions. "Call me Sakura." and before they could speak more, their older brother had arrived. Turning their attention to the reason of this visit, Sakura grinned.

"Indeed, big brother." They spoke, watching the bone leave Bai Shi's throat with an amused, open grin. "This heat is a much needed respite from the biting cold. Mom is doing... hm." They hesitated; then continued. "Mom is doing well. A small bout of sickness managed into his body, but he's recovering." They shook their ruff, then turned to look at Night again. "I was hoping to visit - catch up with Bai Shi, maybe scrounge up some new jewelry."

"I've not caught your name, dark lion." Their ears flicked, earrings chiming as they did so. 

Re: TEACH ME THESE PAINS // Visitor (another one) - Night of No Stars - 07-11-2022

the flirty grin made him pause, but it was short lived when bai shi arrived. head turning to the larger beast, night offered a soft smirk. "so extremely dangerous if mad?" he offered in playful fashion before turning back to sakura as they spoke in turn. ears twitching as he was asked his name. a crooked grin splayed on his mouth as he answered.

"i'm night of no stars, but you can call me whatever you wish." he would raise a paw slightly off the earth and lift his head a bit. "your names suits you. very pretty." he adds in flirty fashion. before looking to bai shi a moment.

"guess it is your call. i have no power here, but i see no harm in her hanging about for a while."

