Beasts of Beyond
rule over death - open; new body - Printable Version

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rule over death - open; new body - SOJOURN - 05-22-2022

tw for some gore

No one had come for her. No one had seen her isolate herself within her own home and not leave it. She had been in there for weeks, time passing by as if she were never there to begin with. She had not moved from her bedding, curled up and constantly thinking about the children she had lost. Children that she had not deserved for she had merely coveted them and one she stole outright from his parents. Flawed and cruel she had wanted to make warriors out of them, killers by Rae instinct. But now she just laid a crumbled mess upon own mantel. Here she had laid for days and days and days, not moving, not saying a word. Pieced of her flesh missing here and there as if she had only resolved to eating her own rotten skin to remain alive. Her blood had long since congealed around her and her eyes were heavy. There was no more sadness to be gain now. No more time for regret. It was time to start anew. Time to move forward and continue on with this life. For whatever purpose she had in coming back needed to be fulfilled.

But not like this, weak and shriveled up. Torn apart by her own teeth and lacking the strength to rise. It was time to out herself in the grave, this body. And take another that would better suit her needs. And so with slowly parting jaws her soulĀ  left her throat, soaring high into the air. Her gaze watched as her lioness form hit thr ground with a shudder and a last breath before it ceased to move. It felt pathetic. Now a spirit she would go about her business. Roaming, looking, searching. A body worth living in, a body worthy of her soul. It took what seemed like ages before she found something. A body vacant, chained, calling to her like a beacon and she accepted. It felt like this form was meant for her. She slid into the framework so easily. So perfect.

It took a moment but only just before massive jaws pulled open to reveal black teeth and a forked black tongue. Throat only portraying a void of darkness as black as night. Those same jaws snapped shut before thick curved pitch colored claws flexed against the ground, dangerous. Slowly eyes opened and those dark grey eyes could tell stories of death, of the thrill of the kill. As he moved those chains rustled against the ground, dragging. Ornate in their structure and wrapped like bracelets around his ankles, draping over his back. The pale lipn slowly rose and shook himself, shifting and hearing the chains flex and then it snapped those that were connected to the ground to hold this body in place. It was his now. No need for such care.

His jaws curved into a smile and he began the trek home, back to where he belonged. This body, it felt right. It felt powerful, strong, brutal. He liked it. Forked tongue flicked from his jaws for a moment before the thick appendage disappeared and his paws hastened in their speed. Once back at the camp he glanced about before pushing open the door to his home. Eyes looking down at the lioness body, bloodied and partially eaten. Sad. His jaws parted and those black teeth sunk in, tearing face from bone. Chewing before going back in to tear at it again and again. Throat exposing esophagus, eyes burst. Mutilation. But the meal was a fine one. "Simply perfect..." For the first time he heard his voice. Like sweet warm honey, rolling across his tongue. The white lion couldn't help his laughter then. Such an interesting voice.

Re: rule over death - open; new body - Brutei Tsune - 05-22-2022

The white lion, so almost similar to that of Stryker, who Brutei once called a friend, was enough for the ice demon to wince. Follow the stranger to the home of the madwoman. They did not like Sojourn. But no one should just waltz into the house of someone. To be welcomed to a feast, a feat of cannibalism made the oriental snarl. "Who the fuck are you? What gives you the right to walk in here and do... do that!?" Ice crawled along their body, and their fur stood on end.

"You dare walk in here as if you fucking own this house! You are some sick bastard if you think you'd get away scot-free!" Their voice raised, the yelling most likely heard in camp. They obviously didn't know that this lion was actually Sojourn. This thing was a threat until proven otherwise.

Re: rule over death - open; new body - SOJOURN - 05-23-2022

This flesh was not enough to satisfy, but it quelled the threat. It stopped something and that was what mattered to him. His tongue slipped from his jaws, licking the blood and viscera from his jaws. Saliva thick before the suddenly shouting began and yet there was no movement from him as he listened save for the movement of rounded ears. And then slowly the beast turned to lock gaze upon the icy feline. A smile pulled at the lips of the other and he hummed softly, claws tapping against the ground. Like an itch he couldn't quite reach. When he was done the large white monster couldn't help the amused laughter that left his throat. "Oh I dare. I've been daring all my life, Brutei. And it never stops being interesting." His voice was smooth, almost silky as he rumbled out the words before he glanced down to the body that used to be him.

It was nothing more than a sack of undead flesh. So why bother? Why care? Did not some wish nothing more than for his own death? To he rid of him. Surely this was true. "Don't care so much about a dead corpse. It's unfitting truly. Not like in life it was any different."