Beasts of Beyond
RAVE // Hungry/Feral(?) Crocodile - Printable Version

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RAVE // Hungry/Feral(?) Crocodile - SirDio - 06-24-2022

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; background-position: 55% 25%; width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 15px; border: red 1px solid; margin-top:-20px"]
penned by DIO..
His mortal body was not immune to the wrath of hunger. And he could only get so hungry before he starved, or went mad. So the large beast had left his home of the red Nile in search of better food than the crocodiles and unsuspecting strangers who wandered too far - or even the corpses that the strangers dumped into the waters.

So, as he swam around the salty shores, and came across the swampy landscape before him, why would he say no? He wordlessly growled, lurching onto the lands and moving inward. The scents of crocodilians flooded his senses, and he bellowed.

His red body stood out among the foliage, but he saw little issue with it. He was fourteen feet long, with two tails and killer jaws that sported black tusks from the lower jaw. He was a killing machine. And his powerful feet dragged him along, relishing at the mud under his feet. Again he let out a wordless bellow, snapping his jaws.

Thrashing his tails around, he wanted to make as much noise as possible to try and draw attention to himself. He was not about to look for food. His food was going to come to him. As any god should not have to try too hard for his meals.



Re: RAVE // Hungry/Feral(?) Crocodile - Eon - 06-25-2022

[size=18pt]The moon will sing a song for me -
I loved you like the sun

His wing was still partly healing from a prior incident when it had given out on him.  Luckily, it was nothing too serious and the small fox was still able to fly, but perhaps not as smoothly as he could prior to the injury. Still, that did not stop him from soaring between the trees to check out the territory as he often did.

The evening seemed quiet at first, perhaps a bit too quiet for the fallens liking. He liked the usual hustle and bustle of life among the jungle. Solitude, while something he saught out from time to time, was still something he'd rather avoid in most cases.  However, it wasn’t long until his long bunny-like ears were detecting some strange grunts and other sounds in the distance. Could it be a crocodile? He knew they were common around here, though he had yet to spot one for himself. He assumed that's what they would typically sound like, right?

Curious, the fox would be lured towards the sounds, perching on a tree not too far away from Sobek. It was easy to pick out the bright red reptile from the surrounding greenery. Azure eyes locked onto him curiously. Perhaps Eon should have been afraid, but he felt he was safe so far as he was up in the branches of the tree, as opposed to on the ground to where he could have been a target.

Thoughts began to traverse his head. This thing looked dangerous... He didn’t want it getting farther into Tanglewood territory. Not everyone was as lucky as he was with his feathered appendages that could get him out of sticky situations like this.

A huff escaped his breath. Should he call for help? probably... "Hey! someone better come to check this out!" he'd say as he leaped higher into the tree to get a better view of his surroundings and to see if there was anyone else around.

Re: RAVE // Hungry/Feral(?) Crocodile - Zjarr - 07-05-2022

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"]OH LORD, DON'T LET ME
What the Tanglewood seemed to offer was a secure home, a place where not much had happened — at least, that was his experience with the swamp village so far. Rarely did he have to go out and defend himself and his homestead from intruders or thieves attempting to take what was rightfully his, as the Forge and the former, now-deserted Ignibus Fortress had once required of him. Here it was safe, calm: two qualities that were so desperately required if he were to tend to his children, who could no longer call the Forge home due to their young age and the risks that came with living by hot anvils and pools of molten metal.

But of course, all good things must come to an end. There was no place in the entire world, much less on the Island of the Beyond, that would truly have nothing happening.

Zjarr's ears twitched when a clanmate — Eon, was it? — had called for someone, reaching out for them to come to him. Did he need help? What could he have possibly found? Regardless, it was quite difficult to distract him from his curiosity, and the husky maneuvered his way from the tight roads of the village and out to the swamp. Upon first glance, he saw nothing at the scene, though he could feel the light, angelic presence of his clanmate somewhere nearby him. The snapping of powerful, hungry jaws drew his attention to the water, where a great beast stood: an immense, tusked crocodile, with two tails that thrashed angrily in the muddy waters as though intentionally beckoning for something (or someone) to come to him. The demon's muscles tensed, planting himself firmly upon the soft ground, and his eyes shot over to the trees, where the tiny winged fox lay. Scared? he thought with a snort. He couldn't blame him. If he was smaller or otherwise defenseless and beside this absolute monster, he would've likely pissed and shat himself right then and there.

Within moments Zjarr's signature sword was beside him, conjured with his own magical abilities. He ran the tip of his digit against the sharp blade, his gaze unwavering from the crocodile, watching the beast's every move. There was no reason not to be cautious in this scenario. "Y'got any business here, fella?" he called, tightening his grip upon his blade afterwards as he awaited a reply that he wasn't sure would come.

bio — attack in [b]#f24b00[/b]