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Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Printable Version

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Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Casphian - 05-24-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans masc — COTC — Wanderer — HOVER FOR TAGS
The gentle patter of the rain landing on the ground around him was all that Solsken could hear. It soothed his nerves and kept his mind drifted far away from the reality he lived in. His thoughts were pleasant and nice to be stuck in while he stared down at his reflection below. He had left his home a little bit earlier and ventured out to the Starpool, curious to know what it would look like at night. And now the moon had rose and the stars had come out to play, each twinkle reflecting off the surface of the water even as it rippled when drops of rain hit it.
Solsken knew he should probably head back to where he could find shelter from the rain but for some reason the hellhound just couldn't find it in him to leave the pool in front of him. Honestly he didn't mind this, finding what he was doing right now peaceful and relaxing. But knowing him he would probably end up sick tomorrow and then he'd complain all day until he felt better.

Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Agrimony - 05-24-2022

[div style="border: 4px white solid; max-width: 370px; border-right: 0px; border-left: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 8px;"]
the rain on her fur helped cool the burning under her skin. she knew the rain would put out any fire that sparked from her. she wished she had more control, but she was not good at using her powers in the least. so, she took the chance to finally feel safe by staying out in the storm tonight.

wandering, as she often did, would bring her upon another out in the rains. this time, she was not to sure who they were, but she felt a weird feeling in her chest. like wings tickling her stomach as she watched the other. so, she decided to say hello to the male before her.

and thus her first mistake of the night. she moved towards him with all intentions of saying hello, but instead she tripped over a stone. toppling head over tail she hit the ground nearby with a hard thump. her tail laying over her head. she felt embarrassed by her mistake. yet, she couldn't bring herself to move her tail, as tears stung her eyes.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
template by quietly

Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Casphian - 05-24-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans masc — COTC — Wanderer — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken was startled out of his thoughts by the loud thud that sounded beside him. His head snapped in the direction of the noise, lips curled back in a warning snarl. It was then his gaze would land on the female toppled to the ground and tail in her face. His lips relaxed and head tilted to the side as a snort rung out. "Your tail doesn't belong in your face, it's supposed to be behind you," he teased, unaware of the embarrassment the other felt. He turned back away from the other, attention fixating on the water below once more. "If you're hurt you should find Plexus or Byriath."

Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Agrimony - 05-25-2022

the voice of the male reached her ears and she felt heat sting her fur. taking a shaky breath, she would try to pull herself together as she moved her tail. slowly sitting up and blinking away tears. she wanted to run away, but that would do no good for anyone, would it? so, despite feeling embarrassed about her mistake, she tried to play it off.

i'm not hurt.. she offered with a shaky tone of voice. eyes locked on her paws as she tried to think of what to say now. perhaps she could introduce herself. ah, anyways.. my name is zuriela.. she offered with hopes he wouldn't mock her further.

though, oddly enough, she did not mind it as much as she used to. the jests of her nursery mates had been far worse and his was softer. well, sort of.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
tags :: updated 5/22:

Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Casphian - 05-30-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans masc — COTC — Wanderer — HOVER FOR TAGS
Orbs filled with a neutral gaze watched as the smaller female lifted herself up to sit. An ear flicked for a bit as he waited, listening to her speak while he debated his next words carefully. "The name's Corrupted Flower," he offered in exchange for her name. He turned his attention from the other to the water, getting distracted by the reflection once again. Solsken wasn't particularly fond of the company he had at the moment, he would've preferred to be alone but alas not everything went his way and he had to make due with the cards in his hand. "So do you normally go tripping over your paws like that?" He asked, a slight tease to his tone but his words holding no real bite to them. 

Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Agrimony - 05-31-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #ffb8b8; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]BIRDS DON'T JUST FLY -
the other offered a name and she let her head tilt. it was an odd name, but she found it lovely. the young female let her ears flick back as she heard his next question. in truth, she had only done it one other time and that was when she was learning to walk as a baby. was that a decent answer, though?

"actually.. no.. i don't trip all that often.." she thought her pelt would burn off at this rate. she let her eyes flick over the water as she tried to swallow her shame. tail swishing slowly over the ground behind her as she sat there. "i never knew this was here.."


Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Casphian - 06-02-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans masc — COTC — Wanderer — HOVER FOR TAGS
A soft chuckle slipped from the pup’s muzzle. His gaze shifted towards the water when Zuri had brought it up. “Ah yes, it’s called the Starpool, when the sky is clear and you look in the reflection at night you can see all the stars twinkling on the surface,” he mused. “I have never gotten around to actually coming to see it until now,” he hummed. Solsken shifted his gaze towards the female, studying her for a moment before turning his attention back towards the water. “The Coalition had a lot of nice places but it seems many don’t quite know they’re there.”

Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Agrimony - 06-02-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #ffb8b8; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]BIRDS DON'T JUST FLY -
the chuckle caught her off guard and she slowly rose to her paws. inching closer to the water to peer inside. flame tipped ears perked as she let her gaze sweep the surface of the water. "there are other places like this one..? i mean.. places this pretty?" she asked as she looked to her companion with curious deep blue optics.

she loved things like this, but she never went far from home unless it was to go to the beach. she needed to be at the beach for her own reasons. "i guess i need to go looking sometime.." she adds in a soft voice as she moved to settle on the waters edge a few feet from him.


Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Casphian - 06-07-2022

Corrupted Flower
Trans masc — COTC — Wanderer — HOVER FOR TAGS
"There are other places besides this one, I haven't been to many of them but I have heard about them," Solsken mused. "My mother used to tell me about the places that are within the territory but I mostly just stuck to her house and her pond," he hummed. His orbs flicked over to Zuriela when she moved over to the water's edge, studying her for a moment before turning his attention away again. He really wasn't sure what else to say now, he never had been one to be social. Honestly he would've rather of been doing anything else but this but alas he wasn't about to just outright shove someone away, or well maybe he wouldn't.

Re: Oh little flower, what poison flows through your veins? | Zuriela - Agrimony - 06-09-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #ffb8b8; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]BIRDS DON'T JUST FLY -
Her eyes turned to him as words flowed forth. eyes sparkling as she hung on his words. her tail swished slowly over the earth behind her. "i would love to see them sometime. maybe we can find them sometime?" she asked as she looked back to the water at the mention of family.

her ears drooped and she closed her eyes a moment. "my mother wasn't around long enough to tell me about those sorts of things." she admits before looking back to him. offering a soft smile. "she would have loved this place, i'm sure."
