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sands of time | bellaluna - Printable Version

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sands of time | bellaluna - Plexus - 05-24-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus stumbled, his mask hanging underneath his muzzle in an uncomfortable manner, his green eyes filled with distraught and grief. His pawsteps unsteady, he thunked down in the shade away from the bustle of the main camp. By his paws, he found little wildflowers. His heart swelled at the thought of making a bundle of them and gifting them to Zuriela. But, he would have to come back when he wasn't so...uselessly grieving.

With a shaky sigh, he detached the buckle of the firstaid kit he carried and placed it beside him, away from any of the flowers. He gingerly lifted glass jars and pawed through the dry herbs, checking to make sure his dashing around lately hasn't damaged anything inside. He knew he had other medkits, but he hated having to waste or break something. At last, a claw clacked against a crack in the one of his glasswares. Refusing to cry at such a simple thing, considering he's kept his composure so far, he mentally noted he needed to visit the wandering merchant that has shown up lately.

Energy spent, he lightly pushed the medkit aside and pressed his muzzle and paws against the ground as he laid down. His heart slow, kicking up every so often he thought about what will happen to one of his dear friends, and he even worried about the stallion, he had hoped to become friends with him since Agrimony had befriended Inferno.

All he could do is hope things would turn out okay.

Re: sands of time | bellaluna - Agrimony - 05-26-2022

now, bellaluna was not one to press matters that did not concern her, but this was not something she could ignore. plexus looked distraught, and the guru was someone she found herself fond of. so, she did not hesitate to make her way to him. ice blue eyes never leaving the male as she drew herself closer on cautious feet.

gentle gaze from gentle woman casting both love and concern for the other. plexus? her voice was soft as her head angled down to look him over. necklace dangling loosely about her neck as she studied the guru. sure, she was not one to press others.

plexus was not like others. he welcomed her into this land. he alone gave her a new home in strange times. something troubles you, dearest plexus. she paused as she lowered her frame to the earth before him and let her head angle up a hair to level out her gaze.

i may not be someone you know well, but i can offer an ear. sometimes a kind soul listening in is all one truly needs. she offered with soft voice. hoping plexus would not reject her kindness, but knowing she would never force the guru to talk.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
tags :: updated 5/22:

Re: sands of time | bellaluna - Plexus - 05-31-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
His green gaze snapped to the okapi, and then he seemed to slump down even further, "Bellaluna..." tucking his paws underneath him instead of stretching them out, he slowly curled himself into a loose loaf, a soft sound of distress leaving his maw, "I worry about the current...event happening." His tail tip twitched as he continued, his heart aching as he murmured, "I worry about Inferno. Romulus and Inferno, they were the two I first became close to." The raw pain, the raw betrayal, could be heard in the Guru's voice. He hated seeing Inferno make a bad decision, Agrimony to stray from law, Romulus having to punish them both. He knew he would have to attend and see the punishment doled out, he only hoped he'd hold up well.

"I wish I could tell them all it's a misunderstanding, but I know it's not. Those two killed that Tangler." The feline's eyes welled with tears as he shook, his heart pounding as he couldn't stop pouring out his feelings to the gentle herbivore, "They broke the law, and direct orders."

If anyone thought Plexus was an unfeeling feline, or otherwise. All they needed to do was realize, he's only one cat. He's only one person. He's reserved, and tries to express himself. All his fears and worries and grief were spilling out at this exact moment, surrounded by wildflowers and gentle wings of an occasional insect. And with that, tears silently flowed as he traced a shaky claw around a flower, mentally counting how many petals there were on it.

Re: sands of time | bellaluna - Agrimony - 06-03-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #f6c1af; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]BUT IF YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES -
the moment he slumped down, she let her nose move foward to softly touch his flank in comfort. careful to avoid any showing nerves in the process. she pulled her head back to look him over as words fell from his maw. the current event had not reached the busy woman. had it, she would have scolded the duo with haste for such vile actions.

she was not one to condone murder in any fashion. the gentle woman would lower her head slightly as she took in words offered. the tears were enough to make her frown for the first time sense they met on the boarder all those moons ago. "plexus." her voice was tender, like a soft breeze in volume.

she let her head raise to gaze at the sky above them a moment. thinking on her words very carefully. "romulus will punish them, yes. yet, he is not heartless and will likely let them have a chance to redeem their actions." she looked back to plexus and offered a faint smile.

"he is a stern leader, from what i have seen, but he is not cruel. inferno will learn from this mistake and will be better for it." she lowered her head as tears dripped from his face. "none of this could be helped. nor was it your fault, plexus."

the soft words would be followed be a softer sigh. "everything happens for a reason. you just have to trust in fate. everything will work out fine and inferno will be just fine in the end. sometimes we have to make a mistake to become a better person. i would know, i am better for my own mistakes."

she hoped her words offered him solace.
