Beasts of Beyond
A New Era of Darkness - Printable Version

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A New Era of Darkness - Pawn - 06-06-2022

Nightstorm had been staying to himself lately. He has even gone as far as staying away from Mellowsprite. He had gotten to the point that he didn't want to be around him much. Nightstorm had taken a walk to clear his mind. He wanted to protect Spadepaw from everything, but he knew that he would stay with his mother more than anything.

Nightstorm stopped for a moment lost in thought thinking about everything that is going on. He was worried about the issues that were arising and how everyone was acting towards it. He knew that things could possible get a whole lot worse before they would get better. He just wanted to stay out of any problems that could happen. But for that he need to stay away from Mellowsprite at the moment.

Nightstorm sat down while thinking knowing that others would probably walked by him. He also knew that some would think that he would be lazy and not do anything, when in fact he wasn't lazy.

Re: A New Era of Darkness - teef - 06-23-2022

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actions. ❖ "speech."thoughts.
The younger tom wouldn't be left alone for long, the elderly tom making his way along. He had seen the avoidance crop up between Mellowsprite and Nightstorm, and as the eldest in the clans, he took it upon himself to stick his nose where it really shouldn't be. Coming up to the warrior, he would sit down nearby and begin to clean his paws, "How've you been faring?", he would rumble softly as he cleaned his claws with his teeth, the old burn-scarred warrior's eyes half-lidded as he groomed himself in content. He wasn't oblivious to the situation, but he didn't have an understanding of why the two warriors were avoiding one another, even with their kit involved.

Letting out a weary sigh, he yawned, "Love is hard, isn't it?"