Beasts of Beyond
I've always felt so drawn to the sea So deep and wild and free [Imp] - Printable Version

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I've always felt so drawn to the sea So deep and wild and free [Imp] - Eon - 06-23-2022

[size=18pt]The moon will sing a song for me -
I loved you like the sun

He had made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t leave Tanglewood behind again. Though he hadn’t made much of a life for himself during his short time on earth, what he did make was precious, and as a mere mortal, it was also delicate. A strong wind could blow it over like an old house of cards. He had to care for what he had built.

With that promise kept in the forefront of his mind, Eon would still find himself wandering farther and farther from the territory. He knew he would return home soon… But something else was calling him. Last time, he had not made that promise and didn't set the attention to return. This time, he did, and he would make sure he saw it through.  An inner voice was calling him,  like a siren of the vast sea where he had spent many moons prior pondering in solitude. Looking into the distance he could only imagine what lay beyond the horizon. He had once known that answer… but now, it was lost somewhere in the abyss of the sea.

Hundreds of years he had spent as an angel, and yet only fragments of it remained in his memory. Part of him wanted to know more, but a larger part didn’t. He was terrified to look into his memory, and when he tried, he was cursed with pounding headaches.  However, now strung around his neck was a pink crystal, a rose quartz to be exact. Its energy had lured him in, and with it adorned around his neck he felt at peace. That peace would carry even when confronting the uncomfortable memories. He even noticed it had helped a bit with his headaches since he had started carrying it around.

With graceful steps, the small fox would approach the sandy beach. The musky smell of the water was strangely comforting, and the sea breeze refreshing as it tangled through his sparkling fur.  Two large wings would stretch out from the fox's body. Not to fly, but just to stretch before he sat down upon the sandy shore. Large bunny ears would perk up, listening to the sounds, alert to if anyone else was nearby, or if he would be here in solitude once more.

Re: I've always felt so drawn to the sea So deep and wild and free [Imp] - teef - 06-27-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
wings snapping open as she free fell from a great height, seeking for the heart in her chest to leap into action, unsteady breaths leaving her as she fought to re-catch her breath, frowning at the stillness in her chest. was little so fearsome to her now? she could see the glittering ocean down below, part of her just wanting to dive into the waters without stopping. she'd been flying for some time, traveling back towards the group she was calling home for now, from a successful trade.

as she folded her wings in to dive even further to the surface of the water, she would spot a winged and multi tailed fox at the water's edge, a flicker of surprise in the guardian's eyes. she knew this fox. did he still remember her? swooping down with a change of trajectory, snapping open her wings to hover over the water, powerful wing beats making the water ripple. "hello."

low muse sorry//

imperialhymns of the pitt. -- fallen angel.
credit @/teef

Re: I've always felt so drawn to the sea So deep and wild and free [Imp] - Eon - 07-07-2022

[size=18pt]The moon will sing a song for me -
I loved you like the sun

Eon would catch the sound of fluttering wings from afar, ears perking above his head as his gaze searched for the culprit. It appeared like he wouldn’t be here alone.

  Before he could react, the other had already come face to face with him. His gaze fell on them as they offered a greeting. “Oh, hello” he’d offer a polite response, stuttering slightly in surprise. He couldn’t remember much from his past, but something about this feline seemed strangely familiar.

Strings would tug at his mind. He knew he had seen her before… but those memories were buried somewhere deep within. He wasn’t sure he had the energy, nor courage to dig them up just yet. Still, he couldn’t help but stare at the strange feline before him. He didn’t know what else to say, but he couldn’t take his eyes off them. He stared intently before it finally occurred to him that it may come off as awkward.

His ears would fold against his skull as he gazed back down to the ground, his silver paws gripping into the sand below them. If she knew them from somewhere.... could she recognize him? Perhaps that was why she was so eager to greet him. He supposed only time would be able to tell. His breath quickened as his heart rate increased dramatically. He had no idea where this interaction might lead him. Still, he had been thrust into it. He now bore the weight of continuing the conversation.

[b]"What brings you to these parts?" [/b]he finally built up the courage to ask between deep breaths. His gaze once again met hers. He'd scan her frame, noting the angelic appearance. If he did know her.... it was indeed not from this realm.