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WANNABE | open, joining - Printable Version

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WANNABE | open, joining - BLAKE - 05-28-2018

Blake still had no idea where the hell they were. They'd just been wandering around and visiting a ton of different places since they'd left their old home, which had always been a hellhole, mainly because of their siblings. At heart, their mom was a good person, they knew, but she'd been pretty stressed out raising all six of her kids, and when they'd come out to her, well, she hadn't taken it well, to say the least. So, they'd left. They'd been considering it ever since their little brother, the only tolerable sibling, disappeared that one day, just a couple weeks before. They had never been friends with the smaller tom; the two of them fought all the time, in fact, but his leaving had spurred their own. If he, the obnoxious, tiny little guy he was, could leave it all behind, Blake could, too, couldn't they? They'd been traveling for months now, having left home with nothing but their drumsticks and a couple Britney CDs, both of which were useless without a CD player and a drumset, but they'd figure something out.

Today, they wandered upon a clump of a ton of different kinds of trees, though they'd never been much of a plant person- they all kind of looked the same to them. The trees were lined with a familiar smell indicating a border, which meant someone lived here- a clan, maybe? Oh, it'd been a while since they'd come across one of those! "Hey- uh, hey guys! I'm Blake. Is- is this a clan?" God, they hoped so, because otherwise it had to be, like, a satanic cult, or something.


Re: WANNABE | open, joining - BASTILLEPAW - 05-28-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
At some point in the past few days, Bastille had slipped past the apathy towards newcomers and started to feel almost guilty. Guilty, that so many of them seemed to be arriving at a shitty fucking time; that they were stuck with him instead of Starry, that they were joining a sicking fucking ship because god only knew that Bastille was going to burn the damned place to the ground. Gods, they had no idea what the fuck they were getting into, and he had half the mind to tell them to just fucking beat it and go join somewhere else. He could hardly do that, however; Starry would be so fucking disappointed, and therefore Bast had to struggle to be nice and welcoming and pretend that he wasn't falling apart under the loss and pressure of expectation.

Unfortunately, he was the first one to stumble upon this newcomer. His listless stare flickered over them briefly, and he looked tired as he regarded them. Well, they certainly seemed to know what they wanted. "Uh, yeah, it is. This is the Ascendants. You lookin' to join or some shit?" he asked, forcing his tone to stay level, trying not to look too miserable despite his shitty state since Starry's death. After a beat, he realized he needed to get better at introducing himself, and offered vaguely, "Oh-- I'm Bastille." No title, because he would sooner die than say it aloud, thanks.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — astral seraph — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: WANNABE | open, joining - Suiteheart - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
[um i love blake already thanks for coming to my ted talks]

For all the times Bastille thought he was destroying the dreams and hopes of Starrynight by leading, Suiteheart would be there with a reassuring smile and her kind, motherly words. Leading was difficult, and it was even worse when you were young and drowning in grief. She knew, in her heart, that the newly appointed Astral Seraph had it within him to be a good leader. He just need to see that within himself. And until then, Suiteheart would gladly patch up any holes in this ship, never allowing water to seep in and drag them down.

The ivory feline padded forward, baby blues checking up on Blake. They seemed interesting, and she was so fucking pleased they had recognized the scent markers at the border. That was, like, maybe the second one in a week or two. God bless them, she thought. "Hey, Blake. The name's Suiteheart Folie-Mikaelson. That's a mouthful, though, so you can call me Suite." As she spoke, she stepped beside Bastille, hoping her appearance would be enough to offer him some sort of relief.

Re: WANNABE | open, joining - ★ HAZEL - 05-28-2018

And for every time Suite was there with her motherly kindness, Hazel would feel just a little more lost, out of the loop, grateful, and generally at odds with everything else going on. Her clan was disheartened by Starry's loss, and their new leader doubted himself so much that he couldn't even bring himself to announce his title. Hazel was trying to lighten spirits and moods, but in the end, always felt guilty for it. NPCs that had lived with the Ascendants longer than her would give her withering looks, as if she had trespassed on sacred burial grounds. She didn't know what to do with herself.

She showed up to the border anyway, the routine of accepting strangers into the clan practically written in stone at this point. Smile, she told herself. They don't deserve your mood. She had arrived just in time to catch the name, luckily. "I'm Hazel," The cocoa feline greeted with a grin. "Pleased to meet you, Blake." And...hey, another individual with a human-like name. Or, at least, a name that didn't follow custom. Hazel's smile brightened just a bit, pleased with this.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: WANNABE | open, joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-28-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Newcomers were always a good thing. The more in a group, the better, or that's what Luna thought. The wildcat had been patrolling when she had seen her Clanmates gathered around a stranger. Hazel, Suite and Bastille.

"Lunafreya, nice to meet you, Blake." The feline would said, offering a nod of her head to them.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯