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I BET MY LIFE — visitor - Printable Version

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I BET MY LIFE — visitor - Ebra M. - 05-28-2018

Ebra had lost count of days.  Weeks?  A moon or even more?  They were beyond lost, but not beyond hope.  Searching, praying for a sign.  Upon Anubis' suggestion, the sand cat had tried the Force, but unpracticed without a guide, it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.  They needed to do this the old fashioned way.

First step; location.  They needed solid information of their current whereabouts, and details on the sentient creatures around them.  From there, they could move on to the actual task at hand.  Locating. We should shift, for an aerial view. Only if your goal is to pass out from exhaustion. The Egyptian god went begrudgingly silent, the shadow following the desert feline reverting back to its original feline shape from jackal.  Ebra took full rein, wishing, not for the first time, that their bond with Lessa had not grown so quiet.  She might be able to give them so pointers, or just encouragement.

Friendless.  Sister missing.  Ebra hoped chasing after their only family not stuck in the deserts of their old home was not for nothing.  They had done it once, they could do it again.  Only, they doubted their little sister, has rambunctious as she was, would find herself in a jungle, of all climates.  The feline sighed, examining the railroad gate with a propped brow as they realized they had finally stumbled across a scent border.

That meant someone lived out here.  A group.  And when there was one group, they usually had neighbors.  Maybe... Maybe she was out here, closer than before.  If she was not here, perhaps she was in a neighboring group, but a little push in the right direction never did any harm. Here goes nothing.

Tired, the sand cat sat down, curling their tail neatly around their paws, sky blue eyes hazy.  Hopefully, someone did have an answer.  That was, they realized dully, assuming whoever was here was willing to help in the first place.  Pessimism never these situations.

Biting back a yawn, they spared another full glance around.  "Hello?" Who would want to live in such a humid climate anyhow?  At least, it had a tactical advantage; they could appreciate that.  The smell of the ocean was not unpleasant either.  Still.  They were used to drier places, with fewer trees.  Hopefully, no one living here was claustrophobic; the jungle would be a nightmare come true.

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - ARGUS - 05-28-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus was aware of those who used the 'force' often. Mostly with her ties with anakin. Although the two never became friends, they had gotten along well enough for her to take note of his fighting styles, his meditations. She has recently come to sighting his ghost too. Where it was not her place to set him on track- pave his way to moving on from this plane, she had always wondered if it was the 'force' that kept him grounded on earth. If it was a careful little trap that the lion was locked in.

That is not to say she didn't know lessa either. The pine mortem was a friendly face, but too... peaceful. She had not gotten the same sense of force from her as she did the skywalker head. But maybe it was all about how she hid it well enough. After all, the beast had hid such resolute revenge and madness till the very end. She would not be surprised if others could too hide something behind their clever facades.

She could however, tell the tough of divinity within the shadow of the sandcat. This had little to do with the way they walked, or the manner in which they spoke. It was another ping in her radar. A sense deeper. The shinigami part of herself, buried deep breathed in and out and oh, you feel familiar. Because her type of divinity was just a touch of it's former glory. She was still a messenger, a guide to which carry off the souls of the dead.

She has seen mortals carry around the tittle god and watched them all fall down. And yes, there was the rare ability that divinity could die- could be consumed. In classifications she was more one of those than she ever would regain the reaper title. A soul eater. The bigger part of herself, just under her skin cooled at the sight. And outwardly she cocked her head as she stopped short of revealing herself.

She had to give herself a moment. To ground herself, to breathe. And as she stepped closer towards the small feline the officer angled her head to eye level of the feline. " Somth'n I can help you with, stranger?"

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - Ebra M. - 05-28-2018

"Yes ma'am," well, hopefully.  Ebra straightened up a little, ignoring Anubis' inquriy to whether or not they knew this wolf.  Something seemed familiar. Whether or not they had run across each other before was hardly important compared to their present mission.  Indeed, at least the Egyptian agreed with that.  More often lately, the two had grown further in-sync, though for the most part, they retained their own seperate thought processess.

"I'm a little bit lost," they'd admit with a sheepish smile, sky blue eyes gleaming with hope now they were actually talking with someone, "and looking for someone.  Could you tell me where I am, and if you know anyone named Tena?  Er, Moonspinner?  My name is Ebra, by the way.  I'd appreciate any help you can give, ma'am."

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - lilyspoise - 05-28-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lilyspoise was quick to follow suit, potion bottles freshly filled with water clinking together as they rattled from there place on her rope necklace. She herself was in a similar situation, although definitely not the same. She had two twinsouls -- two sisters, Lissa and Eli -- who had been carbon copies of her once, all put in different universes with different choices made therefore different character. They were three entirely separate beings, but in their past, human lives they had all been under the same name, blissfully unaware of the fact that any sort of alternative universe even existed at all.

Lil, too, had yet to find her souls. Although the difference between her and this newcomer was that she had decided to settle down upon arriving here. It seemed like Ebra wasn't here with that exact goal, but if they proved to be non-hostile (which they had, so far) they were welcome to stay.
"I'm Lilyspoise, this is the Typhoon." The tabby said softly, taking a seat next to Argus. "I don't believe I know anyone under those names, but someone else around her may. You're welcome to stay, if you'd like."

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-28-2018

"I'm gonna go with no." Caesar said quickly as he came over, quickly following after Lilyspoise. If he hadn't heard of any of these people, and Lil hadn't, there was a good chance that they were here. Or that was just his ego talking, who knows? He did claim to know everything, after all. "So if you're looking for them, I highly suggest hightailing it outta here." Because they weren't here, as far as he cared to know.

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - Owlie - 05-29-2018

”Try Snowbound.” It wasn’t as much as a lucky guess as he had been watching the Skywalkers there. Happened to see the little rat once.
Krataa jumped down from his high perch, approaching the little cat.
”Tena... Tena, Tena... Yes, I think I remember something about you two from my apprentice. He smiled slightly, showing yellowed teeth. ”Do you two still have the book he gave you?” He wondered idly, then pointed his nose in the direction of Snowbound.

”I’ll walk you back to the border.”

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - Ebra M. - 05-29-2018

So it was the Typhoon then, and a no-go.  If Ebra was disappointed, it barely showed.  They were patient, and one minor set-back was never enough to push them down.  They smiled kindly, bowing their head in gratitude towards Lilypoise, before flicking an ear, almost absently, at Ceasar.  "Thank you, but I don't want to be a bother," they replied.  It was clear, the sand cat had no intention of staying anywhere, until they had found their missing sister.

A question of neighbors popped up in their head, just before another joined the group.  Ebra felt the fur on the back of their neck rise, and for a brief second, they found themselves having to fight back Anubis' sudden fury.  For an instant, blue was red, before settling to blue again.  Calm down. "No thanks, I don't walk with depurs," while they did their best to keep a polite tone, the disdain shown sharply. Under normal circumstances, Ebra would have been perfectly capable of faking it, but it was clear to them that Anubis had a personal vendetta against this one.  Not surprisingly, when Ebra thought about it.

"Thank you again, ma'am," they quickly murmured, inclining their head towards both Argus and Lilypoise with not a glance towards the serval or panther.  They had a name, and a direction now.  Good enough for them. Mission nearly accomplished, the Demdji turned away, tail flicking.  Tena would need to hear about this.

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - Owlie - 05-29-2018

The Emperor hissed and moved to stand in front of zebra, baring yellow teeth. He moved in close, to whisper into the Sand cat’s ear.

”Do not forget that Anakin was willing.” He stood up, checking the others didn’t hear him. And they shouldn’t have, considering Krataa kept his voice low. “Move along then, boy.”

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - Ebra M. - 05-29-2018

Ebra snorted, barely holding back the roll of their eyes, unsheathing their claws in warning.  Funny, that the old panther thought they cared about someone they barely knew, someone Anubis was still resentful towards.  "Doesn't change what you are."

Finally going ahead with an unimpressed eye roll, they, somewhat begrudgingly, shifted into a black kite and took the sky.  At least they'd move a little faster this way, even tired.

Re: I BET MY LIFE — visitor - ARGUS - 05-29-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] While argus was mentally pushed aside, letting lilypoise take the question, she was still present. Taking to silence as she let the other's answer the question their own way, she took note of Caesar's rudeness, Krataa's seeming knowlege and the other's imediate hostility. Hmm, interesting.

No, what was more interesting was the fact that anakin was somehow in the conversation, even being the leopard's mentor. Now, argus did not know the lion much, they weren't friends, but they got along well enough, and considering her current placement she considered that more friendly than she was with her clanmates. She knew however, that the lion was trying to make up for something. As if he were a villain, retiring. Too old to make up fr what he'd done, but weary some make believe hero would come back for revenge.

She wondered how deeply the elder Walker's path was paved for him by his mentor, and quickly pushed it aside as not to.. lash out. There would be times for confrontations later, and instead swooped in to save the situation for what it was. "Actually, i need to visit snowbound anyway for a check in. If your fine with me accompanying you on your journey Ebra?" She made her moves subtle, stepping between... Krataa and the sandcat. Offering the other an apologetic smile as if she could excuse her own clanmates. No, they could be hostile and they could be horrible terrible things in disguise but they were still her clanmates. Which meant she would have to deal with them either way.