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MURDER OF THE UNIVERSE :: demon sibling adopt - Printable Version

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MURDER OF THE UNIVERSE :: demon sibling adopt - psy - 05-31-2022

I am officially adopting out a blood sibling to Zjarr Ignibus! This will be a G1 demon that will eventually join the Ignibus family and take on the surname; this sibling will also be able to participate in the Ignibus Arms Company as a smith or runner upon joining the family.

Before his involvement with Flamey and the Ignibus family he had founded, he was simply a demon with the moniker "Zjarr", his roots found in the hottest corners of hell. But he was not alone — his unknown parents spawned another beast, and the two young demons had spent their formative years together within this realm of hellfire and chaos. Though neither can remember their early childhood nor their birth parents, the two knew that they were kin, two sides of the same coin — masters of the flame.

Centuries pass, and Zjarr is summoned by another demon to the mortal realm for the very first time, forcing him to abandon his sibling. Though he believed it would be a quick venture to assist some greedy mortal in a demonic pact, he never made his way back to hell. Realizing his attempts of returning to hell would be futile, he instead opted to live among mortals permanently, traversing the mortal plane with countless vessels. Zjarr came upon the realm of animals and met the mortal Silas Ignibus, whose physical form and surname he had both stolen, and he used his new identity to further establish the Ignibus family. Eventually he made his way to the Island, where he built a new life for the Ignibuses as blacksmiths and arms dealers with the Ignibus Arms Company.

And where was his sibling throughout Zjarr's adventures among mortals? That story is for you to tell — all is known is that this demon found their way to the Island to reunite with their long-lost brother, having finally discovered his location. Zjarr will attempt to convince his kin to join him and his family with their mercantile ventures, to embark on a harmless mortal experience. The sibling will join the Ignibuses, but whether or not they wish to spread chaos or simply reside among mortals is unknown.

Your character can take on virtually any form they desire as a demon. As such, genetics are 100% free for all in terms of designs. Characters can be realistic creatures, mythological beasts, completely made-up species — it's entirely up to you with no restrictions.

In terms of powers, I would prefer that your character has fire elementals, as the Ignibus family is composed of renowned blacksmiths and firebenders, and Zjarr and the sibling share a backstory of having harnessed these abilities. However, this is not required nor a dealbreaker if you do not wish to have this power. If you do not have this power in your possession but still want it for your character, I can gift the power to you. Shapeshifting is also encouraged but also not required and less necessary.

In terms of demonic traits, there are certain capabilities/traits that Zjarr has as a demon that your character may share with him. Your character may, of course, have other traits in addition to these or not have some of these traits at all.
1. This character will carry the Ignibus surname.
2. If you no longer have the muse for a character or can't be active, please contact me and I will rehome them.
3. The application is free-for-all, as long as I have the basics: name, gender, appearance, personality, and plot ideas.
4. See the above headers for preferences in terms of powers and traits.
5. The sibling can go anywhere and do anything you desire: join the Arms Company, be a pacifist, destroy the world — it's all up to you. The only limitation is that they must join the Ignibus family and adhere to the family's rules as created by Zjarr.

In addition to basic information, I also want to know what plots you have in store for both the character and between the sibling and Zjarr. This is the ONLY sibling Zjarr will have, blood or adopted, so I am interested in hearing the ideas people have!

Asmodeus — male — SchizophrenicVoid

Re: MURDER OF THE UNIVERSE :: demon sibling adopt - psy - 06-30-2022

bumping this to say that the slot is now first-come, first-serve!

Re: MURDER OF THE UNIVERSE :: demon sibling adopt - SchizophrenicVoid - 06-30-2022

Name: Asmodeus
Gender: Male-adjacent, sometimes uses female pronouns when socializing
Appearance: [Image: doggo_1_by_corruptashes.png]
Personality: Cold and emotionless with a incredibly fast temper. Completely devoted to Zjarr and would burn the world down just to remain by his side. Very knowledgeable and prefers learning about the mortal realm through books and first-hand accounts over blacksmithing or arms-dealing. Would likely eat any children he has with no remorse, but wouldn't even be tempted to eat any potential nephews/nieces.
Plot Ideas:
~Burns down an entire group of NPCs as soon as he emerges from hell, just to leave a message in case his brother is nearby but they can't find each other
~Is kidnapped either for ransom or to make the group weapons, proceeds to set them all on fire
~Becomes mates with a naive person as a political move, nearly kills them repeatedly

Re: MURDER OF THE UNIVERSE :: demon sibling adopt - psy - 06-30-2022

aaand closed, thank you for applying!!