Beasts of Beyond
please break my shackles, I want it to stop - Printable Version

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please break my shackles, I want it to stop - Eon - 06-23-2022

[size=18pt]The moon will sing a song for me -
I loved you like the sun

Eon huddled in his cottage. On the walls were shelves filled with books, crystals, and decks of cards. The remnants he had remaining of his past life as a divine. His azure eyes would scan the dark room lit by a single lantern that was carefully hung from the beams of wood above. The fire in it flickered, and with it the shadows of the room moved. Light and dark danced in a rhythmic pattern as if to a song life itself had provided. But to a mortal, there was only silence. It was the silence that screamed the loudest. It meant there was nothing to distract his thoughts. It was a time when his history leaked into his present, as his memory danced in his head like the flame in the lantern. One thought would lead to another like every step upon a long and tiring journey. All he wanted to do was collapse from exhaustion, but his mind refused to let him.

For something that was so distant, it sure bore a heavy weight. It was like he was chained to something miles away, out of sight. The shackles dug into his very soul and each link made the chain heavier. What confined him, however, rested far beyond the horizon. Far beyond the distance his mortal temple could carry him. So he could never free himself from the metaphorical chains.

A heavy sign would finally break the silence as the shadows of the cottage fell over him. The last remaining rays of light from the sun were dwindling in the sky as night took hold, turning the golden sky to grey. Little light peered through the windows as the world turned to face her darkness. However, without the light one could strangely see farther. Now, the stars could reveal themselves after hiding from the harsh and burning sunlight. Like his chains, they were far out of reach. Somehow the absence of light meant one could see farther into the dark.

With the sun nearly gone, the lantern that lit the room became more apparent. Its warm fiery hues bounced across the room and reflected off the wooden shelves lined with treasures. There was not much left of the human civilization that used to claim these parts, but that only made what could be found all the more interesting. During his short time on the planet, Eon had managed to collect books detailing of gods and angels that worked in the heavens above. It was a link to his mysterious past. He had also learned of spellwork and divination that would better help him connect to that world. Among the books were mirrors for scrying, and cards for reading fortunes. There were also crystals scattered about. He had just begun learning of their healing properties, and a rainbow of all sorts now filled the room. Some shimmered in gleamed in the flickering flame as if beckoning him to look.

The chunk of pink rose quartz sparked the man's attention. He knew its properties promoted not only love but also a deeper knowing of oneself. At the moment, Eon didn’t know much of himself, or who he was, and it was like he could hear it calling to him. He was hesitant but soon found himself taking steps forward. He’d glance at the other crystals surrounding it. Amethyst for intuition, and labradorite that reflected the other realms both above and below. However, his gaze would fall onto the quartz in question. Grabbing it from the shelf he’d carry it over to the corner of the room, gripping it in his jaws and placing it gently upon the wooden floor. He’d then let his weight collapse beside it, adjusting himself into a laying position.

There was a slight fear that washed over him. A fear to close his eyes, though his eyelids were heavy. It would take a moment longer than he would have liked to bring them to a close. The world around him faded to black, and the silence would encompass him. Soon a ringing would fill his ears much as he had expected. Every time he closed his eyes it was the same thing as thoughts began to penetrate his mind, again and again. He never wanted to look at them… but at this moment, things were different. For once he felt the courage to look..

Eon had come to Tanglewood with no clue of where he truly came from. All he knew then, was that he had awoken on an island not far from the mainland. He had no memory of who he was… yet he knew his name. Noxeon. It would ring through his head time and time again. The name haunted him, cursed him when the words escaped his lips. He refused to say it, so those who asked who he was had always gotten the shortened version. That shortened version had soon grown into an identity, and the original name foretold had been forgotten, buried in his subconscious, and washed away in the sea of time. It was carried by the tide somewhere into its deepest depths. Yet it still existed. From the bottom of the ocean, it controlled the waves. Waves that crashed upon the surface with increasing force. The longer it was denied, the stronger the storm became, until it came to a breaking point.

Eon could not help but look at what had been washed ashore, though he didn’t want to. So instead, he chose to run away. Run away from the life he had built himself here in Tanglewood. He took minimal belongings and isolated himself by the sea. Here he could see the waves crashing in, feel the breeze carried from the horizon and breathe it all in. There was something about the ocean that reminded him of his own mind. And there was something comforting in that.

Weeks passed by. In that time the waters would rise revealing more of who he was. He still actively fought it, but he only had so much strength to do so. He would be pulled under the tide in his dreams. He would recall his home, his family… not of here nor of the mortal world, but among the stars. In the sky that outstretched for eternity, to ends that could never be found nor understood.

He had watched over the mortal world during its darkest hours, during the dead of night, and provided his own light. Not one too bright, but one dull enough it would let the stars shine beside it. One that did not blind nor burn like the sun. One that waxed and waned, one that befriended the shadow and the darkness that was needed in order to see the light. This was something much of his family did not understand. They were too blinded by their own light. Noxeon was an outcast, he always had been, and his emotions reached farther than his family had liked.

Not only had he befriended the darkness, but he fell in love with it. With a demon. Her fiery eyes pierced his heart into a million pieces, and through the burning flames, he had learned more about himself than heaven could ever teach him.  The knowledge that was forbidden. The knowledge that had to be eliminated.  When the forbidden love was found out, the light went to extinguish the dark. His father would kill the demon he had fallen in love with, and in his sorrow vengeance stirred. A deep hatred that could not be denied. Those feelings still stayed with him to this day, a sort of anger that controlled his very being, even if he didn’t know where it stemmed from originally.

A deep breath would escape the fox as he curled his tail around his frame. Hugged to his chest was the rose quartz. This was the first time he was willing to look at his memory with an open mind, and not try to fight it.  All he could see in his mind were stars, far beyond his reach. He was surprised to see, that his chains still existed even in the celestial plain… just in a different way. He ruled the moon, which was chained to the earth by her gravitational pull. Always forced to cycle the world, again and again, until the very end.

He had a purpose of watching over the sleeping world, guarding the dream realm against its terrors, shining a ray of hope into the darkness. There was a bitterness that consumed him as he watched his siblings bask in the light of day, without confines, overpowering his own light and efforts. That bitterness is what had led him to the dark… to the demon. The demon, who was to accept him for who he truly was. To not only acknowledge, but the celebrate his dark side and his flaws. It was a sort of lure that he had never experienced before. A taste of something he had craved for so long… but things were not as cut and dry as they may have appeared on the surface.

There were others who worked under him, also of the moon. He was supposed to be their role model, their king. And he had failed them. He had put the demon on the pedestal above them, and with his fall, so too would they. His eyes shot open in remembrance of his subjects, his friends who had fought alongside him battling the nightmares. Friends who understood and also battled a dark side. He had abandoned them, left them behind to bear his old chains as new ones formed around him. How could he forget?

His weight was heavier than it usually felt as he tried to stand to his paws. A groggy feeling washed over him as he began to pace forward towards one of the mirrors on his shelves. He stared at his reflection, tears forming in his eyes as he allowed himself to feel the emotions that had been superseded for so long. There was anger, bitterness… and now, there was also regret.

Re: please break my shackles, I want it to stop - Ares - 07-07-2022

Give this to Eon, he needs them. That was all Seven said before she dropped a small basket of herbs in front of Ares' feet. Though she was a little annoyed, it gave her a chance to see how Eon was doing since his arrival back in Tanglewood. So with slight grumbling, which for sure made Seven grin to herself, the sly blind woman, the lioness had taken the herbs in the early, early hours of the day, before the sun was even up. It was astonishing how the medic was awake.

Walking up to his door, she stared for a long second. Was she really about to knock on Eon's front door just to give him some herbs? Apparently so, and seeing that he was awake since the lantern was lit inside the house, she gently rapped her paw on the door. "Sorry to bother you, Eon, but Seven wanted me to give you some herbs that she said you'd need." She called out, tail swaying slightly. 

Re: please break my shackles, I want it to stop - Eon - 08-30-2022


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The sun had not yet risen. The last thing the fox had expected was someone knocking at his door. The sound echoed throughout the cabin, and azure eyes darted to the door in startlement. It was then a familiar voice chimed through from outside. It was Ares. What was she doing here at this hour?

A slight grunt escaped Eon's jaw as he got to his paws, wiping the remaining tears from under his eyes. Perhaps he had seen enough of himself for now anyway. He had expected an angel, and instead, he had found a monster.

Getting to his feet Eon would pad over to the door and open in, gaze falling upon Ares with a pile of herbs. “Oh” would escape his breath as he went to collect them. “Thank you” he’d finally say. It was noticeable he was more quiet than usual, but at least the tears that had collected below his eyes were now dry and wiped away.
