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act when it counts ♕❖ oneshot - Printable Version

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act when it counts ♕❖ oneshot - lilyspoise - 05-28-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lilyspoise was no stranger to twinsouls. The concept was hardly one foreign to her, and despite her former lack of twinsouls, there was a familiar warmth in her chest that was impossible to go unnoticed. It was difficult to make contact with her, but it has seemed the quiet one had no issue communicating to others. There was no fear, but it seemed like the younger soul was simply clumsy, and didn't quite know how to operate yet. Surfacing was the only thing she was relatively okay at, and even then she tended only to do it whenever Lil was dormant, such as times where she was trying to sleep. It left the tabby a lot more tired, but once she figured out why, she couldn't find a part of her willing to hold a grudge.

He-- Hello...? Dear heroic one...?
Oh, uh-- if you are busy I can, uh--
No, no, go on. It's good to hear from you, finally. I was beginning to wonder if I scared you away.
Of-- Of course not! You are just really busy... I didn't want to bother you!
You'd never be a bother, darling. I always have time for my sisters.
I am... your sister?
Of course you are. You're my twinsoul; you're an Elise.
Oh... I... I suppose that is true!
What is your name, kid?
It is kind of long, and confusing...
Do you have a nickname, then?
Um... M.B....?
It's nice to finally meet you, Emby.

Her name was M.B, Emby, Ella:
She came from far away.
She wanted to be a hero,
but was distant from the fray.

Her name was M.B, Emby, Ella,
She was not very bold.
She was not cut out for this world,
with a heart made out of gold.

"My name is Me-- Ella. I am a new soul inhabiting this body."
"I am a touch nervous about this endeavor, but my predictions foretell that all will end up okay."

Her predictions were wrong. This body was plenty stable, and reasonably she could stay here for as long as she wanted. Lil did not mind, Margaery did not mind, Suiteheart did not mind. The Typhoon did not know, but the odds of them being ignorant about the matter appeared low.
Everything should have worked out, yet...

"My existence is a cruelty, Lilyspoise. I apologize."

There was only one way to fix this, but it was a matter Ella did not wish to address. It was selfish of her, but she did not wish to grant Lil freedom in exchange for her own place in this world. Lil seemed so much happier since she had arrived, but... It was not right.
This was not heroic.

Emby, are you okay? I can feel your sadness.
"Emby? Do you mean Ella?"
"Do you mean, Ella?"

Her name was M.B, Emby, Ella,
She was born from the brain.
She was not meant to be here,
She would only cause pain.

Her name was M.B, Emby, Ella,
She held prisons in the mind.
The influence of chaotic heroism
Left her cruel and blind.

Lilyspoise, are you there?
Of course. Do you need something?
Yes... May I ask a question?
Surely you may. What's up, buttercup?
What does it mean to be a hero?
It's funny, actually. If you asked me a year ago, I would've told you that a hero is someone who acts. Someone who does not hesitate, and will leap straight into the fray. But I've had a lot of time to think since then, and I've had a lot of space in my head since then, and nowadays I think that a hero is someone who acts when it counts, at the right moment, and when it's needed. That's what makes a hero.

Her name was M.B, Emby, Ella,
She had budded all alone.
But was not her kingdom to take,
Not her land, nor her throne.

Her name was M.B, Emby, Ella,
She knew what she had to do.
She wanted to be a hero,
for us, and them, and you.

Ella had tea parties with Margaery where she learned how to brew the most lovely beverages. She kept careful watch over the lilies Margaery planted in honor of her daughter. Daughters? Ella couldn not figure it out, and it did not feel right to ask Lil. There was no doubt in her mind that Lilyspoise was the priority over her own existence.
No matter what Margaery said.

"There has to be another way,"
"I'm not choosing."
"Nothing is impossible, not in the world we live in. I'd gladly sacrifice myself simply for the two of you to coexist if that's what it took,"
"I have lost too many of my children to lose another. You aren't going anywhere Ella, I can assure you that, deliciae."

Ella played games with Suiteheart, tussled with her and faux-fought in games on heroes versus monsters. Suiteheart always let her win, and Ella knew this, but it did not make the moments any less sweet. One day Suiteheart mentioned how Lilyspoise was a capable fighter, and could teach Ella how to fight if she were to be truly interested, and Ella felt herself filled with the familiar sense of insignificance.
No matter what Suiteheart said.
"Mon petit cœur,"
"I would choose you. You mean just as much to me as Lil does. Even if she had all her memories back and loved me like nothing bad had ever happened, I would choose you every time if it meant you’d still be here. New memories can always be made, but there is no one like you. You’re irreplaceable, kiddo."

Her name was M.B, Emby, Ella,
She saw rage in bear eyes.
She ran towards the darkness,
To vanquish all the lies.

Ella, dear, may I ask a question this time?
Of course, Miss Lily!
You have never mentioned your death in your past life, yet you've asked me about my own. Why is this?
Oh, well... You and your twin souls all lived heroic lives, and died as heroes... I don't know how I died, though.
Dear, you know I can tell when you're lying.
Um, well... okay... But don't tell anyone how I actually died!
I won't tell another soul. What should I say in its place, though?
Oh, uh... I do not know. Make up something… heroic for me, I guess.

"Ella, what are you doing!?" Lil cried to her twinsoul, feeling the other draw away. Draw closer to the dark-- to the manifestation that was Suiteheart's rage. This was mother bear, this was the anger and the fury, this was what had plagued Suiteheart so deeply for so long.

Ella turned back, just for a moment.
"I, uh... I thought of something heroic to do."

Her name was M.B, Emby, Ella,
I only knew her for a while.

Ella drew closer to the rage, the fury.
"Shh... it's okay. I've got you now. I will save you now." Ella soothed, moving forwards. If the world could cast an illusion to represent them, one would watch as a petite girl walked towards a raging shadow, only to draw it into a hug. "It's oka--y... I've-- go...t... yo..u..."
The shadows pierced her body, the rage screaming and consuming, but Ella held tight. As tight as she could, in these last remaining moments.

Ella subsided, taking the rage with her.

I might not see her anymore.
I'm glad I saw her smile.

Lilyspoise quietly made her way back into her den, not even attempting to greet anyone as she hid away.
She had lost another twinsoul, and was empty once again.

Miss Lilyspoise, this message may never reach you. However, if it does, please listen carefully.
I could not afford to hesitate.
Do not worry; you have done your part. Now it was simply my turn.
I got to be a hero!

To Margaery, I deeply apologize. Know that Lissa and Eli are out there, and now Lilyspoise will have her memories returned to her. I know you were not my "real mom," but... I appreciated the time we got together.

To Suiteheart, who I have no right to call "mom," but that was what you were like to me. A mother. You looked after me, and took care of me.

Lilyspose, you are not my sister. I will never be Lissa or Eli -- but still, you let me be for a while.
Thank you for letting me live, love, and be me.

I'm glad I got to meet everyone, even if it was just for a short while.

Memory Bank

P.S. When I said my name was M.B.-- I meant the letters M.B. I am a Memory Splinter-- I am Lilyspoise lost memories. I only existed to keep them captive, and I apologize for relishing in my own selfish existence as Ella, but I'm glad I got to meet all of you.
I hope we will meet again, one day.

// TLDR: the story of lilyspoise's "twin soul," ella is told.
upon having her memories erased, a splinter of those memories took on a sentient form known as M.B, which soon became emby, and then ella. she was a quiet and polite, and wanted to be a hero.
she sacrificed herself to save suiteheart, and lil's locked memories of her mothers have now returned, but she is currently holed away in her den.
nobody has to reply to this because i know it's a lot, but i just wanted to log this story down somewhere<3

Re: act when it counts ♕❖ oneshot - Beatrice - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Beatrice knew something had gone missing. Having had carried the souls of Eli and Lissa, she could sense Lilyspoise had lost something. Bea did not like the idea of being so close to someone without truly knowing them, but alas, that was the situation she was presented with. Without meaning to or wanting to, she had inadvertently somehow linked their souls. The pathway was small enough to not be noticed, and everyday, Beatrice was working to break the attachment. Today, however, she would not be focused on that.

Though it was just a hunch that something had happened (Beatrice truly could not say with affirmation that anything had happened. She and Lilyspoise were not soul bonded. They were not that close at all; no, Bea had simply acquired a knack for reading Lil and sensing when something was wrong), she did feel concern bubbling up inside of her. As she searched for her friend, she spotted the Witch Doctor crawling away to hide. This was... not like Lil.

"Lilyspoise," Beatrice barked, speaking her name less like a question and more like a statement, "what happened?" Her voice was as soft as she could make it, though the edge of demand to know her friend was okay could be found within her tone.


The thought settled uneasily in her mind, but she allowed herself to think it. The Beast sputtered and spat in her mind, but she ignored him. This was not about him or Bea, no, this was about Lil. Her friend. [color=#D87921][b]"Talk to me."