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RAT A TAT ; open, placing border markers - Printable Version

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RAT A TAT ; open, placing border markers - Suiteheart - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]
She was growing weary of trespassers. Yes, Suiteheart knew the Ascendants were a passive, welcoming group. Yes, she knew nothing truly bad had happened yet (save for Raven, but that had been an anomaly). Yes, she knew this was not necessarily commonplace, and she wasn't sure what the hell she was doing. Even so, she needed this done. She wanted it done for her own sanity as well as for others. She was sleeping terribly, always worried someone would stroll too far into the territory and get themselves killed, or God forbid, kill one of their own during an altercation. Though the more rational part of her brain told her this was unlikely, all her fears and anxieties were busy whispering in her ear.

The ivory feline had spent the last two days carving wooden markers out of fallen trees. She had shifted into her polar bear body for this task, and she was surprised as how normal it felt. It was like everything bad she had associated with this form had evaporated - or maybe she had just come to terms with the part of herself this body brought out in her. Regardless, she had spent a few hours carving wooden posts. Someone looking on would note they were perfectly straight pieces of wood until their eyes reached the top. The top part of the posts were carved into sprays of stars. Each one looked a tad bit different, but the message was clear, or she hoped it would be. Hell, she had even etched the word 'Ascendants Territory,' into the things.

After having switched back into her usual form, Suiteheart had spent the better part of her entire morning driving the multitude of posts into the ground along their borders. After every several dozen yards (a little over one hundred feet in distance), a post was planted. They were spread out far enough to get the point across without clunking up the territory. It was a nice, safe distance for each one of them, in her opinion. And it wouldn't pose as something too intimidating to newcomers.

As the sun was halfway through the azure sky, Suite was down to her last few border markers. She was tired but determined. Once she set her mind to something, she always saw that task through. And admittedly, maybe she was doing this to get her mind off of Starrynight. Digging another hole into the ground, she hummed quietly to herself to pass the time. Her singsong noises drifted through the air as she was driving another post into the ground before packing in dirt around it. Her movements were slower than they had been when she started out, and her muscles ached, she realize. But it was a nice kind of exhaustion. It made her feel like she was doing something good for the group.

Re: RAT A TAT ; open, placing border markers - Character Graveyard. - 05-28-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Lunafreya had also been somewhat wary of trespassers. Ever since Beck had captured her, she had been wary while on patrol around the group's borders. The Ascendants were a passive, peace-seeking group, which made them a possible target for war-bound groups, like Tanglewood.

The winged-serval had spent her morning in the Observatory, reading a book on Greek Mythology. Mythology was an interesting thing to study. Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and much more. She had set down the book upon hearing Suiteheart enter.

"Hey Suite. You good? You look tired." Luna would comment, a concerned look on her face.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: RAT A TAT ; open, placing border markers - Margaery - 05-28-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]"What are you doing, darling?"

Margaery's inquiry was soft and a bit hesitant. See, she was on the other side of the border, the coppery scent of blood still clinging to her chocolate pelt. She knew Suite didn't care but still, this was awkward. She had never bumped into anyone on her way back. She realized with a start that her eyes were probably still that menacing shade of red and forced them to give way to stormy blue, a sheepish smile making its way onto her maw. [color=#b14767]"Well," She began, attempting to inject some humor into the situation, [color=#b14767]"If I were joining, I'd definitely know that this was the border."

They had had an influx of trespassers as of late and such had succeeded at putting Margaery on edge. She cared too deeply for the members of the Ascendants to have to worry about whether another hostile rogue like Raven would make an appearance and potentially harm them; this was good, very good.

Crossing over the border, she released a weary sigh of her own. [color=#b14767]"They look good," She continued with a brief nod of her head, [color=#b14767]"It was wise of you to do something like this." She wondered, idly, if they would work. They were probably better than scent markers which easily could be disregarded, that was for sure. Margaery just hoped that this would provide some solution to the issue, she was tired of stumbling across potential mea- newcomers while doing her rounds during the day.

Re: RAT A TAT ; open, placing border markers - Suiteheart - 05-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"Ha, yeah," Suiteheart said through a chuckle at Lunafreya's inquiry. "I'm just a lil' worn out from working. I'll be okay though." She offered a smile to the other femme. As she spoke, she continued to work. Suite finished her tampering with the post she had been messing with before Luna strolled toward, and then, she stood back to admire it. Baby blues trailed the wooden stars at the post's top, and she eventually stole her gaze away from them and focused on Luna. "How're you feeling today?"

The white feline grabbed another post, mentally planning the distance between border makers in her head. It was about... Well, if you carried the one... Oh, God, she couldn't remember if it was feet or inches that she was working in... Wait. Wait, no she remembered. This heat was getting to her, she thought, with an inaudible sigh.

Before she could get to work, Margaery arrived. She could make out the subtle scents of blood that wafted forward from her wife, but she didn't mind. That was how her Margy stayed alive after all. She didn't blame her, couldn't blame her, wouldn't blame her. Presenting her lover with a smile, she responded, "Boarder markers. I've had enough of these fucking trespassers." She let her metaphorical eyebrows knit together for a fraction of a second, but Margaery's next words caused her to perk. "Good. I'm just... I don't know. I want our borders to be safe. I know it's not, like, a huge deterrent, but it's something."

She beamed brightly at Margaery's next words. Her border markers looked nice? "Oh, uh, thanks, babe!" the ivory female replied, unable to hide both her pride and happiness. [color=#99182C][b]"And ya know, if they don't work, at least they look cool."

Re: RAT A TAT ; open, placing border markers - BASTILLEPAW - 05-29-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
Bastille didn't really care about lost trespassers all that much, but he supposed he probably should. Hell, there were a lot of things that he should probably care about but didn't just then, if only because he didn't have it in him to really care about anything. In the wake of Starry's memorial, he was feeling abandoned without the former Seraph's pendant to weigh him down; hell, he was feeling twitchy and restless in general, torn between misery and the burning cravings he'd let Zaniel ignite. Nevertheless, as much as he didn't want to look any one in the eye, he also had a responsibility to fulfill -- much as he hated to admit it. He forced himself to leave his damned room, and when he joined the others, he studied the posts instead of the others.

There was Suite and Luna's disapproval of his actions, the awkward tension that still lay between him and Margy that made his stomach twist with something nasty every time he looked at her, and overall the silent acknowledgement that he was letting everyone down. Gods, he'd rather be anywhere but there, but he said lowly as he looked studiously at the star carvings, "They're a good idea. Starry would have liked them, too."
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — astral seraph — tags
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