Beasts of Beyond
DON'T REACH FOR YOUR POCKETS // open, invite - Printable Version

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DON'T REACH FOR YOUR POCKETS // open, invite - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-27-2018

Strange how Snowbound almost seemed like home. Caesar honestly liked the cold feeling of the group's territory, although he didn't exactly agree with how they aligned themselves. Hell, he didn't entirely agree with being allied with them in the first place, but whatever, he supposed; it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter. Caesar made his way towards Snowbound's border and halted at it. "Yo, name's Caesar Cipher. I'm a Striker in The Typhoon." And he was clearly proud of that. "Here to invite ya to a Rave Party we're having."


Re: DON'T REACH FOR YOUR POCKETS // open, invite - jacob w.c. - 05-29-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob walked near the border in hopes of catching the smell of the sea more often than he liked to admit. He told himself he wasn't sure why even though he knew very well why. Rosie sat perched on his shoulder today. In some ways, he had come to rely on the little sugar glider that'd been gifted to him by a particularly handsome pirate captain. He told himself that if he walked a little too far or if he somehow hurt his legs while he was out, she'd be able to notify the other Snowbounders and they'd be able to find him much sooner than if he was just out on his own. Deep down, he knew the truth was that he kept the sugar glider around both because of practical reasons and because her presence reminded him of someone who could never take these walks with him. Today, though, he did catch the smell of the sea in the air but he already knew it wasn't the one that he often looked for. There was no smell of cigarette smoke or coconut. He wasn't sure how that smell had ingrained itself in his mind so easily but he wasn't going to question it now. He arrived near the stranger and offered a light smile. Things had been difficult lately but hopefully this party would be a good distraction. Usually Jacob wouldn't be one for such parties but, well, there were other things that drew him to the Typhoon these days. "Thank you so much. I'll make sure ta' let everyone know they're welcome ta' go if they like n' I'll be headin' over myself soon," he stated, pausing briefly before quickly adding, "Oh! 'M sorry, I don' think we've properly met. M' name's Jacob." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: DON'T REACH FOR YOUR POCKETS // open, invite - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-03-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
The sea was honestly calming to listen to, Atbash had to admit. It was calming to listen to, as well as watch, although she wouldn't dare get near the water at all. Especially the ocean; it was too chaotic. However, as soon as she reached the area, she could practically feel the air get tense around her. Atbash lowered her ears a bit, cautiously following after Jacob once she saw him heading towards the same place. It wasn't weird for him to be here, she knew he liked the ocean as well. It was an odd thing to like, but again, she didn't mind it too much. The water was chaotic, but at the same time, peaceful all the same. Maybe it was just the sound the waves made when they crashed onto the shore that made the ocean so peaceful, because it certainly wasn't the motion of the water itself.

Atbash tensed up as soon as she saw yellow fur in the distance, and she stared for a couple of seconds before she realized who that was. There was only two felines she knew that had bright yellow fur, and that was her two siblings. And the scent that was carried around this one was death. Atbash immediately turned tail, heading back to camp without a word, pushing through some NPCs that tried calling out to her. She couldn't be around the area anymore, not with Caesar's stench clogging up her senses. She just hoped he hadn't saw her.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi