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kitten claws | gossip : open - Printable Version

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kitten claws | gossip : open - wifewoof - 05-22-2022

he/him - kurilian bobtail - thunderclan - tags
The massive red tomcat hummed to himself as he weaved vines, branches, and brambles to build the nursery. He figured it'd be better than wasting supplies to build individual ones since there were so many...cats lately. His nose already had a shallow cut from a bramble that he didn't notice earlier, and his paws ached from not taking a break.

With a light huff, Lionstrike was on all four paws once again, and took in his handy work. It was a bit rough, but he decided it'll do for at least a little bit. Flopping down on his side, he began to groom his tangled pelt from all the brambles and branches catching on him as he weaved the den. With a trained eye, Lion kept an eye on all the cats in camp, ears carefully pricked as he listened for anyone who talked loud enough to be considered gossip. It was a guilty pleasure of his, but he always made sure it wasn't anything too embarrassing, personal, or actually harmful when he gossiped about what was happening in camp.
template by quietly

Re: kitten claws | gossip : open - Cobra - 05-23-2022

now, while the large tom had no intentions of joining the groups, he still came into camp to drop off members or visit from time to time. for now, the newly forming group was peaceful and he felt safe doing so. later, he may not try it. today, he was guiding a lost apprentice home. stopping once inside to let the other trot off. it was then that he noticed the red tom.

turning his gaze upon the other, the massive tom made his way over and plopped down nearby. taking in the voices about him and shaking his head slightly. hear anything worth while today? he asked the stranger without much thought.

actions | speech | thoughts | attacking
template by quietly

Re: kitten claws | gossip : open - wifewoof - 05-25-2022

he/him - kurilian bobtail - thunderclan - tags
Stump of a tail flicking as he spotted the other coming up, Lionstrike gave a mischievous grin, and lowered his voice, "So far, we know Canarysong is pregnant, and she doesn't like all. They get all huffy around each other." Lazily drawing his paw over his ears, he started again, "Stormsnap seems to have an attachment to birds. Mistystream keeps sneaking out of camp to...go swimming? She keeps coming back muddy and wet." Lion's gold eyes softened, as he tucked his paws underneath his chest, "I think Rainstep is overworking himself, as well as Whitedove. The two carry around bone deep exhaustion despite how much they've already done."
template by quietly

Re: kitten claws | gossip : open - SirDio - 05-27-2022

"DRAG ME INTO PLACE" tags ── "Canary is pregnant?" The firm voice of the she-cat rang out as she walked up, bringing a paw to her muzzle to lick it. White fur, broken by patches of grey and silver tabby markings, was dappled in the shade, and her blue eyes stared at the two. "I must have been really out of it these past few days."

Shaking her mane of fur, she sat down. "I wonder if we'll find out anything... peculiar about one of our group mates." Skull whispered, a goofy grin on her face. While she didn't partake in telling gossip, she did like occasionally hearing it.

Re: kitten claws | gossip : open - Cobra - 06-05-2022

canary was the female he met outside his home. yet, the tom had no idea who swan was. much less that canary didn't like him. she seems grumpy, but i chalk that up to pregnancy. maybe swan is the father and it ended badly? he wasn't sure about it, but he could hazard a guess, right? no harm in guessing on that one.

i have had my fair share of bad relationships in my time. never know. he adds with a half purr. then he took in the note about birds. that was weird. the swimming one was even more interesting. really? birds and swimming? how strange. the male would tilt his head in thought when the mention of exhausted cats came.

hmm.. someone should make them take a day off. not like there aren't enough about to help. he retorted in that soft voice. then, a she-cats voice pulled his attention. his eyes flicked to skull and took in her face. another lovely lady that he would never have a chance with. mainly because he was trying to avoid the clan women like the plague.

sure, he hung out here and helped where he could, but he was not changing his name and joining a thing. hmm.. there is a lot of things to discover. one just has to watch. though, that would be fun to hear about.

actions | speech | thoughts | attacking
template by quietly

Re: kitten claws | gossip : open - teef - 06-16-2022

"what are you moss-heads yapping about?", came a gruff voice as the elderly tom paused near the group of growing gossipers, his ears twitching in amusement as he looked over the younger members of the group, and the handy loner rasputin. settling his weary bones to sit down, he raised a paw to lick and draw over his ear, thinking about what he'd heard. a new litter, and tension between adults, alongside strange things that their clanmates did. hmm. hearing about rainstep and whitedove wasn't all that much of a surprise to him, their exhaustion at least.

"they're set in their ways, there's not much anyone can do about the two workaholics. a day off will be a rarity for either of them, no matter how one will try.", he meowed as he drew his paw over his ear with a soft rumble to himself as he settled in on his belly after finishing his grooming.