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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
With summer finally edging itself over the territories nearby Paradis Island, Pincher could feel eagerness and excitement of what it would offer. He hoped that nothing extreme would happen for he knew that the island had been previously threatened by thundering raging storms as well as typhoons - the very destructive weather that the crew was named after. Yet, he had spoken with the tribal section of the group and about their experience, many explaining that recent summers had gone by with steady grace of sunlight and crystalline clear waters. In a way, the pirates lived in a place that many considered a place to have a vacation on. Despite their dark intentions on how this world should be controlled, that did not mean that they were unable to find any sort of fun outside their devious ways. So, after a good amount of sorting out what should be done for an event, the male hopped onto the task that had been burning his head all day with trepidation of what it would turn out. Even before the sun had begun to peek through the distant water's edge, Pincher had gone out to set his plans, a ghost of a smile tracing itself on his jaws as he enjoyed being able to create something fun every once in a while.

It took basically all day for him to place it out but some volunteers had been able to offer their time to labor over the party idea. As time ticked on, the doberman's energy began to drain but he forced himself to keep working, running up and down Barracuda Bay, ignoring the perplexed dumbfounded expressions that were on the faces of his crewmates that didn't exactly know what Pincher was doing. Once finished, the onyx tinted male went to a halt in front of the bay area with a content expression as he looked over his work.

On top of the turtle statue in the center of Barracuda Bay was a boombox that Pincher had found and luckily was still working on fixing the speakers that had been struggling to get any sound. Explosive adrenaline pumping music seeped from the speakers now, filling the air with it. All around the statue was long colorful beach towels, all being held down by colorful glowing smiling skulls. Scattered all over the sandy beach was glow sticks of various colors as well as necklaces, bracelets, sunglasses, and headwear such as crowns. There were a few traditional beachballs that were flashing colors waiting to be kicked around while a few bamboo torches had been placed to create a path to lead them to the bay area. There was a long table settled at the side of the main area, bowls made out of lovely sea glass containing cut out slices of cooked meat, fruits, and vegetables. Coconuts that had straws sat alongside the bowls as well as normal drinks such as water, tropical punch, and alcohol. On the shore's waters, there were woven palm tree baskets that bobbed lazily on the surface, all holding beach toys that were normal as well as rare ones that glowed. The sun had begun to set, showing the heavens above and thanks to the island being so far away from other areas that had been tainted by humans, all the stars and constellations were fully shown, glinting in the navy blue sky.

Satisified with his work, Pincher went to get himself a cup of rich sharp vodka, settling down on a beach towl while swaying his head ever so slightly to the beat of the music. His pet scarlet macaw; Bonnie was enjoying herself to slices of coconut, gnawing on them while sitting beside him. Usually she would be napping but knowing her passion for food, Pincher wasn't surprised that she had shown up to the party.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]


Caesar didn't entirely understand how the Earth worked and why it changed seasons all the damn time, and to be truthful, it was irritating, to say the least. Back home, the weather was constantly the same: cold and dark. But here, on Earth, it changed so many fucking times Caesar lost count. One day it could be raining and the next day it'd be sunny. So he wasn't excited for summer at all, and didn't really understand why everybody was.

"You setting up a party, Pincher?" Caesar spoke as he came over, watching the Captain with a tilt of his head. It definitely seemed that way, though the demon was confused as to why Pincher was doing it so publicly. It made no sense to him.

Re: FLUORESCENT ADOLESCENT — O / RAVE PARTY - Verdigris - 05-27-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]It had gotten much warmer on the island over the past few months- understandably, given spring’s swift transition into summer. Some days, the sand on the beach was just as hot as the sand in the desert had been, and occasionally even hotter. The only difference was in the frequent storms and the high humidity, really. Tonight, however, the weather was pleasant enough for a stroll, if one happened to be into that. Perhaps Pincher had been running around all day for that very reason, even if he didn’t seem the type.

  The emission of multi-colored lights by Barracuda Bay, though, was unusual, enticing Paper in to investigate. The jackal arrived in front of the turtle statue and swept his gaze over the setup, his good ear perking up. He was unfamiliar with the absurdly loud music bursting forth from the speakers, yet its steady rhythm and heavy bass was... oddly hypnotic.

  ”The heck is this?” he muttered under his breath, unconsciously bouncing lightly to the beat. Even at the commencement party several months back, the atmosphere had never been so all-encompassing, so consuming. Even the lights bobbing on the water and hanging from the trees seemed to dance to the rhythm, their glow obscuring the scene from his view. It was a terrible idea to get so caught up in the mood, and yet... he couldn’t stop himself from jumping about, twisting and jerking as though no one was watching (when people almost certainly were watching, or would be watching soon).

  A boom box was not where he would’ve expected to find the high-tempo, synthesized equivalent of the pied piper, and yet here he was.