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SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE, DEAR ? poisoning + sickness (retro, open) - Printable Version

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SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE, DEAR ? poisoning + sickness (retro, open) - jerisidie - 06-26-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
there were times that he wished he could hide away from the public eye.

he didn't always want to be the leader, the infallible decision-maker, the one who took the fall for any choices gone wrong. he didn't want to be responsible all the time, he'd had enough of that leading hell in his husband's place when he shattered the first time. he'd had enough of being the boss, leading the family. he'd stepped down, letting one of his children take rank as the new family head of their bloodline, retiring as their founder. he thought retirement would be easier and more relaxing, until he'd come into leadership of the frostguard and had to deal with the worries of the populace.

he'd made many an enemy in his time, and recently, his guard had lowered after so many years of life without any attempts made to disrupt the relative peace of his life. until recently.  until goddamn recently. now, he was stuck in his rooms, sweating and ill as hell, wondering just what he'd done to deserve this cruelty. he was sick as a dog, kept to the relative confines of his bed, the superior's hall occassionally filled with the sound of his young children coming to check on him. he hid the pain from them, but today, that was not something he could do, he was barely keeping a grip on his stomach and his body ached. everything hurt in ways that it shouldn't, and he knew that he had only eaten foods as of late, but he was the only one to fall ill. choking on his own breath, he gagged, laid out on the cool floor in an attempt to combat the fever that wasn't breaking, that was only swallowing him deeper.

his head would turn as he heard sound outside of his door, the regent groaning as he called out, "come in", before he was cut off by the vileness of his stomach, leaving him retching and scrambling to his paws to flee for privacy only for the taste of blood to overwhelm everything else. shit. this really wasn't good, and they didn't have a trained prophet to take a look at him. it would take everything he had to survive this, devouring all sorts of herbs to try and quell this disgusting sickness. he knew he was poisoned, and he knew it was going to take him ages to recover.

// retro to his disappearance/my lack of posting from march to now. assume he was sick until the meeting for june //

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE, DEAR ? poisoning + sickness (retro, open) - Casphian - 06-26-2022

⌨ Command Prompt
Rowan Lingré [The Frostguard — Canine/Hellhound — tags]
© psy. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Rowan> Jerisidie had been sick for a while now, everyone could see that. But yet his mom still tried to hide it from the kids. Rowan tried his best to take care of his mother where he could but it seemed that there was only so much he could do to help. So it would come to know surprise that he would slowly back off, leaving Jerisidie to rest and checking in every so often to make sure that he had something to eat and drink.
It was about that time of day for Rowan to check on his mother and so he peeked out of his chambers, glancing down the hall to where the other room was. He debated for a second if he truly should go check but something in his gut was telling him that he really should. And so the hellhound stepped out and made his way down to his mother's door, knocking gently on it once he was outside.
Once he heard the gentle voice of Jerisidie, Rowan pushed the door open. The first thing he noticed was the stench of vomit, his gaze flicked around the room before settling on his mother's form. His breath hitched in the back of his throat, eyes widening as he rushed over. "Mother, what's wrong?"

Re: SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE, DEAR ? poisoning + sickness (retro, open) - Cobra - 06-26-2022

the worried cry of the one known as rowen would bring forth a worried looking salem. following the other inside and pausing to see the regant on the earth. ears flicking back as she stepped closer and shifted her satchel to the floor. "what in the goddess.." she murmured before looking to rowen a moment.

"can i help? i have a few potions that might help with the illness." she offered with a nervous voice. not wishing to overstep.



Re: SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE, DEAR ? poisoning + sickness (retro, open) - jerisidie - 06-30-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
lifting his head as the fever blurred his sight, dizziness coming to claim the short hellhound. he groaned at the two different voices that he could pick up on, his sight momentarily clearing as he tried to push himself up with a gentle, "Rowan, dear. Mhh, Mom's just not feeling good right now." he attempted to console his pup, ears swiveling as he picked up on Salem's scent through his running nose, the regent trying to look to the dark furred feline with a cough.

there was no Prophet, and well, she was probably the only one they had with any ... 'training', to say the least, or so he hoped. he would only nod before groaning and sagging back to the floor with a heavy huff, shivers and shakes claiming the hellhound's body, feeble sounds of pain leaving him at every breath. stretching out his limbs to lay his belly against the cold stone floor, he whined faintly, "I think I ate something that was poisoned. It's been a long time but this feels like a poisoning ...", he would rasp and cough, laying his head on his paws, "I've lived through enough assassination attempts to know. The worst part of it is coughing blood."

crushed up oleander was in the food he ate, highly toxic to canines //

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE, DEAR ? poisoning + sickness (retro, open) - Satō - 06-30-2022

Let's go now to where rules can't be seen
"The best thing to do is get the poison out of your system by flushing it out or vomiting it out as your body is trying to reject it, while keep you hydrated. In the mean time, we have to find the cure to whatever has poisoned you." Sato could only walking into the scene and offer his two cents, the former hitman was no stranger to poisons.  Not all poisons worked the same, and some were identical to one another.

With his mind reeling to pinpoint exactly what it was.  He was no healer, but he was familiar with the act of poisoning others for various reasons. This could have been clearly accidental or literal. "Think long and hard, who did you piss off again to get poisoned?" He asked stating the obvious.

off to find Equalls

Re: SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE, DEAR ? poisoning + sickness (retro, open) - Cobra - 07-02-2022

the woman nodded and sifted to drop her satchel from her shoulder. opening it up to shift through and find a small vile. pulling it from the bag and carefully popping the top. she would move closer and offer the vile to jer. "this is yarrow. it will make you vomit and hopefully get any poison left out. once you do this, i will give you something to help the fever. can someone get some water. it is best to keep hydrated until fully recovered."

once jer took the vile, she would go back to shifting in her back until she found a different jar. pulling it out and tappin a claw on its lid once it was set down. "this is honey with feverfew, borage leaves, and bramble twig. this will fight any fever or headache. it will also help you rest. you can take a couple swallows of this and safe the rest for later as needed."

she would slide it over and look to sato. ears twitching before nodding. "if someone did this we should see to it they never get another chance."



Re: SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE, DEAR ? poisoning + sickness (retro, open) - Casphian - 07-05-2022

⌨ Command Prompt
Rowan Lingré [The Frostguard — Canine/Hellhound — tags]
© psy. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Rowan> A low growl rumbled from the hellhound, their gaze narrowing in on his mother when he heard the others talking about him being poisoned. His body trembled with unbridled anger, his gaze flashing with another color momentarily. Unbeknownst to Rowan a black, inky looking stain slowly creeped up his legs and up his muzzle, acting like veins reaching out as it crawled. "The second I know who it is I'll hunt them down mother, they will not get away with harming you like this," he snarled out, tone harsh and filled with the desire to chase after the perpetrator.
//sorry for the short post, low muse and a bit rushed alfjda   
