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[O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - Printable Version

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[O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - Olalla - 06-27-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla padded up upon the platform with his brow furrowed, and his lip curled back in an atrocious sneer, claws scraping the rotting wood. The beast's demeanor was, perhaps, the oddest it had been upon usurping the Pittian throne. It was a boiling concoction of anger, jealousy, of happiness, fear, of sadness even. Olalla didn't know what to think. Should he be sad? Happy? Should he be fearful of Vale's patterned flee? Jealous of Vale's wiggle room to just up and leave? Sad that his lazy Secondary left, leaving him with everything that wasn't finished in Vale's name once again? Or should he be happy that Vale's two-faced, traitorous scum is out of his territory. Out of his ranks, out of him.

The cumbersome beast stood there, looking at the twinkling sands and swaying palms. Several, long moments scuttled along the rotting wood. Olalla raised his head, mouth agape, and let out a shaky bugle; body following as he stood carefully upon back legs. After finishing, he let his body fall with a loud THUMP! The creature watched as animals of all faces, shapes, sizes poured out like syrup from their wooded homes.

"I have come to inform you of some recent information regarding The Pitt," Olalla began, his head held high despite his distant, feverish look. "Your beloved Vale has, once again, left you. Vey have left you hung high and dry in this hot hell. Just as vey had before, just as vey have done again. Foolish, foolish was I to allow Vale back into The Pitt! Into our lives! Into our children's lives!" The beast shook his head scornfully, toward nothing but himself. Foolish, prideful, desperate. Desperate for respect, desperate for validation. Hands grasping for anything. "Vey have done nothing for you! Nothing for The Pitt," Olalla exclaimed, teeth bared and clicking against each other as he spoke. "We cannot coddle dead weight and dead weight may vey be. They have caused nothing but trouble..." Teeth parted slowly, face softening gently. "Of course... vey were always there to get us out of trouble again-" Olalla shook his head, snorting. "May vey're death be quick but painful."

The beast's head nodded, finishing his small rant. "With Vale's retreat, I am left without a Co-Ardent. And I will continue to have a vacant rank, as it lays to rest. I will be forming a Council, a Council of only the smartest, most adept members of The Pitt to hold this title," the beast paused to look around the crowd, eyeing each and every face. "The Council itself will act as an advisor, 5 members for 5 branches of government within The Pitt. Councilman of Arms, Councilman of Agriculture, Councilman of Relations, Councilman of Wellbeing, and Councilman of Imports and Exports. You will not be called upon if I do not see you fit, take it personally if you want, I really don't care."

His eyes fluttered around the crowd, scanning and examining. "Kold, you are now promoted to Councilman of Wellbeing and by extension, Boy will have protection under the Di Angelo name. Blackjack, you are now promoted to Councilman of Relations. Bai Shi, you are now promoted to Councilman of Arms and by extension, Malak will have protection under the Lingré name. Jormungand you are now promoted to Councilman of Imports and Exports. Councilman of Agriculture will be put on hold, I will hold this title temporarily until I find someone fitting."

"That is all," the beast said, wincing as he turned; a piercing pain shooting behind his eyes. Olalla did his best to hide it, hiding the weakness, hiding the chance of a challenge. A challenge he may not win in this health. In this damned mortal body.

Re: [O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - Kold - 06-27-2022

Kold was one of the first to arrive, taking her place up at the front of the crowd. Ears flicking, she stared up at Olalla. A spot she envied so much, to stand among The Pitt as their leader. Upon hearing the news of Vale's inevitable leave, the woman let out a rather loud, "Fuck's sake!" While Olalla went on his spiel. Someone she considered a distant friend, now demoted to the bottom of the food chain. "Stupid bird just needs to make up ver fucked up mind." And she hoped they never came back.

She was a little annoyed that the co-ardent thing was left to rust, but in truth, The Pitt seemed to be better off with one capable leader. If Olalla could even be considered Capable. With his new addition of a Council, she was starting to think he was. Her head tilted, and she leaned forward in interest.

"...ah." She said, slightly in shock at the rank she was given. But then she smiled, a true smile as she glanced down at the small kitten next to her. There was joy in the realization that Boy would be safe. Looking back to Olalla, and keeping her smile on, she nodded. "I'll accept the Position. Thank you."
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: [O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - teef - 06-27-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Gods, so much had changed since she'd been around. Her steps were quiet as she entered the plaza, eyes on the kolpa at the front. exhaling slowly, she perked up as she heard her eldest sibling's name, the woman's head turning as if to find the golden dragon, eager to see him again after so long. though the news of what happened to the rest of the group and another previous ardent, that fell on deaf ears, she hadn't been around long enough to care. well, she had been around, but not active within the ranks of the pitt. more important things had kept her out of camp, and her body ached with scars from those things.

watching olalla for quite some time, she would snort softly with a nod. more change in the group. though it made her curious, was her eldest sibling doing something so important that their family name bore protection for other members of the land now? she knew that they had taken to lead the bloodline, but it wouldn't surprise her if the war god was doing more - though she didn't know that they had gone silent for quite some time now. "Congratulations!", she would call out with a pleased rumble, it was always good to see others getting what they deserved.
ramona lingré of the pitt. -- borzoi.
credit @/teef

Re: [O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - teef - 06-27-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the rant of the leader class was something she was used to, the fervency in the words and rage an echo of the past that rang in her ears. coming in to sit at the back of the crowds, the tigress would watch the kolpa with a silent, unreadable expression. oh, how he droned on and on about this creature named vale, a creature that she was certain would bring only another tangent if vey returned to this land. she couldn't help herself, "if vey have betrayed us, why not lay an exile upon ver name?[b]", she murmured, brows furrowed for a time before exhaling and shaking her head.

she would echo ramona in congratulating those who had been chosen as councilmen, her eyes sweeping the gathered beings before shooting back to olalla. the beast was hiding a sign of weakness, causing her eyes to narrow the slightest. the injured always hid their weaknesses, it made some sense to her but in the end, she found it foolish to hide an injury. snorting faintly, the angel would turn to leave, having heard the news and that was all she cared about.

imperialhymns of the pitt. -- fallen angel.
credit @/teef

Re: [O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - Night of No Stars - 06-27-2022

emotionless eyes fell on the ardent. tail curling about her paws as she took this news in stride. she was pregnant and vale abandoned her? vey would owe her. blinking, she looked to those promoted and simply nodded. her swollen belly shifting a moment as she stood again. ready to leave if not needed.



Re: [O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - blackjack - 06-27-2022

So Vale was gone. Not that he particularly cared what happened to vem or Olalla or any of the people that were gathered here today. If anything, he found the situation awfully amusing. So the ex-Ardent abandoned the Pitt again? He certainly wasn't there for the first time, but if he were in Olalla's shoes, he wouldn't have given a deserter a second chance. Muerto en el acto, he thought. Dead on the spot if he ever saw vem again. Of course, that were if he just so happened to be named Olalla. Personally, he couldn't give less of a shit about this whole situation. He just appreciated the newfound vacancy. A bigger tree to climb, he supposed.

What he found most intriguing was the irony of it all. His ears twitched at his name being called, labeling him the Pitt's Councilman of Relations. He couldn't say no, of course. He had gotten the taste of power within the clan, and he found himself thirsting for more. Like Vale, though, he was a bit of a shade — a phantom maneuvering his ghostly form in and out of the camp, spending long days away from the Pitt if he could on his own personal ventures. Bloody ones, at that. He was proving himself to the mercenary world and to the Pitt simultaneously, and the latter seemed to have gained his trust and respect, seeing as he had ascended to this new position that Olalla boasted about. The former was not so trusting. There was a dire need for fleet-footed, silver-tongued, bloody-pawed specialists, and he needed heads of a greater caliber, a much higher level of prestige, to scale the mercenary ladder.

To be promoted to Councilman of Relations? To sit at the table with these expensive heads? Now that was something he couldn't pass up.

He had swallowed his previous apprehension of hunting, which had been burdening him dearly. Since striking a deal with the fiery blacksmith for a new set of hidden blades, he found great success (and greater confidence) in his expeditions. To keep the ever-bothersome nightmares at bay, he opted to skip slumber only for when he was incapable of physical function. He was often successful in disguising this, though his bloodshot eyes occasionally betrayed his mask. Still, he felt more like himself lately, and it seemed as though Lady Luck was rewarding him for it. "I accept."

The horned jaguar's rich golden gaze flickered over to a new face — Imperialhymns, was it? — who spoke about a potential exile for Vale. He had just been thinking the same thing. He had no doubts that Vale would not be able to climb the ranks as quickly as vey did when vey had returned to the Pitt under Olalla's reign, but there was no harm in having peace of mind for himself. As little competition as possible. "If I were you, I would say vey're out of chances to return," the feline said, fixating himself upon the kolpa before him. "Defectors have no place here." Strong words from a man that would easily disappear on the spot or slaughter every single being around him if it meant the fortune of a lifetime.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: [O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - bai shi - 06-30-2022

Re: [O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - Chernabog - 07-05-2022

Re: [O, Urgent] Run Away and Never Return - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 07-06-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

he said nothing, a silent shadow lurking in the corner. he observe olalla's expressions changing with a thoughtful one of his own. he had been silent lately, a small frown lingering on his maw when he was padding around. new promotions. vale leaving? how interesting. the skald wasn't made aware of this by ver, but who was he to ca. councilman of imports and exports? what the hell was that supposed to mean? he didn't deal with trades, he dealt with murders, killings, and all sorts.

boy would have protection under his name? who was this boy? the male rose to his paw and walked slowly over to kold, his adopted daughter. she hadn't really given him a response and he hadn't pushed for it, but he would like to know about this one. "who is this boy, kold?" he asked gently, touching the tip of his tail to her shoulder. he didn't want to push but didn't want to extend his family just like that.