Beasts of Beyond
laughing ;; bird watching - Printable Version

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laughing ;; bird watching - Cobra - 06-27-2022

the white she-cat was now resting out of camp more often. she was not a fan of the crowd. she never would be. so, she opted to stay away from the camp unless she had food to drop off.

this was why she was out in a tree. sitting on a low branch and looking up at the sky. watching birds flying above with calm eyes. part of her wanted to fly away with them. maybe when she died she could. who knew what death held. for now, she was here and she was happy watching.



Re: laughing ;; bird watching - abyssjaw - 07-27-2022

AbyssJaw was not usually one for bird-watching. He was more of a fan of bird-catching. He was quick and quiet enough to be able to sneak around and catch them, but climbing trees was not one of his biggest strengths. He could smell VixenFrost nearby, mouth parted as he slunk underneath the tree she was up in. Her scent disappeared, and he looked behind him, confused, before slowly craning his neck up to see the she-cat up in the tree.

Quietly, the tom scoffed in disbelief. He didn't want to climb the tree, but he also knew he had no other choice if he wanted to see what she was up to. Maybe he could practice climbing trees quieter. His claws dug into the earth and he jumped up onto the trunk, catching himself and beginning to practically slither up the wood rather loudly. He wasn't the quietest climber. He winced every time he pulled his claws out of the wood and bark broke off and fell to the ground. There was no way that VixenFrost hadn't heard any of his clambering.

AbyssJaw finally reached the branch that the molly was on and he hopped onto it, digging his claws into the wood to stabilize himself. He looked down at her and crouched, then looked back at what she had been watching. Birds. AbyssJaw tilted his head a little, watching these birds as well, before his whiskers twitched.

"I hope you aren't planning on leaping off to catch those." He readjusted his paws, this time relaxing a little more.

[div style="font-size: 22px; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 3px 2px 1px black;"]HIGH HOPES
tom - soon to-be shadowclan - attack in RED

Re: laughing ;; bird watching - Cobra - 08-10-2022

Be us against the world -

the sound of claws in bark made her head twist to see abyssjaw and she had to force back a purr. part of her wondered if he came looking for her or if this was just by chance. ether way, she was happy to see the larger tom. he always brought a sense of joy to her miserable days in the crowd. a sense of joy he would always bring her.

her gaze shifted to the birds as he spoke and she frowned in thought. shaking her head after a moment and turning her gaze back to the male. leaning in to offer a soft bump on his shoulder with her muzzle. pulling her head back, one could see the amusement in her eyes. the idea she might jump was all to funny.

no. i was lost in thoughts, but had no plans to try and jump after them. i am much better at catching squirrels anyways. she admits as she looks to the birds in the distance now. wondering if when we die we all fly like that, you know?
