Beasts of Beyond
a maddening || sojourn - Printable Version

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a maddening || sojourn - Romulus - 05-23-2022

The territory grew cold as the day simmered into the dark. Another day was in the books and was coming to a close as Romulus Malus treaded across the soaked ground. His head hung low. Eyes weary, tired after a long period of work. The Kingpin was busy lately, enough that his mane was unkempt and hanging down onto his face. Needless to say, the lion padded along in hopes of finding a place to rest in his cavern home on the mainland.

With a sigh, he spotted the vine-laden entrance of his den in no time. Home. Romulus found no reason to do anything else in the day, as things seemed to be in order after dealing with Tanglewood's fiasco, and meandered forward, only to pause in his tracks. A rustle in the bushes nearby alerted him and his head shot upwards. Rounded ears perked up curiously, wondering what could have caused the noise. Prey often wandered nearby when the torches in his cave were lit and his home was engulfed in heat, but not often in the dark.

Romulus turned towards the movement. Periwinkle hues moved, but he saw nothing in the darkness, a usual occurrence for the lion. Was his imagination fooling him again? In doubt, claws inched forward in desperation.


Re: a maddening || sojourn - SOJOURN - 05-23-2022

It had taken some time to do this. Some semblance of resolve that echoed in the dark corners of his mind. To set a path that did not lead to destruction. To potentially forge yielding bonds rather fake or not. It mattered little as long as eyes did not watch him. And he knew too that this would be the first time that his brother would see him like this. Almost a spitting image of their power hungry father perhaps? There were differences, but still. His dark grey eyes flicked along the growth of flora as he moved, jaws wrapped tightly around the small package that he had brought with him. This day he hoped would at least bring something to his heart. A fleeting feeling of happiness. Of times long since passed when he wasn't frayed and weathered. For a moment he paused in his approach, scenting his brother before he allowed a rough grunt to leave his throat.

A telling of someone and not just something. With that out of the way he proceeded to step through the foliage and get a good look at his brother. His gaze roamed over his weary form before he slowly dropped the package from his jaws upon the ground. "Tired after handling the burdens of your duties?" His warm honeyed tone left his muzzle with ease before he gave a small grin, it seemed to stretch wider for a moment before he sat down. The chains on his body rustled and shifted, soft clinks of metal against metal. "I brought you something, Rom. My dear brother who means something to me. I may look different now but, we are still family. Right?" Of course he would understand whom he was looking at now and he pressed the package closer to the other.

Inside he would find a orb of ice, hollowed and filled with water. Small fish swam back and forth. Sand at the bottom and small flora like seaweed growing. It was a small little biom that would last a little while if taken care of and he figured that Rom would like such a thing.