Beasts of Beyond
SHE WAS SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER ⥈ re-intro - Printable Version

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SHE WAS SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER ⥈ re-intro - teef - 06-27-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the blackened husk of the jungle, the sands scorched and churned up served as very cruel reminder of the raid so long ago, the taste of iron thick on her tongue and the reek of death hanging in her lungs. it was good to see the jungle beginning to grow again, and surely life with it. paws digging into the churned up sand, she narrowed her eyes against the glare of the rising sun, amber eyes glowing amidst the darkness of her fur. dark circles ran amok around her eyes, her frame thin from hunger and long exercise, muscles rippling under her coat, her muzzle clamped shut. "oh sweet misguided lazarus ... risen days long. how bittersweet the return to stomping grounds. better not to fool myself, see what's changed since i last laid eyes upon this land.", she would speak to herself in a low voice.

jaws aching from the kill she carried by sheer jaw strength, the borzoi uttered a content sound, entering the territory as if nothing had changed. for her, nothing was the same even if it all seemed to be the same on the surface. strides taking her into camp, she balefully met eyes with the on looking npcs, her stance relaxed and fluid as she dragged the carcass into camp. dropping the hunk of fresh meat onto the plaza, she stepped back and locked eyes with those who looked onward with starving glances, mouths watering. "looks like you're all pretty damn hungry." she rumbled, gaze cutting the crowd in curiosity. she was finally home.

albeit covered in new scars and wearing a skull, the girl had more or less grown into a fully fledged woman, her world and understanding greatly broadened and acknowledged. yet she bore a deep dark secret that her family thought they had long since buried and grieved over. a not so fun thing for her, being hunted by the mountain lion and his goonies. the mountain lion had almost been dead, but it had allowed her the closure she needed in the wake of her mother's murder. she'd relished in his murder, his blood was enough to stave off the grief.

coming back from that fight had been an exhilarating experience, and her life had gone from the old pace, to a less organized daily struggle for her life. now that she was home, she didn't dare believe that things would take that normal pace again, and she was okay with that. clearing her throat, she stepped away from the carcass, gaze fixed on the npc children not so much with a withering look as a confused look. somehow, the birds and bees had won this time, and now there were more beings to add to her list of 'protect until they can protect themselves'. "hey. i'm home.", she barked, wondering whose faces she would know and not know. it had been years after all, since she'd shown her face, sticking to wandering around the desert. would anyone remember her?
ramona lingré of the pitt. -- borzoi.
credit @/teef

Re: SHE WAS SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER ⥈ re-intro - Kold - 06-28-2022

Kold had arrived as soon as she heard of someone walking into the Plaza. This had already happened, had it not? Like, twice? Once with Vale and again with Brymstone, ver playboy. She was a little sick of people she didn't know just waltzing in. "You can thank Olalla for us all looking better." She started lowly, teeth clacking. "Please, tell me who you are. You seem pretty set on this placing being your home, but I've never seen you before." She didn't sound mad, not at all.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
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