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A WAY OUT;; O, Human Encroachment - Printable Version

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A WAY OUT;; O, Human Encroachment - HISOKA - 05-28-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color:#212121"]♠ Hisoka had been watching a particular herd of humans since they passed the border. Mostly out of muted interest and less because they were not really causing harm. The prey had rightfully scattered away, and the two legs seemed more interested in gathering samples than they were in harming and further damaging the territory. So no, Hisoka hadn't really considered them a threat until he noticed where they seemed to be heading.

He could blow it off as coincidence, but it was a clear shot towards the camp. He could hear them mumble around in the group pointing in the direction... The only reason he could tail them so easily was the color of his fur and his natural ability to blend in with the snow.  But he couldn't make sudden movements, like any prey animal they spooked easily, so when he slunk away, they were nearing closer and closer...

He slipped into camp, all calm facade as usual, narrowed coined eyes and bright flashes of sinister smile. Of course, the kitsune would never forget his manners. For once though, he was not here for pleasure or entertainment, and rather actually. Seeking help. "I've spotted a small group of humans that should probably be scared off. They seem to be heading here..."♦

qualities of gum and rubber - ♥ // TAGS 「5/23」:

Re: A WAY OUT;; O, Human Encroachment - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-29-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
"What?" Atbash raised her head from where she had been snacking on a sparrow, concern written all over her face. She blinked at Hisoka for a few moments, as if he was going to explain what he meant by that. But it was pretty self-explanatory, wasn't it? Pushing her meal to the side slightly, Atbash rose to her paws and went over to the kitsune. "Where? How close are they?" Maybe they could scare them off with Lucifer. Atbash didn't know any human who would mess with a dragon. Unless they have weapons, that is.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: A WAY OUT;; O, Human Encroachment - →AUGUST← - 05-30-2018

August wasn't the scariest. That was obvious, what with his size and the patterned bandages he wore; he was more likely to make the humans laugh than anything else. This was his home, though, and minus the bandages and the pendant that still hung from his antlers, he supposed he could freak the humans out. After all, a smelly, injured deer with dead eyes and sharp antlers could surely scare them a bit, right? He knew he obviously appeared dead; didn't humans obsess over things like zombies?

He staggered up to stand and slowly made his way over after Atbash. "I am not ideal, but I can help a bit, I think. To serve as distraction at the very least." He could scream pretty loudly.. Would that scare the humans?


Re: A WAY OUT;; O, Human Encroachment - melantha - 06-01-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Humans? Heading here? To Snowbound?! A low growl rumbles within her chest as the lithe huntress strides over. Pallid olive eyes seem  to glow with rage. Melantha hates humans. It's nothing new and she does a poor job disguising it. All her interactions with those naked two-legged bastards have been negative ones. Several scars litter her pelt, immortalizing every instance in which humans have attempted to take her life. Their inventions are fantastic and useful, but they are also what makes the humans dangerous. "Small?" questions the predator in a low voice, nigh murderous. "How many individuals exactly?" Never go into a conflict with humans without knowing the full story. Physically, they are weak, but their minds are strong and their weapons even stronger. Of course, Mel does not plan on simply scaring the bastards away. She's hungry for blood. They will not discover Snowbound and she is willing to slaughter each and every one of them to make sure that happens.