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The first leaders meeting. - Printable Version

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The first leaders meeting. - Orion - 03-18-2018

Only official clan leaders may post here.

Re: The first leaders meeting. - Starrynight ! - 03-18-2018

tracking for now i'm still setting up starry's account

Re: The first leaders meeting. - PINCHER - 03-18-2018

this was complete and utter bull. he didn't know why they were all suddenly deciding to have a day to have peace among other groups that were lead by strangers that were coming to his home. he had desired to protest against this, wanted to retort with disbelief and irritation that he didn't want dumbasses that didn't belong to his crew or his sibling's house to be on the very island that they had just proclaimed as their home. but part of him knew it was best to hold back, to push down whatever pride was bubbling inside of him and to observe what these group leaders had in their peanuts for brains.

so, he decided to accept and even offer entrance to the volcanic island that was isolated from the rest of the world except for the thin long strip of land that connected it to the other territories. what territories? he had no clue but he suppose this was the reason why he should see what groups had what in their claim. pincher knew this was just a game of strategy, a test of what this world contained in it's inhabitants. all the information he had recently gathered from his rats was that there were three other groups that were very different from each other. one on the snowy valley, one in a radioactive swamp, and one within an observatory. rather odd places filled with odd creatures.

"make sure they come to the lighthouse and only the lighthouse." the low rumbling voice of pincher cracked the night air as he glanced towards an npc member, frigid blue gaze holding no touch of patience. the crewmate nodded and stalked away, climbing on top of the lifeguard tower near the arbor beach entrance of the strip land. luckily for the others, the tide was serene and low so the railroad trail on top of the long strip of earth would not be swallowed by the ocean. wrinkling his pale salmon nose, the coffee brown bengal began to strut quietly to the lighthouse that was a beacon of light, it's ongoing glow flashing for all to see.

it was good that this would be the place where they were meeting since it was a good distance away from the anchored ships and the easiest entrance of the jungle. don't get him wrong, pincher enjoyed having allies and resources but at the moment, the leaders that were coming were considered a possible threat to him and his twin brother. daphne better not be fucking late or i'll skin his damn snake... he thought as he walked into the entrance of the lighthouse and began to climb the wounding staircase, reaching the top floor. within the room, there was a long table made of ivory marble that was covered with various types of seafood and fruits from the jungle, illuminated by small golden lanterns. he had been against giving rations to the invited but daphne had argued that they should at least make a good impression for any possible ally candidates, whatever the fuck that meant.

taking a seat at the very front of the table, pincher allowed a loud yawn escape his jaws as his porcelain white paw reached out to hook one pale claw on a smoked mackerel, pulling it forward and beginning to gnaw in a bored fashion as he waited in complete silence. the hybrid began to hum lazily alongside the faint soft beating of the ocean waves that crashed against the rocks that supported the lighthouse. they better hurry the fuck up or i'll just eat all of this myself.. he thought while already beginning to grab a second mackerel.


Re: The first leaders meeting. - beck. - 03-18-2018

    Gross. Just gross. If having to force a scarred grin at new clanmates wasn't bad enough, now he was being invited to a dumb meeting to ramble about politics. He didn't even know what a politic was! Even with all his aimless observing, the poltergeist couldn't figure out why exactly it was so important, no matter how many times he tried to wrap his brain around the subject. Strangers were immediate enemies, unworthy of any trust and only using you to achieve their own goals. Then again, he was a sycophantic stranger as well in their eyes. And quite possibly feared. Creatures were always terrified of the unknown and their own demises, and looking a phantom dead in the dulled eyes was confirmation of their worst nightmares: that there was nothing in the end. Beck agreed on some level, although he would much rather be spending his punished afterlife alone and undisturbed than trudging through a rotting swamp for an impromptu meeting. He could continue complaining and whining for eternity, and had already done so for centuries, yet one little gathering couldn't be that terrible, could it?

    He was proven wrong as he was greeted with water. An unbroken expanse of water itching to reach out, wring him by the neck, and drown him. It didn't matter there was a convenient strip of land serving as a pathway; what if a wave suddenly crashed over him and swept him away? Hysteria had well overtaken his mind by the time an impatient creature nearby had to carry him by the scruff across the narrow land bridge, and Beck protested, writhed, and wheezed the entire way. After being dropped unceremoniously on the shore and with a significant panic still glinting in his eyes, he was directed to the supposed lighthouse. Climbing steps wasn't his forte, especially when they were designed for longer legs and stronger forms. His solution was a simple one when considering his existence trapped in limbo -- the mangy apparition was keen to erase itself from the physical plane, allowing him free access to anywhere he pleased. He could have nosed around within territory, and likely would have if it weren't for the intimidating ocean around him, and the fact that he just wanted to get this over with and off the island as quickly as possible.

    "Ya might wanna slow down there, oinker, don't wanna choke on a fishbone," his shrill voice hissed from the dim corner of the room, announcing his chilled presence just as his apparition distorted back into view. Whoever this Pinch guy thought he was, wasn't that impressive. Kind of shrewd-looking in Beck's blurred eyes, too. As if an ethereal being called down from the pearly gates and appointed him the king of everything. Slumping his bristling back against the pristine wall, his grimy and mud-caked fur a stark contrast to the lighthouse's fancy decor, Beck folded shackled wrists over a shallow chest, scowling darkly at the array of refreshments he wouldn't be able to partake in. Were they teasing him? Casting lantern-like eyes that matched the glow illuminating the table, the commander's disfigured snout split into a false smirk, venomous words demanding to know, "So why was I -- were we invited to this loser island again? Ya wanted to play 'Pirates' and make someone walk a plank?" Already, Beck disliked Pincher and his self-important mannerisms, and not just because he reeked of saltwater and dead fish. Politeness didn't matter either. As if he would make an alliance with this place; he suspected that allies would be parasites, unless they had something useful in exchange. Of course, no one expected needed supplies from a poisoned swamp, now did they?

Re: The first leaders meeting. - Starrynight ! - 03-18-2018

//augh weak i'm sorry

When, out of the blue, clusters of rogues across the continent begin to band together and form rules, it's hard not to notice. Scents around certain areas became unusually strong, and although the markers started out as random and ever-changing in scent, after some time, it all began to meld together into one. Each new group, new Clan, was organizing itself more and more, accustoming themselves to life with other people and life with trust.

Starrynight was one of four new leaders, head of the group that had come to be known as the Ascendants. Did he know what he was doing? Hardly. He paced in the room he had chosen for himself constantly, worrying if he was right for the job he had carved out for himself. He had gathered together the lone creatures dwelling in the plains. He became their leader. Failure was not an option.

Word had spread about a meeting between leaders. Who had been the first to suggest it? Why was it here, on Typhoon lands? (That was what it was called, right)? Oh, nevermind.

Typhoon Observers - he didn't know what their members were called - flanked him on both sides, leading him to the towering lighthouse. The white feline's neck craned to continue gazing at the top, his jaws parted in awe, which then spread into an excited grin. Paws shuffled excitedly on the grass, dusting the grass and dirt with an odd glitter. Next to him, one of the guards yelped before glaring at the rivaling leader. Starrynight flinched apologetically. "Sorry! Sorry! Really sorry! Did I shock you? I didn't mean to. I'm just really excited! This place is beautiful. What is this thing called?" The childish leader's flurry of speech was ignored.

The flanking warriors halted abruptly at the door, looking at each other in a hidden look of exasperation and contempt before they opened the door. Starrynight looked around in wonder, stepping past the threshold. Magenta eyes flickered behind him, expecting the two to be following, but the door slammed shut, leaving him alone. His heartbeat quickened.

Glowing forepaws took two tentative steps forward. His claws had subconsciously unsheathed, and the click against the metal floow brought a shiver running down his spine. With a deep breath, the feline's head tipped upward to stare at the spiraling staircase above him, further rooting the fears embedding themselves into his mind. His steps started slowly, but rapidly became faster. Soon enough Starrynight was tearing up the stairs, breaths coming out in ragged gasps with tears pricking at his eyes.

A door.

The Astral Seraph had to skid to a halt to avoid slamming into it, sides heaving as he desperately wiped at his face. There. See, that wasn't so bad, was it? Starrynight took slow breaths, calming himself down as he dried his eyes and tried to compose himself. Meeting the other leaders was a big deal, wasn't it?

With another breath, he nudged the door with his shoulder as he entered the room. Waiting for him were two rather unhappy looking cats glaring on, one scrawny, brown, and disheveled, the other powerful with a brightly colored pelt. With a blink of his stinging eyes, Starrynight padded forward, placing a smile on his maw. "Hello! I'm Starrynight, leader of the Ascendants. You two are?"


Re: The first leaders meeting. - Leigh - 03-18-2018

It took Leigh the reassurance of his own clanmates and forcefulness upon himself to come here alone. He was just starting to make an attempt to be a leader and now he was thrust upon a meeting between groups— between leaders. He was familiar with the ways of politics, coming from a small group of his own before settling down in the chilly but beautiful valley he called home. But he only ever heard the bare basics from the adults. Allies, Enemies, Borderlines, rules. So much was to be memorized. It was adding to the piling stress on his shoulders, but he was willing to suck it up for the sake of his clan. If he was to lead, he would do it.

Typhoon’s lands were very different compared to his own. Lush greenery and a beautiful blue ocean as vast as the eye could see. Not to mention it was much warmer here. The unicorn couldn’t help but gape as he was escorted along the thin stretch of land to the island’s lighthouse. If only the clan could see this, he thinks. They would love it. It wasn’t long before he was standing at the lighthouse. He took a glance at the Typhoon escorts, who motioned towards the door. Right. It was now or never. Let’s see who he’d be dealing with.

With a soft kock, the tall unicorn entered and studied each individual seated. Three of them, making four total with his arrival. Two rather angry and rough looking males; one who he thinks is a ghost of sorts, the other rugged and stern. He was intimidating. Then there was thd one that he couldn’t tear his eyes away from. Beautiful. That was how he would describe Starrynight’s appearance. “Uh... ‘sup, I’m Leigh. Snowbound’s leader.” he greeted with a dip of his head, careful to watch his horn as he did so before moving to take a seat.


Re: The first leaders meeting. - PINCHER - 03-18-2018

it seemed he would not be dining alone tonight, under the milk white stars that hung overhead. he could faintly hear the low tension of the arriving "guests" would bring. he had heard the news of one being warbound like the typhoon and the other two leaning towards the more passive ways of living. do no harm...a philosophical ideology that pincher believed was complete bull. anyone with any will to live and survive was dangerous in his books. especially the ones that held contempt for their mediocre lives, the ones that allowed strict rules and binding orders to hold back the hunger for blood. yet, he knew that others craved other things. unlike his twin that enjoyed to heal and medicate, pincher's enjoyment was putting the very victims into hospital beds. actually, no. the morgue. it was better to eliminate the enemy once in for all, to break them down until they were unable to rise up for another challenge. perhaps totally domination wasn't exactly the finest plan in the world due to it's various rooted flaws but pincher would be lying if he didn't want to destroy anyone he did not deem trustworthy. which was everyone.

the nautical mile's captain felt a small march of goosebumps roll down his spine when he heard the voice of one of the leaders. it caused his dark chocolate brown ears to draw back and his upper lip to slowlly curl to reveal incisors. what the fuck was that noise? the bengal somali mix felt his bubbling irritation began to boil into a hot broth as he focused not on the pitch of the other leader's voice but the namecalling that tugged at his thin string of patience."a bit ironic being called oinker by the pig leader. how's the mud, stick?" the cinnamon mottled male snapped flatly, an echo of a growl beginning to grip to the words that rolled out of his tongue. if first impressions were any importance, beck had stained it with all the muck he had dragged in with him. pincher rolled his broad shoulders, feeling the heated rising of his fur against the muscles of his neck and spine. oh, he did not like this sick fuck anywhere near him. pincher's aqua snake gaze narrowed with scrutiny as the captain simply lowered his skull to sink his canines into the salt drenched flesh of the fish, dangerous gaze still locked onto beck. there was almost a wild empty look, his tar black pupils constricting as he gnawed before hearing the questioning remark about coming to his territory.

"because my place is much better than your pit of mold, shithead. and if you'd like, kid — we can play pirates if that'll make you shut the fuck up." heat radiated off his uncensored words and yet, pincher showed no remorse. he did not give a fuck if they were the only warbound group that could depend on each other. daphne was more prone to diplomacy and the talent of winning over others through his silver tongue charm but pincher...not so much. he said what he meant without any second thought and the worst part, not a twinge of regret or guilt tainted his disgusting heart. was he cruel? yes. did he believe he was in the right? yes. this was his home and he would not let any disrespect come to it. feeling a familiar itch, pincher pulled his large paws back and placed them back onto his seat pad, allowing the shadows of the table to hide the unsheathing of his claws. a few minutes in and already pincher wanted to kill someone.

but before he could launch himself at beck, his velvety ears caught the faint sound of uneven breathing and footsteps. it seemed someone had at least used the stairs and was arriving. hopefully not another pain in the ass for him to deal with. it appeared that his wish came true as his azure eyes locked onto a rather odd looking feline that walked in with stars lacing their neck and...antlers. pincher had seen mutations of various mixed animals but it still slightly shocked him that there were such odd creatures living among them. his narrowed eyes remained slits as he observed with brooding silence as starrynight approached, greeting them with warmth. not a shock since he was a leader of the more "good" groups. "'s pincher roux. captain of the typhoon, specifically the nautical mile crew." grunted the blue eyed male as he forced himself to relax, his rigid tightened muscles unwinding. he remained silent for a few lingering seconds, using the time to think of how to do this. yet, he was unable to indulge in his thoughts for then came a knock that later revealed a towering figure. a unicorn.

it seemed he was a rather basic bitch compared to a ghost, a hybrid with antlers, and a fucking unicorn. he felt ridiculous and pincher gently bit down on his tongue before replying to leigh with the same greeting given to the ascendant's leader. so here they were. tanglewood, the ascendants, and snowbound. inside the typhoon. he knew he should probably wait for his brother but pincher gave no sympathy for ones that stumbled behind so he cleared his throat and stated "alright, let's start the business. we ain't waiting for daph, he can come and catch up." guessing it was time to state how the typhoon was doing, pincher forced himself to lower his walls. "typhoon is doing well. the nautical crew recently joined forces with the voodoo house to coincide with each other on this island. one thing you should know is that the typhoon is warbound. so watch your shit before you get hit. i know that you two — snowy and stars, are more passive than swamp fungus and me. other than that, i know nothing about you." he knew this was not formal, that it was no way of speaking but...pincher had never done this before. never used his "charm" to gain anything. he took things by force. this was all a game of chess and pincher was not a player that focused on connections. he was also stalling. his brother better arrive to smooth things out or pinch was going to have to limp back to the healing temple with a scolding brother on his ass.

Re: The first leaders meeting. - Starrynight ! - 03-19-2018


The friendly feline wasn’t oblivious to the obvious tension in the air- he just didn’t want to address it openly. All four of them had conducted a frat that no one before them had done- they were leaders of groups! They had banded together to become one big family! This was a cause to celebrate, not fight!

With a frown, the Astral Seraph observed the tense warbound leaders before focusing on Pincher as he received a response. ”Pincher Roux,” he echoed to himself. Pincher Roux, leader of the Nautical Mile crew of the Typhoon. Quite a title!

Starrynight could feel Leigh’s eyes on him as he introduced himself. Snowbound? He liked that group name. He’d never seen a creature like Leigh before. The question formed itself on his tongue when Pincher swept onward, beginning to describe his progress with the Typhoon. The other feline certainly had a way with words.

Once finished, the Seraph spoke up, tail swaying from side to side. ”I’m Starrynight, Astral Seraph of the Ascendants, for those who didn’t hear,” he began. “My group is doing well! We’re settling in and getting used to things, but we’ll be comfortable in no time! Thank the stars.” A soft chuckle erupted from his maw as he took a small snack, munching on it while he thought about his Clan’s progress. “Lots of people are answering to my invite and joining me in the observatory. We’re discovering lots of new things, and I can’t wait to find interesting ways to utilize them.” Was there anything else to say? Not that he could think of. Starrynight’s eyes flickered over to Beck and Leigh, waiting for them.


Re: The first leaders meeting. - beck. - 03-21-2018

    Sometimes he forgot that everyone surrounding him was just a wild animal pretending to be civil. Yet he was every ounce as feral as they were, raised by the world's cruelties and sins. The mindless flash in Pincher's beady eyes caused Beck to recoil, maw parting slightly and hissing through gritted fangs. Bristling with restrained static, the boy held his tongue up until the captain took notice of shockingly youthful features and went straight for the jugular. Kid was one of the last insults spat in his face before a torturous end. Not only were any remnants of a childhood slaughtered, but now he was being demeaned for his permanent age, and it was the quickest way to send Beck into a tantrum. Lurching from his previous indifferent lean against the wall, the poltergeist appeared absolutely livid, the same glistening wrath overtaking amber eyes to match Pincher's. A rational force in his freezing being prevented an impulsive attack, warning him of the consequences if he were to break the so-called truce. Frustration welled inside his heaving chest, and he sharply snapped back the first insult that came to mind. "Go -- go suck a railroad spike!" The resulting images of an impaling stake through the male's skull was nearly enough to sate his bitter anger, but there as still tension in his shaky movements as he remained poised to strike, spine arched and serrated with flared hackles.

    The arrival of two peacebringing leaders forced Beck to stand down, but not without sticking out a strikingly blue tongue at Pincher in a childish gesture, and he resumed to scowl in his corner. Beyond the second glances at both what looked like an absolute alien and a mythical horse, he held his silence for a while, disfigured snout scrunching up in disgust. They were just going to spill all their clan's information right then and there? It was a trap, designed to gain their trust with food and fancy talk, then backstab each other with raids and spies. He snapped from his delusions as he noticed three pairs of eyes on him, awaiting his own turn. Rolling his lantern-like eyes with a defeated huff, the poltergeist shallowly inhaled and attempted to rattle off a report of his own growing group, freckled expression darkening with every threat that proved how dangerous he and his clan could be. "Name's Beck, and since y'all lack any common sense from what I've seen, I'm the commander for Tanglewood. We're warbound or whatever, and get new members each day, so don'tcha think about attackin' or nothin'. And I'll make sure they all know how to fight and kill and maybe even capture, who knows? It depends on which one of y'all pisses me off first. I ain't sayin' nothin' else 'cause I know y'all are plannin' somethin'. I just dunno what." With that, he collected the chemical residue still lingering in his mouth, and spat on the lighthouse's floor, the toxins sure to leave a burnt stain for a while.

Re: The first leaders meeting. - Leigh - 03-22-2018

Well wasn't this great? It's only been five minutes and here we have the first two clans at each others throats. Buuut that wasn't any of his business. Leigh listened carefully to what everyone had to say on their groups. Typhoon was interesting. A clan of pirates? Their land was rather suitable wasn't it? Did they have drinking contests here? Did they sail around the ocean looking for treasure? He wanted to ask, but he doubted Pincher would be amused by such stereotypical questions. Though maybe- just maybe- he'd ask about the kinds of alcohol they had here- if they even had any at all. Next was Astral chatting about his group. Worshiping the stars? It wasn't much different of his own respect for nature. But it was very interesting. Would they try to go to space, he wondered? Such technology was near impossible but it would never hurt to try. Beck and Tanglewood- another with eyes set on war, seemingly even more so than Pincher. His wording was rather threatening which didn't sit well with the tall male. But he wouldn't comment and would wait until his turn rolled around, three pairs of eyes trained on him. "Leigh- Chieftain of Snowbound. We're more passive if anything. Stay chill with us and we'll be chill with you." Fucking bazinga cold jokes. "Pretty straightforward. We're doing well, surviving and thriving and all that jazz. And not doing whatever you're suggesting there bud." he added, glancing at Beck. Who in their right mind would try to pick a fight at the start of literally everything that was going down?
