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pirate songs ;; drunk boots [trigger warning for alcohol use] - Printable Version

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pirate songs ;; drunk boots [trigger warning for alcohol use] - Cobra - 06-11-2022

[div style="background-color: TRANSPARENT; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #ff0000; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]CLOSE MY EYES -
the sun was starting to rise when the stirring of a lone figure would be noticed in the shadows. purple and pink paws flexing ivory claws in and out as the lone figure moved through the early morning light. it was not long before the first rays of light revealed that figure as boots himself. each step was unsteady as the tom swayed slightly.

at first, the male was humming an old tune as he slowly made his way across the territory. until he started to sing into the early morning as if he was the only one still around. "the king and his men.." his voice was soft in tone when it first started, as he knew others may not be awake yet.

being that it was so early in the morning, boots was not surprised to be alone in the slightest. nor did he truly care who he woke. nor did he care that he was alone in his state. those soft pawsteps guided him across the earth and through his clans territory without much effort, minus the swaying.

he seemed odd in his own way, but also in a new way this day. a way most, if not all, and never truly seen from him. why was he so off this fine day? well, he got his paws on some rum the night prior and had been drinking ever sense. swig after swig brought on a new sway to his walk that he never had before now.

he was, in fact, feeling over the moon and all his worries were washed away. the rum was doing wonders for him and making him a sight to be seen that morning. though, in most cases, the beholder may not see the beauty in his current state. yet, the male could have cared less about what others thought of him right then.

"stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her bones." his usual sing song voice echoed out, though the words were slurred and stumbled over as time went on. those dainty paws bringing him to the ocean and the docks where a small boat rested. boots would come to a full stop and stand there eyeing his creation.

days upon days of time and effort went into making himself, and trinket by extension, a small vessel to use when they pleased. his tail waved behind him as those dark blue eyes scanned the boat and admired his craftmanship. he wondered how trinket would like this new boat and if others would find his hard work note worthy.

"the seas be ours and by the powers.. where we will we'll roam!" he sang out before laughing a rather hearty laugh. one that came from his chest and belly. it made him shake a little as he moved towards his vessel without a second thought. he would leap up onto the deck and look about.

rearing onto his hind paws, he would press said feet onto the mast. using those dainty paws to fiddle with the sail until it came loose and billowed in the winds. he would not set sail, though, as he forgot in his drunken state, to untie himself from the dock. this did not seem to even register in his mind at all.

"yo ho, all hands!" he moved to pull a rope that unfurled a hand painted jolly rodger. then, he let his front paws come down onto the deck. turning to sway his way over to a half empty bottle of rum he had almost forgotten from the night before. he would sit and pull the bottle closer. taking a swing of the rum it still contained.

"hoist the colors high!" he would take another swig and another until the bottle fell empty at his feet. his eyes shifting to the ocean beyond the docks and a smile gracing that feminine maw. the smile soon became a smirk and his eyes would flick up to see the flag above him. it danced in the winds.

heave ho, thieves and beggars! Never shall we die!" rising to his paws, he swayed as if dancing to the tune he was singing now. the wind whipping his fur and he simply loved the way it felt. the last swig of rum sending him over his edge and into a world of bliss.

this was the second bottle for that day and he was gone by all means. he decided to leap up onto the little crows nest. he made it for himself and trinket. his eyes were now on the land instead of the ocean. he wondered where other were and if he would be alone for much longer.

he let out a hearty laugh and carried on with his tune. "now some have died and some are alive and others sail on sea!" he closed his eyes as wind blew his fur and a purr escaped him. he was truly drunk and it would be clear to most that he was enjoying himself for sure.
