Beasts of Beyond
help me to help you ;; #8 - Printable Version

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help me to help you ;; #8 - Agrimony - 05-24-2022

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it was not easy to remain calm all the time. she was soaked in water to help keep flames from sparking on her pelt, but her fire could spark away from her. today was proof of that very fact. she was out on the shore when she witness some kits running towards her, scared.

it was when they got near her that she spotted the reason for their fear. a stranger chasing them and headed for her. stay away from us..! her voice was loud but fearful. she felt the two kits cowering behind her and fear caused a spark.

it happened to fast for her to stop it. a ring of fire shot up around them and a wave of flame hit the stranger. making them scream in pain as zuriela watched in horror. she hadn't meant to, but he was coming after them. now, he was angry at her and the kits and was trying to get through her flames.

go away..! she half screamed and half pleaded. she was feeling dizzy currently. she was not used to using her powers, and she was soon falling to the sand. her flames flickering as she shook her head. just hoping the stranger wouldn't get through.

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