Beasts of Beyond
living with the results | quiet moment of grief - Printable Version

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living with the results | quiet moment of grief - ninazu - 05-23-2022

In the northernmost coastline in the Coalition’s territory, Ninazu walked the shoreline. Chilling waves lapped at the black sands a meter from the Utahraptor’s feet, but green flames flickered between her feathers to keep her warm. She’d mastered using her fire elementals for aesthetics and temperature regulation in her lioness body, but she still couldn’t bring herself to shapeshift back into form where she’d loved and lost Stryker.

She stopped to stare out into the waves. Even this far north, the sunlight glimmered off the navy ocean. Rock pigeons flew overhead, to and from their craggy nests. Ninazu observed an osprey flying overhead; if it dived for a bird, then she’d wear the gasoline earring tomorrow, but if it dived for a fish? Then she’d keep it hidden in her cottage for later.

Walruses barked from the rocky shore. The beta males screamed the loudest, which amused her to no end—reminded her of Caesar, Stheno… and various others who talked harsher than they bit.

Ninazu grinned to herself. Stryker hadn’t been like that. And they’d raised their children better than that; Romulus led with quiet confidence. Sojourn… well, Sojourn was anything but toothless. But Ninazu thought her craziest child was worse than all the Ciphers put together.

The osprey dived. Ninazu’s thoughts stopped as her eyes followed its flight path… and she breathed a sigh of relief when it dived up with a fish in its claws.