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I CAN'T SIT HERE QUIET | {P} - Printable Version

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I CAN'T SIT HERE QUIET | {P} - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-27-2018

[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"](Keeping short for now bc its gonna get plenty long xD)

A lot had happened since the last time him and Argus spent time around one another. At this point, the lack of trust that he had with others was basically gone when it came to the white canine. There was no need for anymore on the factor that he was more desperate. He had helped her out once, not like he thought that was a huge factor in the way that they interacted with one another. Killua had yet to mention the massive Hellhound that was going to follow him around everywhere that he went. It wouldn't be easy to get out of the line of sight of the 10ft tall Hellhound, but he was going to try his damn best and try either way. He knew with the appearance of Mike was a bad sign. His family was getting more and more active and that just meant disaster for the young Zoldyck. He needed to be prepared, and he had just managed to heal to the point where he wouldn't need any sort of bandages on him. Having a night terror almost three weeks ago where he ended up clawing up his own body while he was asleep. Of course, the nightmare obviously had Illumi in it, in where he had killed the only friend that he had right now. He did technically have a father figure but he still wasn't sure how to react to something like that. Stark was a nice guy, there was no denying that, Killua just didn't want the other ended up getting hurt as much as he could avoid it right now. But with the injuries he had given himself, nearly bleeding to death by his own actions, it took ages for his wounds to heal back over themselves. Having cut deep into his right arm practically down to the bone, missing the artery that was found in one's arms. It was soon after that happened that his friend, London, had given him gloves to wear while he was asleep. The first time that he had ever really been given a gift that was actually made for him and everything. The wildcat didn't really know how to react, and reluctantly he said thank you to the fellow albino. Now he didn't have to worry if he did decide to fall asleep, but that moment was gone soon after with the arrival of Mike and the arrival of a pounding headache that wouldn't go away. Killua knew something was wrong when he had issued a spar with someone in the clan, and he had been having a good spar with the black lion that had challenged him. Only to see Illumi out of the corner of his eye that sent him into a fit of panic. Meaning the lion was able to strike a direct hit on him, which had hurt a decent bit before he recovered and looked back in the direction with fear on his face in the direction of where he saw his brother.

And yet he didn't see anyone there. Everyone immediately became concerned about if he was okay or not, and like usual Killua said that he was fine and walked away with Mike following close behind him. The Zoldyck had no idea that the entirety that he had been running around with Mike following him, the massive Hellhound was basically a camera that was broadcasting to his brother. Killua had to let Argus know that there would be a giant beast that would be tailing them wherever they went. The young male wasn't even exactly sure why they were meeting in the first place until they came into contact with one another. The female asking if he was willing to go flying with her. Flying? Was that even a smart idea? Killua had looked over the female skeptically, as he had never flown in the sky before. Despite having his father and grandfather being dragons, he never got a chance to fly. Only three of those that were in the Zoldyck family were capable of flight, including Illumi with his massive wings that he always had. Killua never had a reason to want wings, so maybe this would be an interesting appearance. He ultimately agreed, despite it sounding like he didn't really want to do it. Mike would be tracking them down from the ground, and Killua had ordered the other to not attack anyone if they ended up going across a territory. Killua had leaped onto Argus's back, and he hoped that his ice-cold paws didn't affect the female all that much. He flicked one of his large white ears as he tangled his metal claws into her fur, making sure not to cut her in the process. He didn't want to have to treat more of her injuries. Killua let out a startled sound when they finally took to the air, flattening his smaller body against the canines back as he refused to open his eyes while they took off. He didn't want to fall off. Sure he could use his air elementals to keep himself from dying from a fall. But that didn't mean he wanted to either. Once they leveled up, Killua tentatively opened his eyes as he looked around in the sky. They were fairly high up. But it looked amazing. Shock spread across his facial features, along with a massive smile. He felt like a kid again. At awe at how tiny everything was. When Argus would shift though, in the air, Killua couldn't help himself but tense up a little bit. A nervous chuckle escaped his jaws, "This isn't so bad...." The assassin would say not really feigning the excitement that bubbled up in his voice. With all the excitement and adrenaline pumping through him, the wildcat failed to notice the headache that was still there.
[align=right][size=8pt]KILLUA ZOLDYCK - SNOWSEEKER - MALE - 8 MOONS
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Re: I CAN'T SIT HERE QUIET | {P} - ARGUS - 05-27-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus remembers when she first got her wings. The first time, it wasn't painful. Waking up one day in a lonely little milk cave to soft dowry. Gods it was an experience trying to learn how to fly the first time. By the time she was an apprentice she would watch the rest of her clan from the clouds. All arrogance and petty competitiveness at their hopeful eyes. Knowing that she was given a plane that they could not wonder. A Place to explore that they could onlt gaze at.

Now, no longer.

her wings were a representation of a promise she broke. A freedom she no longer had the right to, some cruel power reminding her that she deserved to be grounded. No, Argus did not fly often. Her wings were most often tucked away. Only to be sprayed out to attack, to defend to kill-.

When she was a mother, she would offer her kids a seat on her back. Ride them into the sunset atop clouds. Watch the stars where they were the clearest. It was a sign of kinship one. Argus has used her wings to elevate others, and show them what it means to be free. But those were  a different time. Long before she tied herself to the ground with pety revenge and tainted her soul with desperate need. With hate.

And when she had figured out how to retap into an old power- she had instantly attempted to test the distance. Surprised by her ability to communicate with him mentally and set up a meeting. But that surprise felt wrong, not compared to the ping that went off. The feeling that she just connected with more than one person. She had known that the deputy still had claws inside his head, but she did not think... No. No it was none of her business.

She could pass off the excuse of mike. The large hellhound colossal, and unpredictable. Would he attack her if she made a move to remove it? Argus didn't ask outwardly, instead watching him as she greeted the other. Impassive. A guard dog maybe? Things just got a little bit more tricky if she wanted to pull those claws out. excuses.

But it was, wasn't it? She was just afraid. Afraid to break his trust - break his mind in attempts to push his watcher out of his head. Too aware of how sharp her mind was, how quickly she could turn the other into a babbling mess. Because she has done it before. Oh dear gods has she. She would relish in watchdog the others scream in pain but now the thought makes her want to choke.-

She would just... have to wait.

So when she offered to take him flying, it was something she had considered before. It was spur of the moment then. Unable to really bring herself to tell him what she had planned to do before what she couldn't bring herself to do.

But the sky had a way to bring things to light. She remembers one of her clan mates joking about argus' 'kid test'. And gods it was kind of embarrassing to admit that it was true. She only did this with people she thought of, where she saw potential Seeing part of herself within the deputy. So much hurt and so much blood but still trying... Still trying to be better.

She wondered what would happen if she asked.

" You should see it when it's nightfall. The sky is so beautiful"

They were getting near the ascendants territory, and while Argus would normally take to flying him back home she felt her left wing give a jolt of pain. The limb still healing from getting speared by Beck moons ago. She knew she had to land soon, otherwise damage it further.

" Think you're okay with landing? " She let one last flap of her wings and felt her wing tremble with strain. Grinning through the air. she slowly angled downward. Keeping the decline stable.

When she came to landing, she could spot the large hellbeast heading closer towards them. dark red eyes ignoring the faint ping as him, instead facing the border of the ascendants. While they were considered neutral with her clan. Maybe they could stay for the night? Or at least, get some water before heading back.
