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steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - Printable Version

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steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - Plexus - 05-24-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus Kingsford is known to be meticulous. He's known to be organized. He is also known to have his nose in work unless he's dragged out of it. His current warpath in the Guru stores was bundling herbs together that he was going to start on making into poultices, syrups, teas, ointments, and anything else he'd need. He had each bundle laid on a table perfectly in place, not a single spring out of place. The Norwegian forest proceeded to sweep the floor with his tail for any stray leaves or thorns, and began pulling out all of the glassware, and cookware along with his mortar and pestle.

He started by having a few glass jars out for poultices, each had a label for what it was, cleaned to prevent rot and mold, and had concentrations/amounts of herbs that were in it. Plexus sorted the bundles for the poultices next to each jar, and once again divided up how much of each bundle he'd need to fill the jar. Rebundling the excess, he put it back on the table with all the herbs on it. Back into action, Plexus took his mortar and pestle and began to gentle mash each poultice together, gingerly wiping the mortar clean with every switch of medicine mix. His claws gently scraped the mixtures into the glass jars, and he twisted the lids as tight as he could. He'd use corks, but he would need to trade for some that fit (or scavenge fr some and cut it down, which he felt was more likely). Placing the poultice jars on herb table, in their own little spot to be put away later, the large cat started on the next task: decoctions and syrups.

Sweeping by the herb table once he set up a small, contained fire with a pot over it, he carefully started on roots and hearty herbs first. He tended to avoid decoctions, and it was a sore spot for him, so he decided to start on them to force himself to make them. Fanning the fire until it was crackling, he poured just enough water into the pot and watched until it started boiling. Making sure it didn't splatter everywhere, Plexus gently placed his first decoction mix into the pot, he made extra sure to crush some of the tougher bark and roots with his mortar and pestle so it all boiled evenly. After a few minutes, deeming it soft enough,  he strained the herbs and added the liquids back to the pot. With a practiced paw, he quickly added twice the amount of honey to steeped liquid. Letting it simmer for awhile, it thickened into a syrup. With a sigh of relief, Plexus took the syrup and carefully poured it into another jar. The ones for syrups had labels for what they were, and what was in them.

A groan left the male as he began sweeping where things once again collected as he was ferrying herbs and other things. With a soft sneeze, he cast a despairing glance at the fire he left lightly smoldering. He had plowed through poultices since those never took long, but he was only finished with one syrup.

He had a feeling it was going to be a long day.

Re: steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 05-25-2022

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: she wasn't that familiar with the norwegian, nontheless padded towards the guru's medicine-cave thing. he seemed to be busy, muttering to himself in frustration, and she sat down at the den's entrance, quirking her head mirthfully and watching him work. it was fascinating, how he could navigate his way around all the plants so easily. they were neatly arranged, even. she wasn't tall but from her vantage point could see enough. twisting her head around to the pouch at her side, the female pulled out her notebook and a pen, opened it to a blank page, and began sketching. jar after jar, plant after plant. all came to life under her paws, forever etched onto the pages. she might need to add some color to it later on, maybe mix some crushed plant powder with water to get the shades she needed.

he began making something, adding honey into a boiling pot of water. he seemed so concentrated, so captured by his work, that he still didn't seem to notice her taking care to store his movements into her memory. maybe she could approach him and offer to help? unconsciously she was sketching again. his fur, matted with sweat from working over the flames. gently pouring honey into the boiling pot, light gleaming in his optics. around him was shaded save the glow cast onto his face, outlining his features. it was a nice image, one she was proud of once she had finished. carefully shutting the book and replacing it into her pouch again, she rose to her paws. not really being one to speak much she mustered the bare minimum of words. "plexus? can i help you?"

tags - penned by windowmemer
template by orion

Re: steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - Plexus - 05-25-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
The male startled slightly, his back leg muscles twitching from the sudden movement, and quickly swung around to see Skádi. Relaxing slightly, Plexus cast another look at all the syrup mixes to be done and sighed, "You may help." Offering a small smile, he padded over to the smoldering fire to tend it back to a gentle flame. Once crackling again, the Norwegian forest showed the younger how to gently crush the heartier herbs he gave her, and how much honey exactly needed to be divided up.

"you can help by also putting these mixtures where they go in the stores," His maw felt sticky, words straining against his vocal cords, as he gingerly poured more water into the pot on the fire, "all the syrups go on the bottom shelves since it's darker down there. Anything you can't reach, we can have Byriath put it up later."

Plexus gave a small grin of amusement before picking out another bundle to turn into a syrup. Separating the bundle and handing the harder roots and barks to Skádi, the Guru began thinking of what to attack after syrups were done as he kept an eye on the simmering water.

Re: steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 05-26-2022

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: she seemed to startle him - the least of her intentions, she should have considered that before speaking. too late now, he was acting and reacting to her announcing her presence. he smiled at her then said she could help, to which she returned the smile with a wider grin of her own. this gave her a chance to study the herbs and jars in much closer detail for her to draw out later. manoeuvring the pouch from her side over her head she found a small secure place by the wall to set it down, pushing a stray rock against it to prevent it from falling over.

after making sure her pouch stayed upright she padded closer to plexus. he showed her some herbs then proceeded to crush them gently, making sure she understood how to perform the motions as to not ruin the plants. she nodded once she memorised how to do it, then turned her attention to listen to how much honey should be divided. it seemed really important, so she became alert, taking in every word he said.

she could put the mixtures in the stores, she was good at that - or so she hoped. she watched a small gust of steam exit the pot as he added water, happy that he considered that she was much smaller than both he and byriath. she supposed she was making syrup at the moment - she had seen him making one earlier.

he took another bundle from the ones he had on the table, split it and handed her some. she took them gingerly and applied what she had learnt from him, crushing the roots. at first she was still quite clumsy and slow - experimenting it with herself, finding a rhythm and making sure she was mashing them correct - but as time passed she soon found this a fun task that made a small giggle come from the female and a silly smile on her face.

tags - penned by windowmemer
template by orion

Re: steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - Agrimony - 05-26-2022

zuri wanted to spend more time with plexus. she enjoyed her time with the guru and chose to join him that day. upon her arrival she noticed someone else as well. she almost left, not wanting to intrude, but she refrained. the female moved towards the two.

she stopped and took in the scene. blinking those deep blue eyes, she would tilt her head slightly and sway on her paws. she would decide to help after a moment and offered a soft smile. am i to late to help..? she asks with a soft voice.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
tags :: updated 5/22:

Re: steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - Plexus - 05-26-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Giving a light purr, Plexus gave gentle encouragement to the younger feline as he simmered the crushed herbs, strained, added the honey, and carefully poured into another glass container. His heart warmed at hearing the child enjoying herself, glad he was able to give a task she could find fun in. This continued for quite awhile before he ran his tail down Skádi's flank, "We can move on from syrups now, I still have a few that can keep for a bit longer."

His ears perked in happiness when he heard the soft voice of Zuriela, a rough purr coming from his throat as he was quick to reassure, "Not at all, we have much to do still yet." Green eyes ever so slightly twinkling, Plexus described what they had finished so far, and what was up next. His tail flicked across the ground before he realized the floor was clean, he twitched slightly at the thought, having to rationalize to himself that he keeps everything clean and doesn't need to worry about it. The Guru turned the the fox kit, "Zuri, I need you to find a container that has some sunflower seeds, it should be on a low shelf with a label on it."

The next order of business, he decided, would be making oils to set out in on a windowsill, or in dark storage, depending on the herbs in the oil. Padding back to the herb table, he shuffled the ones he would make oils for closer to the edge so they'd be distinguishable. He let himself think while he carefully moved each bundle, 'It should be quick and easy, and let the children have more hands on time. As well as make it easier when it's 6 paws adding the oil and the herbs into each small jar.'

Re: steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 05-27-2022

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: she had gotten into a rythmn that was just perfect for exactly how she worked, but the working. process slowed slightly as plexus gently notified her that they could do something else, brushing his bushy tail along the side of her flank. she smiled back at him, curious as to what her next mission might be. "you're the boss, plexus. what's next?" she asked softly, halting what she was doing and shaking out the slight ache in her paws.

a sound made her look up, zurelia appeared at the entrance and asked if she, too, could help. skádi frowned, but the expression was quickly replaced by one of false welcome. "what's the next thing i can do, plexus?" she inquired softly, not moving from her current position.

tags - penned by windowmemer
template by orion

Re: steep until str[o]ng | mixing herbs - Agrimony - 05-27-2022

the rough purr was followed by words. zuri, true to form, listened to each word and let her body sway. she almost missed the frown of skadi but it was replaced with a smile. her head turned back to plexus and she let her head tilt. sunflower seeds in a jar? okay she could handle that. she was learning to read for a reason after all.

so, she turned and bound off. searchign the shelfs and reading jars. ears swiveling as she searched. it took a moment, but she soon found the jar. studying the seeds inside, she made note of what they looked like and where they were placed. afterwards, she took the jar and carefully carried it back to the guru.

here.. she offered in that soft voice as she sat the jar down. seemingly studying the jar with her head tilted.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
tags :: updated 5/22: