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FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - Printable Version

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FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - ARGUS - 05-28-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus could pass the rank of privateer off to Whisper and call it a day. But she could feel the itching to explore under her skin. She knew that whisper wouldn't stay around in the typhoon much longer. And really, she couldn't blame her other. Whisper was not like argus. She was free of the responsibility that argus had laid upon herself. So she did not make such an arrangement.

Beside the fact that it would be showing favoritism, and a quick lazy way out. But then again argus was lazy. She trusted rarely and those that she did... well, there was only whisper wasn't there? So no, she couldn't pawn off the title to her 'kid'. There was every bit a reason to complain about it, but she was excited to set up a sparring match anyway. Now she finally had the excuse to do it.

It was approaching dusk now. The sun setting over barracuda bay where argus had set up a little place. There was probably an official fighting ring next to kraken's centoe, but she wanted to watch them tussle in the sand. Sand was harder to grip, harder to fight in, and argus had a natural talent with fighting with the ground. So she had set up a small area to fight. A small dip in the sands was rounded to make an actually pit that was just a step below the normal ground. Sea shells and rocks the like were around the ring. Hell, she even managed to drag over a flat rock to which she could referee! At least, until she jumped into the ring and fought them off herself it would make a good resting spot.

She stood on the rock, a step above ground, Wings outstretched and dark red eyes bright as she called out for a privateer tryouts.

"Get over here if yur interest'd in climbing up the rank ladder! As the officer, i get a pick of the bunch of ya. So let's see who's interested in battle! The grim rays are known as head battle strategists. So we'll be holding a sparring match against yours truly! If you'd like a weapon, then take yur pick. Just be ready for a fight as soon as you step into the ring."

With that said, the white canine stepped into the ring. And waited to see if anyone would dare step in with her.

An// More than one person can enter the ring at a time! The pint is to best argus and either land a critical hit or pull her down. Please state your interest in the rank by joining in! use your other clanmate's moves to try and get a better hit on her. Feel free to double team or work on your own! Winner will not get a garentee spot, but the bragging rights of beating the officer for sure! Smile

Re: FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - Beatrice - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Fighting had always come easy to the girl. Being the oldest of her ten siblings, Beatrice had to learn how to fight to keep them in line. Granted, that type of fighting wasn't the same as this, but she had also experienced true combat. Ever since she landed herself in this damned body, she had been fighting. She had maimed and destroyed all those that stood opposed to her. She had to; the Beast willed it. She had done it to collect souls for her benefactor. She did it because she needed to find her friends.

Beatrice was not necessarily proud of how deadly she had become, but she was pleased with her skill level. And so, when she heard Argus' call, she was immediately interested. The girl stepped forward, eyeing the wolf carefully. She snorted at the option of having a weapon. Weapons were for those who did not know how to truly fight. "I'd like to try," she barked, slipping into the ring. She smiled innocently at Argus, but her dark eyes betrayed that she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Who goes first?" Beatrice inquired, sinking into a battle stance. Her claws sank into the sand, and the canine realized traction of any kind would be difficult. Oh, well. She'd managed. She always did.

Re: FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - Ilijas - 05-28-2018

[color=gray]▴ ▴ ▴
Beneath reserved smiles and a gentlemanly facade, a honed killed lurked. Ilijas, through the amnesia and general fog that muddled his mind, knew that. Well. He would try his hand here not because the promise of power particularly lulled him in but more so because he was interested in seeing what he truly was capable of. Following his time on that island under the affects of the potion, he had learned a lot about himself- more so than he thought he was ready to handle. He had killed. Many. And with reckless abandon. He would do it again for himself, for the few friends he had made so far, and of course, for his new home... for the Typhoon. This tryout would only be a testament to his dedication and combative prowess- he was sure of it.

Stepping into the ring, Ilijas would toss a look casually in Beatrice's direction, something looser about him today, happier. [b][color=gray]"Shall we show Argus what the power of teamwork looks like?" He inquired in a low, humorous tone, a single brow arching. Usually, he preferred to work alone. He was strong enough to handle multiple opponents by himself but there was something interesting in even the idea of finally putting that part of him aside in favor of teamwork, in favor of Beatrice. Casting a brief smile in her direction, he would fixate his attention upon Argus, claws escaping their sheathes. He was ready.

Re: FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - ARGUS - 05-28-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus was aware of the fact that the typhoon held monsters. As a the head sirenit was her job to be aware of threats both inside and outside of clan. To say she had an ulterior motive with this spar wasn't wrong, but it was nothing as sinister as bringing said monstrous histories to light to exiling any of her clan mates. She was interested in them. and Interest, was a dangerous thing.

Beatirice was here first, and she offered the other a crooked grin. " There is no 'first' or 'next'. When you step in, prepared to be fought." Argus left it simple and the rules open for a reason. Letting others intperet them and twist them to their advantage, she surely would. "Just know there is only one winner, and i am not only looking for a winner as much as i am looking for someone with strategy."

Dark red eyes landed on the fellow immortal, although neither knew full. This was not a challenge to be won by waiting and rather action. Watched him walk into the ring and throw his head back to talk to beautrice, and thought it a good way to start off the battle. As good as any.

Argus used her right wing to kick up sand, and through the dust fog she moved quickly, pulling the hilt of ehr blade from under it's wraps under her wings. Using the back of the blade she swiped it at illija's feet. Aiming to knock him down quickly. "Just don't expect me to go easy on you."

Re: FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-28-2018

Caesar had originally been excited to hear about tryouts, though as soon as he came over and realized this was a physical fight, his heart dropped. Physical fighting, with teeth, claws, and weapons, were ot his thing. No, he much rather use his powers. Which... were practically non-existent at this point. Damn this Dimension for blocking his powers until he 'earned' them.

Whatever. Maybe he could do something in the meantime. Improvise. Caesar wasn't trained in physical fighting like his brother, but at least maybe he could try something he vaguely remembered Vigenere talking about. The demon walked around the ring, watching Argus carefully, before he grabbed a knife off the table. There, at least he had something.

Caesar didn't waste time in jumping into the ring and tried to dash at ARGUS while she was distracted, aiming to slash at her with the knife.

Re: FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - Beatrice - 05-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]She grinned at Ilijas as he spoke. "Of course, friend," Beatrice agreed, voice taking on dark notes. The Beast was whispering to her now, bargaining, coaxing, tempting her. She could sense the raw power of Argus' soul, and she wanted it. The Beast wanted it. His voice grew and grew in her mind, consuming her. "I play to win and impress, Argus," the red heeler barked in a sinister tone. She bared her fangs and crept towards Argus' right side as if she were stalking prey on a hunt.

And just like that, it begun. Argus flapped her massive wings, sending dust swirling into the air. Instinctively, Bea shut her eyes. The Beast willed her to open her dark honey eyes, and she did. Sand showered down and clouded the field of battle, but Argus' stark white form was not difficult to spot against the tan sands.

She watched as Argus attempted to attack Ilijas. Beatrice quickly hurried forward, aiming to knock him out of the way. If her action was successful, the swing of the sword would pull Argus in an odd direction. She watched as Caeser jumped for Argus, and using this as an opening, Beatrice [b][u]aimed to step heavily on the sword, in hopes of ripping it out of Argus' grasp. Whether or not successful, she would then run to Argus' left side before aiming to ram into her.

Re: FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - ARGUS - 05-30-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus remebered a time when she was very little and cocky in her own battle redness. An apprentice, and she could down a tiger. Or so she had thought. She remembered her first real raid, against another goody-too-show clan that thought they were defeating the enemy. She remembered her clan retreating, and being teamed up. Being torn to shreds by the like of people who saw themselves saviors.

Three warrior's had cornered her behind a dune and tortured her within bloodclan's own lands. They pulled at her wings and clipped them, they pulled out her claws they went for the eyes. And they, the heroes had joked over her still breathing body about sending back a warning. For she was just a kid, was it okay then, to torture a kid to send on a message? Was it fine to torture an innocent? If the heroes of the story went that far, she wondered what it meant to be a villain. What it meant to oppose hero. Surely something worse, right? Something darker than whatever the decrepid world has thrown at her.

In her mind it would always be better, to be dark than to pretend to be light and justify the hurt with something as silly as justice. It was better to be a monster as long as you admitted it to some part of yourself.

Argus' plan to see the darkness in her clan mates has worked well enough. She could feel the power thrumming within the air that was not just her own. Dark red eyes dilated and pupils constricted in her excitement. This is what she had wanted from the start. Interest sparking- in the heat of battle she wanted to see who she would fight alongside, even if now she fought against them. Even if now argus would loose to them all, it would be defined by a sole's actions. She wondered who deserved to win.

The Officer could see clearly within the dust she kicked up, no trouble to someone who has faced the blunt end of sandstorms as they pass- it was like a wasp in comparison to a fly. While she could not see fully around herself, she had a good enough sixth sense to detect someone would make a target out of her back. But her back was far from unguarded. Wings returned to pressed up on her back when Caesar moved to assault her backside. She sprung- her wings jolting outwards in attempts hit Caesar straight on as he came into range of her wingspan. Even at the cost of him cutting up one of her wings, it was a worthy sacrifice for the distance she needed, when they all seemed insistent to push forward.

They were smart in that regard, limiting her space to out maneuver them. Already working together wonderfully. Unknowingly coming up with a battle strategy that would work. Argus relied mostly on speed and her flexibility. Making reckless and sacrificial decisions to get an edge in a battle, and here in the brunt of the ring argus was a breath away from her own savagery.

Darkness seeped out of beatrice's words. Stirring up Argus' own, but none the less she was grinning, offering the other  a bright smile amidst the sand as it was starting to settle back at their feet. Stepping on her sword was a low blow. Halting her frontal assault and making her better reach useless. In a battle with tooth and claws, it was useless to bring a sword into the fight. and she let the katana drop within the sand. Maybe someone would get stupid and cut their paws on it? Well, here's hoping.

Beatrice managed to hit her square on. Her left wing still weak from healing and argus couldn't risk the deflect when the other could easily bite it away. She let out a gasp of breath, feeling her lungs constrict and she let out a snarl. Quickly tucking into herself and limiting space as she pivoted to face the striker, She used her iron sharp talons to personally knock the other to her feet. Aiming to hit the other in the back of her feet and leap up to push her down. If that worked she would use Beatrice as a spring board, attempting to leap off of her and towards the edges of the ring- away from her three challengers to watch them all.

Re: FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - PINCHER - 05-30-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher was proud. He held pride in his arctic blue eyes when he would spot his crewmates working at achieving their goals or actually being productive. The reason why he had preferred for the Typhoon to be warbound was not because of the sly malicious intent that everyone tended to have but that it was a way of testing what someone would do to reach their goals, the risks and dangers of rising to the top. He knew Argus was more than capable of fighting, her talent in strategy to fight in various environments and opponent types impressed him and she deserved to hold the position of Officer even if she tended to purposely push his buttons by playfully getting under his skin in doing what she is supposed to do but with a twist. But if the captain was fully honest, he had to admit with not much shame that he enjoyed that. He didn't want any cookie cutters in his crew, he wanted to see differences clash before blending in, to see if they were able to conquer disputes and variances. He did tend to bash heads with some but after a certain while, it seemed like a decent blanket of mutual respect had fallen on everyone.

The soot black colored canine had stepped out of the tavern, his teeth gnawing softly on a lit cigarette. He had gone to take a few shots of decent rum for the day and with the cool ocean breeze brushing his short pelt, Pincher felt relaxed. He was going to head towards the Tempest to check on the weaponry and see if he could work on any blunt blades but right as he was heading for the docks, he heard sounds that sent a small shiver of adredaline down his spine causing him to tense up, his sleek muscles tightening under his glossy sea salt scented pelt. At first he thought it was either a raid or a genuine fight between his crewmates. He knew some struggled to get along which could lead to fights and why he had created the ranking for Strikers, to make sure that no one got stupidly hurt over some ridiculous situation. However, relief washed over him when he realized it was Argus actually doing the task that he had ordered. It was good to see sand being sprayed in the air with all the movement and was impressed that Argus chose to spar on sand since it was more difficult to stand on than regular ground, an advantage for the Typhoon members for it made fighting on solid land easier. Deciding that he should observe the tryout event, the tall lithe doberman trotted lightly forward, his cigarette gently bouncing as he took each step.

He spotted a nice shaded spot under a palm tree nearby where the others were sparring, making sure he was close but not too close to get in the way of their conflict in being able to take down the winged wolf. He eyed Beatrice, a faint glimmer of surprise flickering before hiding away in the depths of his aqua colored gaze. He had not expected her to be much of a fighter but looks could be deceiving and he knew that perhaps she did hold potential to be a privateer. Then came Ilijas, the cool faced gentleman another surprise to Pincher but he was glad to see different types of fighters step in. Caesar seemed to join in as well, the Striker ready to show his fighting skills and as the canine observed, his half-lidded piercing eyes flickered and bounced at every moment, observing. Judging. However, it was not his say on who would be the first Privateer that Argus would train, it was up to his officer to choose on who was ready to become an important piece of the Typhoon's ranks.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: FIGHT CLUB;; O, Privateer tryouts - Beatrice - 05-31-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Beatrice found herself returning Argus' grin. She sensed a darkness within the other fae, but it was welcomed. It meant a challenge - a true challenge. Claws dug into sand once more, and she realized she was truly enjoying this. This was not all the Beast's doings, she knew. Deep down inside, at the deepest part of her core, Bea was a fighter. And she loved the thrill of battle.

She watched as the katana fall into the sand, mentally keeping track of where the sharp object had landed. With any luck, if she needed to, she could use that to her advantage. However, she was more focused on the attack she had dealt Argus. A pleased grin painted her lips as she slammed into Argus, causing the other to cry out in pain. Beatrice had done well in choosing to attack her weakest side. Before she could enjoy her tiny victory, the Officer had knocked her to the ground before pushing off of her like a spring. The weight of the other made her grunt loudly, and the canine fell hard into the sand. She got up slowly, shaking the sand from her fur. She shot Argus a pointed look before a laugh tumbled passed her lips. That had hurt, she thought, rolling her shoulders.

It was then that she noticed Pincher, watching. Deciding she couldn't be distracted by him, her attention returned to the Officer. Argus had moved far away. The older female had backed herself into a corner. Interesting. What was she playing at? "Ilijas, take the right. Caesar, take the left. I'll head for the middle," she said, voice low. Whether or not the others would follow, Beatrice sped forward. [b][u]Once she was within reach, the crewmate leapt, hoping to slam a swiftly moving paw into the side of the woman's face.